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The Tarot of Eli 2, LLC: Gold Foil Tarot-Queen of Cups & The Tarot of the Old Path-Queen of Cauldrons.

Western Qabalah, Alchemical, Tantric, Numerical, and Astrological Tarot Card Comparisons.

September 13, 2023

The Gold Foil Tarot- Queen of Cups

Astrologically, the Queen of Cups is in the last Decan of Gemini and the First two Decans of Cancer.

Both the Rider-Waite-Smith/Gold Foil Tarot and the Tarot of the Old Path Tarot cards concentrate on this aspect of tranquility. On the Gold Foil Tarot card, she is seated on a throne, on the shore of a tranquil sea, with ornate moon chalice in hand. She uses this moon chalice, to see her visions.

Again, the Gold Foil copy of the Waite and Smith card shows only the mundane meanings of this card. Medieval art rather than the Avant-garde art of Lady Frieda Harris's Qabalistic Thoth Deck. Lady Frieda Harris and Alister Crowley went into the deeper arcane meanings of Qabalistic Tarot (see these comparisons on the nontraditional tarot blogs of

Every depiction in the Tarot of the Old Path and the Gold Foil card says water, her clothing, the sea and shoreline and the Moon Chalice and the merchildren, one with a fish are images that decorate her Gold Foil throne.

The Tarot of the Old Path-Queen of Cauldrons

The Tarot of the Old Path Queen of Cauldrons is dressed in a richly decorated indigo pearl costume, as blue is the color implying Her rule over the element of water.

An ermine trimmed cloak implies dignity.

The Queen of Cauldrons represents an attractive gentle person who has expressive eyes and a generous sensual mouth. On her lap is a peach, implying that she possesses good qualities of character.

The Three peaked design on her crown suggests the three states of the Goddess: maid, mother, and crone.

The hand supporting the Cauldron has on it a sapphire ring, which again implies water, and the cauldron is reflecting all that is around her suggesting that this gentle woman is sensitive to all that is around her.

The primary meaning of this card, is about a woman who is at ease in any situation and is kind, warm, and gentle of heart. She may have brown hair, and hazel eyes, and is interested in the or talented in the arts. An attractive and romantic person who is touched by all she sees.

The RWS /Gold Foil Tarot has the Queen of Cups facing her Moon Chalice. She is dressed in the white and blue colors in the shades, of Water, the Universal Element that she is associated with. There are blue and purple colors on the Gold Foil Tarot card, professing both love and intuition. Here the Queen on the card concentrates more on her characteristics of imagination, poetic tendencies, and gifts of Vision, as she stares at the querent. She is highly emotional, intuitive, and sensitive (Empathic), one who is also self-protective, a quality that makes her seem unapproachable. Due to her empathy, she finds it hard to let people into her world, for it is difficult for her to trust others. However, she can be the best of friends as she is very loyal to those who befriend her. She can also be a person of great fun, intensely charming, and entertaining for she knows how to say the right thing at the right time (intuition). There is a certain lack of self-confidence, that she compensates for with a strong moral character, and sense of right and wrong. She finds it extremely hard to forgive those who break her code of conduct and dislikes behavior that she considers to be thoughtless and inappropriate. Because she is a lover of home and children, she can be overprotective. Her natural suspiciousness will often make her a great businesswoman. She adores beauty, physical luxury, and artful material objects.

The Queen of Cups is a sensitive lady-imagination that relies on her intuition rather than what many perceive as common sense. Reversed, she can tell a delightful story and is intelligent.; However, she is inclined to exaggerate and/or embellish. Therefore, she means well but is not fully reliable.

The Queen of cups represents Specific Water in the Realm of Primal Water. In other words, she is the "will to form" intelligence that resides in the Divine Collective Unconscious. Here the "Will to Form" of Binah (3rd Sephiroth of Tree of Life) is "reflecting on consciousness as imagination" as an archetypal personality. She makes a therapeutic guide into the depth of the unconsciousness and emotions.

When the Queen of Cups is thrown during a reading:

  • The querent shows issues surrounding motherhood.
  • Suggesting emotional empowerment, as the querent can express feelings honestly, blamelessly and without judgment.
  • Implies too much imagination about issues and not enough action taken to solve them.
  • Emotional and Intuitive capability that show highly evolved interpersonal interactions and psychic abilities.
  • Implies the querent is extremely empathetic and thus must watch out for moodiness and fluctuating feelings that often come from those around her.
  • Suggests that one inspires from within and could be a time of Deep inner musings, thoughts focused within where the mind is engulfed in Imagination. 
  • That a mature woman of deep sexual and fertility powers, where everything in her life is related to nourishment, sexual exchange, passionate giving and receiving, involved in the life of the querent or is the querent.
  • Motherhood, or innovative ideas formulating for a creative line of work.
  • An ethereal person of the highest ideals imagined.... sometimes unattainable in the physical world of constant change.
  • Wisdom and virtue.
  • Can denote a perfect spouse and a good mother.

If reversed:

  • Distinguished woman who is not to be trusted.
  • Vice.
  • Perverse woman.
  • Dishonor.
  • Depravity. 
  • The Stepmother of fairy tales.

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