The Tarot of Eli 2, LLC: Rider-Waite-Smith-5 of Swords & The Tarot of Sacred Kingdoms-5 of Swords.

Western Hermetic Qabalah, Tantric, Astrological, Alchemical, and Numerical Traditional Tarot Card Comparisons.

· Sacred Kingdoms and RWS

Above all things, know thyself.

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Radiant: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot-5 of Swords

The Rider-Waite-Smith card - shows the mundane divination meaning of, loss, defeat, failure where contest is decided and finished against the person and the victor claims the spoils. The spoils be the swords (thoughts) of defeated foes, strewn over the ground. The "winds of defeat" are implied by the dark wind tattered clouds above and the head bowed stumbling figures in the back- ground. However, Waite, being true to his lodge oath of secrecy, doesn't illustrate the more arcane meanings of Western Qabalah, of which his lodge-The Golden Dawn taught as "initiations".

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The Tarot of Sacred Kingdoms-5 of Swords.

The Tarot of Sacred Kingdoms- 5 of Swords illustrates a scene of contemplation where one is alone and possibly feeling defeated. It is possible this feeling of defeat is because being done with a chapter in one's life or maybe even they have closed the whole book. Here one is looking at what brought them to this point and shifting their thoughts from victim to victor.

There seems to be an inability to consult with others on the path chosen. Sure, one must leave those of negative bent, to keep a positive outlook on the path of life they have chosen, but we also should associate with other high-minded people who show true compassion for life and the world. Hence the primary meaning of this card is to release yourself from the negative institutions, groups, or individuals in your life and associate with like-minded people of positive morals and compassion.

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Both numerology and gematria (Qabalistic numerology) attribute distinct yet interconnected characteristics to the number 5, each within their respective traditions. Here’s an overview of the number 5's characteristics in both systems:


In numerology, numbers are seen as symbols that carry specific vibrations and meanings. The number 5 is often associated with:

  1. Freedom and Adventure:

    • The number 5 is considered the number of freedom, adventure, and change. It is dynamic and full of energy, symbolizing the pursuit of new experiences and the desire for independence.
    • Individuals influenced by the number 5 are often seen as explorers, curious and eager to embrace life's variety. They tend to resist routine and seek excitement and diversity in their experiences.
  2. Versatility and Adaptability:

    • The number 5 is also linked to adaptability and versatility. People with this number in their numerological chart are usually quick to adapt to new circumstances and are comfortable with change.
    • This number reflects a flexible and resourceful nature, capable of handling different situations with ease.
  3. Sensuality and the Physical Experience:

    • The number 5 is closely associated with the five senses, symbolizing the physical experience and the pleasures of the material world. It represents a deep appreciation for sensory experiences, including taste, touch, sight, sound, and smell.
    • This connection to the senses also ties the number 5 to creativity and expression through various forms of art and physical activity.
  4. Restlessness and Impulsiveness:

    • The energy of the number 5 can also manifest as restlessness or impulsiveness. People under its influence might struggle with consistency or long-term commitments, as they are driven by the need for constant stimulation and new experiences.


In gematria, each Hebrew letter corresponds to a number, and these numbers carry deep mystical significance. The number 5, represented by the Hebrew letter "ה" (Heh), has its own set of meanings:

  1. Divine Grace and Creation:

    • The letter Heh is associated with divine grace and the breath of life. It is often seen as a symbol of creation, as it represents the breath of God that brings life into existence.
    • In both Western Hermetic Qabalah and Jewish Kabbalistic thought, Heh's connection to creation makes the number 5 a symbol of divine intervention and the manifestation of spiritual energy in the material world.
  2. Names of God and Holiness:

    • The number 5 is significant in the Tetragrammaton (YHWH), the ineffable name of God, where the letter Heh appears twice. This repetition emphasizes the sacred nature of the number and its association with holiness.
    • In this context, the number 5 represents the presence of God in the world and the sanctity of creation.
  3. Pentateuch (Five Books of Moses):

    • The number 5 corresponds to the five books of Moses, also known as the Torah, which are central to Jewish religious teachings. This connection reinforces the number's association with divine wisdom, law, and spiritual guidance.
    • The number 5, therefore, represents the foundation of spiritual knowledge and the covenant between God and humanity.
  4. Geburah - Strength and Judgment:

    • In Qabalah/Kabbalah, the fifth sephirah on the Tree of Life is Geburah, meaning "Strength" or "Severity." Geburah represents the force of judgment, discipline, and the application of justice.
    • The number 5, in this context, is connected to the energies of Mars, symbolizing courage, action, and sometimes conflict. It represents the necessary power to enforce boundaries and uphold divine order.

Comparative Summary

  • Freedom and Adventure vs. Divine Grace: Numerology emphasizes the number 5's association with freedom, change, and adventure, while gematria focuses on its connection to divine grace, creation, and the breath of life.

  • Versatility vs. Holiness: In numerology, 5 signifies versatility and adaptability, while in gematria, it relates to holiness and the sacred names of God.

  • Sensuality vs. Spiritual Law: Numerology links 5 to the physical senses and sensual experiences, whereas gematria ties it to the Torah and spiritual law.

  • Restlessness vs. Strength and Judgment: The potential for restlessness in numerology contrasts with the disciplined strength and judgment represented by Geburah in gematria.

Both systems highlight the transformative and dynamic qualities of the number 5, whether through the lens of personal freedom and exploration or through spiritual creation and divine order.

