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    Tarot isn't a card game, it is designed as communication with the Inner Solar Divinty; it is the Alphabet of the Soul. The Magick of Western Hermetic Tarot is Action twords Self-Knowledge that makes life more magick and less tragic~Your powerful presence unleashed~

    This isn't indoctrination, it is Self-knowledge achieved by using a Universal paradigm of Willed imagery that is the alphabet of the soul Book a Thoth Tarot reading today, just click on online tarot reading store page and scroll to the reading/layout you want.

  • Unlock the Language of Your Subconscious with The Tarot of Eli, LLC

    Have you ever felt like your dreams are trying to tell you something, but the images are just too cryptic to understand? That’s because your subconscious and unconscious minds communicate in the language of images—a language that your waking brain isn’t naturally programmed to decipher. Enter the Tarot: a powerful tool that translates these visual messages into meaningful insights, helping you bridge the gap between the unseen and the seen.

    At The Tarot of Eli, LLC, we specialize in Thoth Western Hermetic Tarot readings, offering a direct line to the wisdom of your subconscious. Our website is a gateway to transformative experiences through:

    • Tarot Readings: Dive into a variety of Tarot readings, from the Celtic Cross to the Tree of Life, and more. Each reading is designed to unlock specific aspects of your life, providing clarity and direction. And with our flat fee, you can explore your questions without the pressure of a ticking clock. Choose from a range of Tarot decks, each with its unique energy, to personalize your experience.
    • Tarot Master Classes: Ready to take your spiritual journey to the next level? Our online Thoth Tarot master classes will guide you in becoming a professional Qabalistic Tarot reader. Learn to tap into your Higher Self and explore the mysteries of Qabalah, astrology, mythology, and more. This is your chance to master the esoteric arts and unlock the full potential of your intuitive power.
    • Insightful Blog Posts: Stay ahead with our daily blog posts, where we dive deep into the symbolism, meanings, and interpretations of Tarot cards. Whether it’s comparing the Thoth Tarot to the Rider-Waite-Smith or Astromatrix decks, or exploring the intricate connections between numerology, astrology, and alchemy, our blog is packed with free, insightful content. Plus, we include images and links to related sources for a richer learning experience.

    The Tarot of Eli, LLC is more than just a Tarot website—it’s a portal to understanding the deeper layers of your existence. Whether you're seeking answers, learning the art of Tarot, or just curious about the mysteries of the subconscious, we're here to guide you every step of the way.

    Unlock the secrets of your subconscious and Superconscious today and let the Tarot illuminate your path. Visit The Tarot of Eli, LLC now to book a reading, enroll in a master class, or dive into our wealth of blog content or just seek a consultation. Your journey towards self-discovery and empowerment starts here!

  • Contact me by email : eli@elitarotstrickingly.com

  • Reading the Thoth Tarot from the Heart of Tiphareth: A Hermetic Vision

    In the Western Hermetic Tradition, a Tarot reading is not merely an act of interpretation—it is a sacramental moment of revelation. It is a flash of light across the Tree of Life, a gesture from the Soul to the self. This is especially true when working with the Thoth Tarot, a deck constructed as a living Qabalistic engine of transformation.

    Unlike other decks, Thoth is not content to describe events. It unfolds the full breadth of the Sephirotic Tree, whispering to the reader both exoteric clarity and esoteric guidance. At the center of this dynamic sits Tiphareth, the Solar Heart, the seat of the Higher Self, and the axis upon which the soul’s journey turns.

    The Two Levels of Meaning in Every Card

    Every card in the Thoth deck speaks on two levels:

    Exoteric Level

    This is the “horizontal axis” of the reading—the card's relevance to events, people, and choices:

    The Ten of Swords (Ruin) may suggest betrayal, burnout, or harsh endings.

    The Lovers may point to romantic union or a meaningful choice.

    These meanings are important—they orient the querent in the world of Assiah and Yetzirah, where the drama of life unfolds.

