The Tarot of Eli 2, LLC: Gold Foil Tarot- Three of Pentacles & The Tarot of the Old Path-3 of Pentacles.

Western Hermetic Qabalah, Tantric, Alchemical, Astrological, and Numerical Traditional Tarot Card Comparisons.

· golden foil- Old path

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Gold Foil Tarot-Three of Pentacles

The Gold Foil's Three of Pentacles and the Tarot of the Old Path both focus on themes of employment, business, and constructive building. They depict a medieval church scene where three artisans are at work. In the Gold Foil Tarot, the scene portrays the efforts of a journeyman stonemason. The choice of colors in this depiction might be related to Mars, especially evident in the red roses on the unique robe worn by one of the figures. Roses are sacred to the Goddess and the Third Sephiroth - Binah. Red is the color associated with Binah in her martial and actively passionate state.

This Tarot card is traditionally termed the Three of Pentacles, as is evident in many medieval art tarot decks. Its foundational message is "As above, so below." However, although the pentacle represents man, it doesn't convey the spinning motion of atoms, which are the fundamental "building blocks" of the physical universe. Consequently, many non-traditional tarot decks opt for a disc. A disc's stability and precision depend on its rotation. In the realm of physics, it's understood that there are no true "solids." Everything, down to the most solid-seeming rock, is comprised more of space than matter, with atoms in constant rotation. This illustrates the idea that the "Great Work" began with the first spinning atom, representing the immense labor of The One Energy that exists in all things.

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The Tarot of the Old Path- 3 of Pentacles

The Tarot of the Old Path three of Pentacles, depicts an apprentice perfecting the art of his chosen profession through repetition. He is dressed in the green color of the earth element which rules this card. With quill pen in hand, he draws with greater dexterity and confidence, each repetition of three pentacles: the number three implying the three stages of Goddess as Maid, Mother and Crone.

The primary meaning of this Three of Pentacles is that of a time of apprenticeship where one is developing satisfaction gained from effort and creative talent.

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Tree of Life.

This card also represents the Material establishment of the Universe as determined by its basic form of 3 as based on the Trinity of the Qabalistic Supernal Triangle (Super Conscious) of Kether-Chokmah-Binah and the fact that 3 points make a plane.

When the 3/ Three of Pentacles is thrown during a reading the querent is experiencing:

  • A full commitment to a situation and is unconcerned about difficulties.
  •  Is aware of responsibilities.
  •  Is planning secure structures in areas of finance, physical security, and needs.
  • Right effort towards a wise end in trade, skilled labor, Etc.
  • A basic form or structure may be completed, needing only final changes.
  • Approval from others who appreciate the challenging work and the success that the querent has achieved.
  • Material gain because of creative skills within 3 wk. or 3-month period.
  • Love of one's creations, and nurturing others who assist in the work.
  • Being oneself, without fear of criticism. 

If reversed (Rider-Waite-Smith) it implies:

  • Without direction.
  • Senseless fervor.

In a more spiritual reading, where the cards surrounding show a majority of Major Arcana

, the querent is engaged in the Great Work of "As above and so below", by expressing the Higher Self through paranormal skills, which are often called "magic abilities".

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