
Radiant: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot-The Magician
However, even though the Magus/Magician is associated with Mercury, the Messenger of the Gods, it is not all active. In fact, it is both active and passive, as it is both that which Transmits and that which is Transmitted ( A phallus and semen). The Magus represents both the One Life Energy which when transmitted becomes the Prima Materia (First Matter). Here an understanding of the fact that the Magus (Mercury) is the "message bearer" of the Gods, meaning he is not Himself the Creator, only the bearer of his Will or the ejaculatory. (The whole Supernal Triangle is the action of the Divine Phallus and Womb.). Hence, we have the symbol of the infinite, a horizontal figure eight, known as the lemniscate. This is the 0=2 and/or the Divine Hermaphrodite that divides into 2 sexes.
The Wand in the Rider-Waite's -The Magician's hand (Golden Dawn Deck also) symbolizes this "phallic action", showing that the Magic is merely the Transmitted will of the Greater Being that is the Supernal Triangle or Trinity, and is from the above to the below. Waite, obviously used the Qabalistic Tree in his teachings at the Golden Dawn Lodge. This is shown in the process of the one life energy directed down through the Magician, which begins the evolution of the first process of Universal energy towards matter. This process is illustrated in the Rider-Waite deck by the Magician's raised arm holding the downward pointing wand, implying power brought down in a willful manner. The suggested activity of the Supernal is shown by the inner and outer robe color of The Magician, the inner being white, suggesting Kether and the outer robe is red, suggesting Binah in Atziluth (The Archetypal World) and the serpent belt is the blue of Chokmah in Atziluth.

On the table in front of The Rider-Waite Magician, are the actual Elemental Weapons of modern Hermetic Qabalism; the wand/staff for Fire, the Cup for Water, the dagger for air and the pentacle for Earth. All are very generalized, but greater detail can be found in the Golden Dawn Tarot Deck. The Crowley Thoth Tarot deck has somewhat modernized the Magician as the Magus, who is the wand of fire, rather than holds one. This implies that the Magus is Mercury, who is both the messenger and the message. The indication that focused will instills fertility in self and others, is shown as blooming roses surrounding The Magician and his implements of magick.

The Jungian Tarot-The Magician (the Son)
You may have noticed that Robert Wang in his Jungian Tarot, does not use numbers in his major arcana keys. This is because his cards promotes elements of the Jungian psychology. When viewing this card, one is viewing the celestial alchemist, and the Pythagorean elements, as seen by the various tools of alchemy/chemistry on the table, the granite altar is signifying the "element of earth". Holding the wand of mercury (Mercurius) known as the medical caduceus implies he is the "messenger of the gods". The Sun above his right hand and the moon above his left shoulder, imply he is the author of the Sun and Moon (0=2). Candles signify the "element of air". The fly, signifies this magician as a "trickster" archetype. Behind the Magician, is an ocean of the water element, signifying the "Great Ocean of Mother Binah" and/or the Universal Collective Unconscious. In front of the altar is a mandala for meditation upon this archetype. The fire, is signifying the Pythagorean element of fire.

The primary archetype associated with this card is the Animus , Latin for Soul, chosen by Jung to mean the female contra sexual component. Jung is noted for explaining that inside the subconscious of every female is a male figure, Animus and inside the subconscious of every male is a female figure- the Anima (Latin for Spirit). Anima and Animus, are considered to be real personalities that inhabit our subconscious and which we interact with in our dreams. Sometimes considered to be our inner antagonists; they are the guides in the labyrinth of our own minds. Our brains show this as left-side male and right side female.

When a man talks about the Animus, he does so as an outsider. But to a woman, this inner male is very real and is seen as the epitome of male. He represents the father, brother, husband and son. He can seem to be quite argumentative as the Animus, loves to expound upon things.Notably very wordy, he doesn't like to admit to being wrong, as well as, change his mind very quickly while changing the form into which he appears.

For a Woman the Magician is the most important card in the deck and the same can be said of the High Priestess, for the Man. These art the essential cards of male and of female from which all other archetypal figures arrive. For the Woman, her whole quest of self-discovery (Above all things know thyself) is encapsulated in her relationship to the Magician-Animus.
Mercury is also the archetype of the trickster. Carl Jung states that this is a very complex archetype who can appear as more than a single figure, sometimes appearing as a panel of judges. He often makes up things as he goes along and is not afraid to lie, as it amuses him to do so. Obviously, what we call the "rational mind" (Animus) requires considerable discrimination requiring one not to believe everything they think. Many points which can be made about The Fool, can also be made about this Magician card. He knows that Life is just a story we tell ourselves.
When The Magician, is thrown during a reading, it implies:
- Communication and timing and that all things are possible, with applied Will and understanding.
- There is an implication of the magic of Universal Vital Force traveling through the human body making one in-tune with the most creative and powerful aspects of yourself; As above,so below.
- Changing the structure of your living situation by focused action.
- Will and focused consciousness.
- An awareness of Power, and possession and communication of the Powers (Focused will that fertilizes creativity in oneself and others) and Gifts of Spirit (Divine senses).
- The Querent himself (if male).
- Self-confidence.
If Reversed , it implies:
- Interference of learning or intelligence with the matter at hand.
- Mental disease.
- Disgrace.
- Disquiet.
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