Radiant: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot-Page of Swords
The Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot Deck holds to the oath bound medieval model, and thus is rather mundane in its depiction. A rather effeminate page is shown "swishing" his/her sword about in a cloudy sky, with the wind blowing clouds, hair and trees. The Element of Air represents consciousness and the clouds being blown across the sky represent Emotions or Moods. Thus, the Rider-Waite card concentrates on the Mood fighter characteristics of this card. The yellow tights also imply the element of air, as yellow is the official color of elemental air. In more modern tarot decks, like the Jungian Tarot Deck, there are no Pages, instead there are Princesses. This is because of the Occult Knowledge of YHVH (Tetragrammaton). But you'll have to go to my nontraditional tarot blogs of the Thoth Tarot-Princess of Swords @ elitarotstrickingly.com to investigate this.
Jungian Tarot-Princess of Swords
The Rider-Waite-Card, the Page of Swords is facing away from the reader implying a mood. Here the stormy clouds of mood are also shown with the sword presented in fighting position, with birds flying in the sky, all of which are representative of the Element of Air--- which the swords represent. The Page is standing on the high ground, as overseeing is also an implication of this card. The Page of swords and the Jungian Princess of Swords are both predominantly dressed in yellow, the color used for this Pythagorean Universal Air Element.
Robert Wang: Jungian Tarot-Princess of Swords
The Jungian Tarot-Princess of Swords, is called "the controlling daughter" by Carl Jung. He is a very ordered young woman, who firmly controls her emotions and takes very little, if any, risk in relationships. Therefore, she is often selfish, prudent, shrewd and cautious, none of which prevents her from being well-liked and successful in whatever she attempts. The Princess of Swords, is a shrewd manager, who gets what she wants, and for whom the end justifies the means. However, her independent nature does not interfere with her admiration from colleges in business or profession, who consider her a team player; Hiding the fact that her loyalties are available to the highest bidder. She is a seeker of power and any means of reaching her goals, be they legal or illegal, is okay in her book.
Shuridly, some people will complain about her projected arrogance, and toughness, but this is a protective mask. She is actually a vulnerable and sensitive woman who cannot allow an adversary to know what she is thinking.
When the Princess/Page of Swords is thrown in a Divination it implies:
- Authority.
- Overseeing.
- Secret service.
- Vigilance.
- Spying.
- Examination.
- Active youth.
When the Page/Princess of Swords is reversed, it implies:
- A more evil side of the above qualities.
- What is unforeseen.
- An unprepared state.
- Sickness is also intimated.
- Arrogance.
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