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There is yet another dimension and/or mindscape to the number 5 when we compare it to the 5th house on the Astrological chart. The 5th house in an astrological chart is one of the twelve houses, each representing different areas of life. The 5th house is traditionally associated with creativity, pleasure, and self-expression. Here's a detailed look at what the 5th house characterizes:

Themes of the 5th House

  1. Creativity and Artistic Expression:

    • The 5th house is known as the "house of creativity." It governs all forms of creative self-expression, including art, music, writing, and any activities where personal flair and originality are involved.
    • This house also relates to hobbies and pastimes that allow individuals to express their creative side, from painting and crafting to theater and dance.
  2. Romance and Love Affairs:

    • The 5th house is often referred to as the "house of romance." It represents love affairs, dating, and the more playful aspects of romantic relationships.
    • Unlike the 7th house, which governs long-term partnerships and marriage, the 5th house focuses on the initial stages of romance and the joy of falling in love.
  3. Children and Childlike Joy:

    • This house is strongly connected to children, both in terms of one's own offspring and the general concept of childlike joy and innocence.
    • It governs matters related to pregnancy, childbirth, and one's relationship with their children. The 5th house also relates to the inner child and the ability to approach life with a sense of playfulness and wonder.
  4. Pleasure and Entertainment:

    • The 5th house is associated with pleasure and enjoyment, including recreational activities, sports, games, and anything that brings joy and amusement.
    • It also covers indulgences like parties, celebrations, and other forms of entertainment where one seeks to have fun and enjoy life.
  5. Speculation and Gambling:

    • The 5th house is linked to risk-taking activities, including speculation, gambling, and investments. It represents the thrill of taking chances and the potential rewards or losses that come with it.
    • This can extend to financial speculation, betting, or any situation where there is an element of risk and reward.
  6. Personal Talents and Interests:

    • This house highlights personal talents, skills, and areas where one can shine and stand out. It’s about what makes an individual unique and how they express their individuality.
    • The 5th house encourages exploration of personal interests and the development of one's innate abilities.

Rulership and Influence

  • Zodiac Sign and Planetary Ruler:

    • The 5th house is naturally ruled by Leo, the sign associated with the Sun. This connection to Leo and the Sun emphasizes the house's focus on self-expression, creativity, and the pursuit of joy.
    • The planetary ruler of the 5th house, therefore, is the Sun, which governs individuality, vitality, and the essence of one's being.
  • Planets in the 5th House:

    • Planets located in the 5th house can significantly influence how these themes manifest in a person's life. For example:
      • Venus in the 5th house might enhance artistic talents and create a strong desire for romance and beauty.
      • Mars might bring a competitive edge to sports or creative pursuits and a passionate approach to love affairs.
      • Jupiter could expand the areas of pleasure and creativity, potentially bringing abundance in romantic experiences or luck in speculation.


The 5th house in astrology is a vibrant and dynamic area of the chart that governs creativity, romance, children, pleasure, and personal expression. It’s the place where one seeks joy, indulges in artistic and playful activities, and expresses their true self. Through the 5th house, individuals connect with their inner child, explore love and affection, and take creative risks that add color and excitement to life. Hence, the 5 of swords can show a temporary defeat in achieving these goals.

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To add yet more depth to these cards, in Western Hermetic Tarot, such as the Thoth Tarot Deck, the 5 of Swords is assigned Venus in the house of Aquarius.

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In astrology, Venus represents love, relationships, beauty, and aesthetics, while Aquarius is associated with innovation, uniqueness, and a forward-thinking approach. When Venus is in the house of Aquarius, certain characteristics and dynamics come into play:

  1. Unconventional Love: Venus in Aquarius tends to express love and affection in unconventional ways. This placement may bring a willingness to explore non-traditional relationship structures and values uniqueness in partnerships.

  2. Intellectual Connection: Aquarius is an air sign known for its intellectual nature. With Venus in Aquarius, there's often a strong emphasis on mental stimulation in relationships. Intellectual conversations and shared ideas become significant elements of romantic connections.

  3. Friendship in Love: Aquarius is traditionally ruled by Saturn, emphasizing the importance of friendship in relationships. Venus in Aquarius tends to approach love with a friendly attitude, valuing a deep connection at the intellectual and emotional levels.

  4. Humanitarian Values: Aquarius is associated with humanitarian ideals and a concern for the collective. When Venus is in this sign, there may be a desire for relationships that contribute positively to society or involve shared goals for the greater good.

  5. Independent Expression of Love: Individuals with Venus in Aquarius appreciate their independence and often give their partners the freedom to express themselves. They may resist traditional norms in relationships and seek out partners who embrace their uniqueness.

  6. Embracing Change: Aquarius is open to change and innovation. In matters of the heart, Venus in Aquarius may be more adaptable to new ideas and approaches in relationships, welcoming evolution and growth over time.

  7. Progressive Aesthetics: Venus also represents aesthetics, and in Aquarius, there's a preference for modern and progressive styles. This could manifest in a unique sense of fashion or an appreciation for avant-garde artistic expressions.

Remember, the characteristics of Venus in Aquarius can be influenced by other aspects in the birth chart, so individual experiences may vary. If you have specific details about your birth chart, a more personalized analysis could provide additional insights.

When the Five/5 of Swords is thrown during a reading, the querent:

  • Is usually caught in the fears of the past.

  • Is experiencing a self-defined prison of negative, self-defeating beliefs.

  • Defeat on a mental level, bringing humiliation and weakness.

  • Is involved in a conflict that appears to have been one, but brings unresolved problems.
  • Is trapped in a self-designed prison of negative energy from the past.
  • We are only defeated when we stop seeking another way. So, there is no 5-week, or 5-month period of duration suggested here, since it is the querent's own mental negativity that is involved here, and they could change perspective at any time.

  • End of a romantic relationship.

If ill defined by the surrounding cards or if reversed (Rider-Waite-Smith), it implies:

  • The suggestion here is to give up fighting, swallow your pride and acknowledge your limitations, and then proceed in a new direction.

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