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The Tarot of Eli 2, LLC: Rider-Waite-Smith-5 of Swords & The Fairy Tarot- 5 of Winter.

Western Hermetic Qabalah, Tantric, Astrological, Alchemical, and Numerical Traditional Tarot Card Comparisons.

April 29, 2024

Above all things, know thyself.

Radiant: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot-5 of Swords

The Rider-Waite-Smith card - shows the mundane divination meaning of, loss, defeat, failure where contest is decided and finished against the person and the victor claims the spoils. The spoils be the swords of defeated foes, strewn over the ground. The "winds of defeat" are implied by the dark wind tattered clouds above and the head bowed stumbling figures in the back- ground. However, Waite, being true to his oath of secrecy, doesn't illustrate the more arcane meanings of Western Qabalah, of which his lodge-The Golden Dawn taught as "initiations".

The Fairy Tarot-5 of Winter illustrates a fairy walking away from other fairies on the same path. The fairy seems to have all the snowballs, but the victory seems to be a lonely one. There seems to be an inability to consult with others on the path chosen. Sure, one must leave those of negative bent, to keep a positive outlook on the path of life they have chosen, but we also should associate with other high-minded people who show true compassion for life and the world. Hence the primary meaning of this card is to release yourself from the negative institutions, groups, or individuals in your life and associate with like-minded people of positive morals and compassion.

To add more depth to these cards, in Western Hermetic Tarot the 5 of Swords is assigned Venus in the house of Aquarius.

In astrology, Venus represents love, relationships, beauty, and aesthetics, while Aquarius is associated with innovation, uniqueness, and a forward-thinking approach. When Venus is in the house of Aquarius, certain characteristics and dynamics come into play:

  1. Unconventional Love: Venus in Aquarius tends to express love and affection in unconventional ways. This placement may bring a willingness to explore non-traditional relationship structures and values uniqueness in partnerships.

  2. Intellectual Connection: Aquarius is an air sign known for its intellectual nature. With Venus in Aquarius, there's often a strong emphasis on mental stimulation in relationships. Intellectual conversations and shared ideas become significant elements of romantic connections.

  3. Friendship in Love: Aquarius is traditionally ruled by Saturn, emphasizing the importance of friendship in relationships. Venus in Aquarius tends to approach love with a friendly attitude, valuing a deep connection at the intellectual and emotional levels.

  4. Humanitarian Values: Aquarius is associated with humanitarian ideals and a concern for the collective. When Venus is in this sign, there may be a desire for relationships that contribute positively to society or involve shared goals for the greater good.

  5. Independent Expression of Love: Individuals with Venus in Aquarius appreciate their independence and often give their partners the freedom to express themselves. They may resist traditional norms in relationships and seek out partners who embrace their uniqueness.

  6. Embracing Change: Aquarius is open to change and innovation. In matters of the heart, Venus in Aquarius may be more adaptable to new ideas and approaches in relationships, welcoming evolution and growth over time.

  7. Progressive Aesthetics: Venus also represents aesthetics, and in Aquarius, there's a preference for modern and progressive styles. This could manifest in a unique sense of fashion or an appreciation for avant-garde artistic expressions.

Remember, the characteristics of Venus in Aquarius can be influenced by other aspects in the birth chart, so individual experiences may vary. If you have specific details about your birth chart, a more personalized analysis could provide additional insights.

When the Five/5 of Swords is thrown during a reading, the querent:

  • Is usually caught in the fears of the past.

  • Is experiencing a self defined prison of negative, self defeating beliefs.

  • Defeat on a mental level, bringing humiliation and weakness.

  • Is involved in a conflict that appears to have been one, but brings unresolved problems.
  • Is trapped in a self-designed prison of negative energy from the past.
  • We are only defeated when we stop seeking another way. So, there is no 5-week, or 5-month period of duration suggested here, since it is the querent's own mental negativity that is involved here, and they could change perspective at any time.

If ill defined by the surrounding cards or if reversed (Rider-Waite-Smith), it implies:

  • The suggestion here is to give up fighting, swallow your pride and acknowledge your limitations, and then proceed in a new direction.

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