The Gold Foil- Seven of Cups
The Rider-Waite-Smith/Gold Foil, Seven of Cups, shows a dark shadow figure of a man and an outlined cloud scene as the base for the Seven Cups, hinting at corruption of the sacred objects in each of the Cups; the corruption of thought (head), the veiling of consciousness by indoctrination and dogma (veiled goddess figure), the corruption of the serpent/vital -life force of Will (The Spirit), corruption of the solid physical manifestation (mountain), corruption of wealth (jewels), the corruption of victory (wreath) and the corruption of the Dragon within (sex energy/kundalini). This symbolism of floating on a dark cloud suggests the corruption of the Sacrament in each cup and that corruption is belief that all these things bring happiness. That is a lie, since happiness is a state of "knowing thyself".
Hence, we know that the human form is a sacrament. For a sacrament is a rite and a rite is a Throne of Will/Spirit. Since the body is alive and sentient, it is the sacrament of Spirit's will to be and the magic rite of intimacy; The rite to be! By thinking ill of any part of our ternary selves of Self, which is the whole Spirit: (I)-Mind (Am) and Body (Me), is to profane the sacred act of Will that began as "I Will BE", which Qabalist know as Kether, the 1st Will whose god name is Eheieh-meaning- "I Will Be". Therefore, we are the establishment of that "first movement of Will in the Universe", and the manifested goal, for we are the "I AM Being". What Waite is hinting at is what Crowley called his 7 of Cups, and that is debauch. Here the self-conscious is intoxicated over the many worded choices clouding the sun of I AM, which is but a caul over the awake consciousness. This caul of media-controlled darkness creates a false ego, which tells you it is you...a lie and deception, for you are the "I AM" and therefore, the true master of your identity. Know that you are Love, Life, and Truth, any part of your mind that says otherwise is the "deceiver" and/or the "false ego" viral implant.
The Tarot of the Old Path- 7 of Cauldrons
The Tarot of the Old Path- Seven of Cauldrons shows a young man sitting on the bank of a river, while four maidens offer him a couple of cauldrons of water each. In the foreground are the hands of a fourth maiden offering her cauldrons. Water is an element of this card and is represented in the blue colors of clothing as well as the river and filled cauldrons.
The young man seems unable to act and pick a cauldron, as all choices seem equally valuable to him.
The Primary meaning of this card seems to be that of focusing energy on a single goal to reach success. Here several options are available, but all seem excellent, so decision making is delayed by confusion.
Here, ideas, design and resolutions are not entirely truthful as they are missing commitment. Without commitment, all ideas, designs, and resolutions are illusionary. Here the person is dreaming so big that they are out of touch with reality. Hence, it is time to step back down to earth, and do the challenging work that is required to stay mentally healthy. Only then can those big dreams become reality. This is a card that implies multitasking does nothing well, by just beginning pursuit of one goal at a time will offer solution to obfuscation.
The Seven of Cups is a card of Transition; the goal is attained but effort, even hardship is required to overcome obstacles, and frequently, sacrifice.
When the Seven/7 of Cups/Cauldrons is thrown during a divination, the Querent has or will experience:
- For the next 7 weeks or 7months; Lying, deceit, promises unfulfilled. illusion, and deception. Either by self-denial or by others.
- Slight success but there is not enough energy to maintain it, so error develops.
- Victory, but that is neutralized by the spinelessness of the person.
- Drunkenness, wrath, vanity, lust, fornication for the sake of ego, violence against women.
- Selfish dissipation.
- Deception in love and friendship.
- Some success gained, but not followed up on.
- Fairy favors.
- Images of reflection.
- Imagination.
- Sentiment.
- Things seen in the glass of contemplation, some attainment in these degrees but nothing substantial or permanent gained.
If reversed or surrounded in negative cards:
- Desire.
- Determination.
- Will.
- Project.
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