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The Tarot of Eli 2, LLC- Court Cards: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot- Queen of Swords & The Tarot of Sacred Kingdoms-Queen of Swords.

Western Hermetic Qabalah, Tantric, Alchemical, Numerical, and Astrological Traditional Tarot Card Comparisons.

September 18, 2024

Radiant: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot- Queen of Swords

The Rider-Waite-Smith, Queen of Swords, and the Tarot of Sacred Kingdoms Queen of Swords are not disclosing any of her secret-occult actions of the Qabalistic Philosophy. This is because Waite created an Occult lodge, and all members are required to swear an oath not to reveal the "secret initiations" that are often shown on more modern Tarot cards (Thoth). However, there are some esoteric hints displayed.

Hence, both the Rider-Waite-Smith and the Fairy Tarot Queen of Winter depict a Great Queen, bigger than life.

The Rider-Waite-Smith Queen holds up a sword in defense and yet on the RWS card she also offers a hand in peace; implying a peace won by severity. The only indication of the Divine Child (the Soul) on the Rider-Waite-Smith Queen is in the stone head motif of a cherub on her Throne. She is surrounded in the Air above, complete with flying birds, to imply the element of Air/Mind, as does the cloud cloak that she wears. She is depicted here as a very timid Kali-Ma like persona. Again, it helps to understand that Waite was sworn to secrecy in the Occult lodge of the Golden Dawn, so he displays only the mundane meaning in his cards.

The Tarot of Sacred Kingdoms-Queen of Swords

The Tarot of Sacred Kingdoms-Queen of Swords depicts an image of the "ice queen" who has seen it all; "ice queen" because she has a white wolf as a companion implying, she is Freya, Queen of the Norse. As winter is an experience in difficulties, this queen represents one who has experienced the trials and tribulations of life and is pragmatic and will "suffer no fools". She is intelligent, independent, and strong and in this image, she is investigating knowledge as her mind loves to be challenged.

Even if you have no idea what to do in a situation, she does! She is clarity of the Creatrix mind and removes all illusions of a "drama queen's" victimized self -image. Hence the image of a young Queen sitting upon great potential knowledge and knowing that she can and will turn it into great abundance.

In the Western Hermetic Qabalah the Qabalistic Mother of Consciousness, Binah, the 3rd Sephiroth is called UNDERSTANDING and is also often called the Sanctifying Intelligence and known as the Parent of Faith. What is often not realized is that She also represents Chronos/Saturn, who was/is considered a male aspect of the Collective Mind, known in mythology as "Grandfather Time" (before Patriarchy, she was Juno-a two-faced goddess of life and death), who is the oldest of ancient gods. We may now know him as "Father Time", but the highly restrictive nature of time, birth, aging, and death are the ultimate result of the gift of Life bestowed by the female aspect of the Divine Creative- Binah. So once again the gender of the Sephira proves to be insubstantial for complete understanding.

Juno (Time-Space and/or Life-Death)

It helps to remember that each Sephiroth has an expressive-male-state (Will-to-Force) and a receptive-female-state (Understanding that is Will-to-Form) of consciousness and that the Divine Creative is a ternary combination of Kether, Chokmah and Binah, inseparable and infinitely inexplicable. So, we can also call her "Mother Time-Space".

In Hindu mythology, she is Kali-Ma who uses her swords to slice away illusion and/or the head of the Patriarch, which we moderns now call the Military Industrial Complex, thanks to the famous speech of President Eisenhower. Hence, she is seen as a terror to the social egregore indoctrinated populace.

Kali Ma

Adam Khadmon-The Heavenly Human

In the beginning we are the Golden Child of the Divine Creative and are called Daath-Knowledge. That identity is rarely shown on the Tree of Life, nestled as it is between Chokmah and Binah on the middle pillar (throat area of the Adam Khadmond illustration). This invisibility is because this Child of Wisdom and Understanding has all potential, allowing us to supply our own definitions of Self.

Once the Prodigal Child, who has walked down the Tree of Life to Earth, has consciously returned to the Parents (Supernal Triangle and/or Super consciousness) and claims their inheritance Daath becomes visible again and knowledge becomes manifest. There is also a lesson to remember here: to accept any definition of yourself as less than the I Am of the Divine Creative, is to become invisible to your Creatrix!

It is necessary to understand that you are not a question in the Divine Mother's Universal Collective Unconscious mind. Questions cannot be made manifest, for they are an emptiness. You are made manifest, with the Divine Creative mind (imagination-Anima and rationale-Animus) and are joined with the animal mind of Earth, the subconscious. You bridge the gap between creation and the Divine Creative. Therefore, you are Knowledge and not a question; your manifestation proves you are Known by the Divine. You are an answer that must above all things know thyself. Being you the best way you can imagine, is your purpose! Hence, the Queen of Swords is the Sanctifying Intelligence, of "I AM" and your personality/body is the sanctified Child that is "Me".

The Queen of Swords can be a delightful personality of exceptional social skills, who is at once sensitive, reflective, and flexible--never wishing to offend, always willing to listen and compromise. This is a woman who is a consummate diplomat who avoids confrontation unless she feels she has been wronged. Then there is a great surprise delivered in the vehemence of her response!

Qabalistic Tarot Personality Birth Wheel

This personality's life is drawn in contradictory directions: Family and home are all important to her as she derives strength from her family. Yet, her interpersonal abilities bring her to the forefront of social and career situations, and she must delicately balance the two worlds.

In the Western Hermetic Qabalistic Tarot, such as the Thoth Tarot Deck, the Queen of Swords is traditionally associated with the zodiac sign of Libra. The Thoth Tarot often links Court Cards with astrological signs in a particular decan system, and the Queen of Swords rules the last decan of Virgo (20°-30°) and the first two decans of Libra (0°-20°).

Thoth-Queen of Swords

In this system, the Queen of Swords expresses the intellect and rationality of air signs, especially Libra, known for its focus on balance, justice, and relationships. Hence, the Libra scale like image of her two arms balancing the sword and mask/head of the patriarch. Libra’s ruling planet is Venus, which adds qualities of refinement and fairness to the card.

If you're exploring its planetary associations, while the zodiac link is to Libra, the planetary connection (due to its zodiac sign) would relate to Venus. However, in Crowley's system, the elemental nature of Air would typically connect with Mercury as well, emphasizing communication and logic.

When the Queen of Swords is thrown during a reading:

  • The querent desires to discard, pretense, masks, roles, or defenses that hide their true self.
  • One Wishes to develop or is developing intellectual thinking.
  • Is undergoing a sense of resolution and commitment.
  • Is experiencing intellectual maturity and is experiencing well-tuned mental facilities. Sharp of wit.
  • Experiencing the Wisdom generated by sorrow.
  •  Finding Wisdom through the acceptance of Pain with courage, and honesty.
  • Strong willed and determined, this woman will and can bear whatever life presents her with.
  • Deep comprehension of frightening truths.
  •   Able to think the unthinkable and give expression to the unspeakable.
  • A professional, who can handle situations capably, quickly, and efficiently.

If reversed, it implies:

  • Calculating coolness.
  • Insuperable distance.
  • Disingenuousness. 

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