    Esoteric Level

    This is the “vertical axis”—the card’s deeper resonance within the soul and spirit:

    The Ten of Swords might reflect the ego’s annihilation before a revelation—an alchemical calcination clearing the way for Ketheric light.

    The Lovers may reflect the sacred union of opposites, the inner alchemical wedding, or the harmonization of Neshamah and Ruach in Tiphareth.

    Every card carries this dual language—outer and inner, event and essence.Over 50 years of Western Hermetic Mysteries, metaphysics Parapsycology and Thoth Tarot instruction.

    3 Western Hermetic Web sites and blogs Helping people become more magic and less tragic since 2010.

  • The Blog of The Tarot of Elitarot2strikingly.com

    Western Hermetic Tarot thoughts, musings, and ruminations.

    More Posts
  • What We Do

    We Make people more magic and less tragic by linking them to the Universal Communication of Higher Intelligence that is stimulated by Tarot and its link to the Greater Self inheritence of their Divine Creative. Tarot is about the Hero's/Heroine's journey that your soul is on. The Major Arcana are the panorama map of the entire journey while the minor arcana are the terrain features of this journey. Tarot shows the path you are on and the future terrain you will encounter. All dependent on choices.

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    This is a 2nd blog set for the Original-The Tarot of Eli

    Discover a world where ancient wisdom meets modern insight at The Tarot of Eli. Here, we explore the Thoth Tarot alongside both traditional and unconventional Tarot decks, offering a rich tapestry of interpretations that cater to every seeker. Whether you’re deeply immersed in the esoteric arts or simply curious about what the cards might reveal, our comparisons provide a unique perspective that bridges the mystical and the practical.

    At elitarot2strikingly.com, we ensure that even those less inclined toward multidimensional occult interpretations can still tap into the profound inspiration and guidance from their Solar Self. Let the Tarot be your guide, opening doors to wisdom, clarity, and self-discovery, no matter your path. Tarot is a map, that shows the path you are walking, as well as the path you want to walk as Life.

    broken image

    This is a 2nd blog set for the Original-The Tarot of Eli

    Discover a world where ancient wisdom meets modern insight at The Tarot of Eli. Here, we explore the Thoth Tarot alongside both traditional and unconventional Tarot decks, offering a rich tapestry of interpretations that cater to every seeker. Whether you’re deeply immersed in the esoteric arts or simply curious about what the cards might reveal, our comparisons provide a unique perspective that bridges the mystical and the practical.

    At elitarot2strikingly.com, we ensure that even those less inclined toward multidimensional occult interpretations can still tap into the profound inspiration and guidance from their Solar Self. Let the Tarot be your guide, opening doors to wisdom, clarity, and self-discovery, no matter your path. Tarot is a map, that shows the path you are walking, as well as the path you want to walk as Life.

  • Who We Are

    I Am on a mission to connect you to your Divine Inheritance and reconnect you to the Celestial Self that empowers you.

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    Western Hermetic Qabalah Master of Tarot

    With over 50yrs of study, teaching and experience, Eli takes one into the deepest parts of SELF knowledge. As found on his awarded Website, The Tarot of Eli, LLC. one can go to the store and acquire individual readings and individual Master Tarot classes.

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    Eli's Muse and Anima/Soul

    Intuition, empathy, and total union with the Divine Creative are supplied by Elizabeth, Guide and most beloved: the Feminine aspect of Eli's Soul. She makes life magic and can intuitive link to any soul!

  • My other Websites and Blogs.

    elitarotstrickingly.com and magickeli.mystrikingly.com.

  • You + Social Media = Social Impact

    What you may have forgotten is that----You're awesome. Let's talk. email me at: eli@elitarotstrickingly.com or follow me on facebook for information concerning tarot, tarot readings and or consultation.

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    The Tarot of Eli, LLC

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    The Tarot of Eli, LLC

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    Email- eli@elitarotstrickingly.com

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    Email- eli@elitarotstrickingly.com