The Tarot of Eli 2, LLC: Rider-Waite-Smith-Five of Cups & The Tarot of Sacred Kingdoms- 5 of Cups.

Western Hermetic Qabalah, Tantric, Astrological, Alchemical, and Numerical Traditional Tarot Card Comparisons.

· Sacred Kingdoms and RWS

Above all things, know thyself.

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Radiant: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot- Five of Cups

Arthur Edward Waite is a well-known Western Hermetic Qabalists, and knew the Number 5 to be ruled by Geburah, a fiery Sephiroth of Severity, who is now in the Water Suit of Cups. There is a natural antipathy here, as fiery heat causes a natural disturbance in placid water. What is even more disturbing is the fact that this card is also attributed to Mars in the house of Scorpio. Scorpio is in its worst aspect with Mars, on this lowest plane of Geburah, which in this case, is the putrefying aspect of water. However, the powerful masculine aspect of Mars slows down the putrefaction so that it is internal and not external, frustrating the anticipated pleasure that is emotionally sought after.

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Mars in Scorpio

Mars in the house of Scorpio is a powerful and intense placement in astrology. Since you have an interest in metaphysics and astrology, I'll provide you with some insights into the characteristics of Mars in Scorpio:

  1. Intensity: Mars represents action, energy, and drive, and when placed in Scorpio, the sign of deep transformation and intensity, it amplifies these qualities. Individuals with this placement tend to approach their goals with great intensity and determination.

  2. Passion: Scorpio is known for its passion, and Mars here intensifies that passion. People with Mars in Scorpio are passionate about their desires and pursuits, which can make them very focused and persistent in achieving their goals.

  3. Determination: Mars in Scorpio individuals are determined and unwavering in their pursuits. They are not easily swayed from their path and are willing to put in the effort required to achieve their objectives, no matter how challenging.

  4. Sexuality: Scorpio is a sign associated with sexuality and sensuality, and Mars in Scorpio individuals may have a strong and passionate sexual nature. They can be very intense and deeply connected in their intimate relationships.

  5. Resilience: Scorpio is a fixed sign, and Mars in this position gives individuals a great deal of resilience. They have the ability to bounce back from setbacks and are not easily defeated by obstacles or adversity.

  6. Investigative Mind: Scorpio is also associated with investigation and uncovering hidden truths. Those with Mars in Scorpio may have a natural inclination toward research, detective work, or anything that involves digging beneath the surface to discover hidden information.

  7. Emotional Depth: This placement can bring emotional depth and intensity to one's actions. Mars in Scorpio individuals may have a powerful emotional drive that fuels their actions and decision-making.

  8. Jealousy and Possessiveness: On the downside, the intensity of Scorpio can also manifest as jealousy and possessiveness. Mars in Scorpio individuals may need to be mindful of these tendencies in their relationships.

  9. Power and Control: Scorpio is associated with power and control, and Mars here can make individuals highly attuned to power dynamics. They may have a desire to be in control of situations and may excel in leadership roles.

  10. Transformation: Ultimately, Mars in Scorpio can lead to profound personal transformation. It encourages individuals to confront their own desires, fears, and limitations, leading to a process of inner growth and change.

Remember that the exact influence of Mars in Scorpio can vary depending on other factors in your natal chart, such as aspects and house placements. If you have specific questions or need a more detailed analysis, it's a good idea to consult with a professional astrologer who can provide personalized insights based on your complete birth chart.

While Waite is the surname of the man: the academic and mystic Arthur Edward Waite. It was only a couple of years later that some started calling this deck Rider-Waite-Smith cards. Smith for Pamela Colman Smith, the other co-creator and artist of the deck.

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Waite's card displays this meaning of loss as a dark robed lord, whose head is hung in despair. His castle is in the background, the flowing river displaying the element of water and the bridge that connects the background to the foreground. The foreground shows the dark image with head bowed over the three overturned cups, spilling what looks to be wine or blood, while the two upright cups stand behind him. The overturned cups imply a battle with casualties and loss of what was loved while the upright imply the battle is won but the cost of winning is too much and brings despair instead of celebration.

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Tree of Life.

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The Tarot of Sacred Kingdoms- 5 of Cups.

The Tarot of Sacred Kingdoms- Five of Cups depicts a distraught person surrounded by cupped candles in a gloomy and swampy setting. This person is shown in a position of head bowed sadness and/or disappointment in. As the candles give this place a funeral like setting this card implies that you may be mourning a loss of something or someone important to you. You may be feeling regretful or even guilty about what has happened. Here the number five has very deep implications for you and implies a disruption or challenge in your life.

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In Gematria, the number 5 holds several significant characteristics and meanings across various traditions, particularly within Jewish mysticism and the Western esoteric tradition.

Jewish Gematria

  1. Letter and Numerical Value: The number 5 corresponds to the Hebrew letter "ה" (Heh). Each letter in the Hebrew alphabet has a numerical value, and Heh is the fifth letter, representing the number 5.

  2. Symbolism of Heh:

    • God's Grace: The letter Heh is often associated with divine grace and benevolence. In Kabbalistic thought, it symbolizes the breath of God and creation.
    • Names of God: The Tetragrammaton (YHWH) contains two Hehs, emphasizing its importance in the divine name.
  3. Pentateuch (Torah): The number 5 is significant as it corresponds to the five books of Moses (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy), which form the Torah. These texts are foundational to Jewish religious tradition and law.

Western Esotericism

  1. Pentagram: In Western esoteric traditions, the number 5 is often represented by the pentagram, a five-pointed star.

    • Microcosm: The pentagram is seen as a symbol of the microcosm, or human being, with each point representing a limb or the head.
    • Protection: It is also used as a protective symbol, representing the five elements (earth, water, fire, air, and spirit) and their harmony.
  2. The Fifth Sephirah - Geburah:

    • Tree of Life: On the Qabalistic/ Kabbalistic Tree of Life, the fifth sephirah is Geburah, which means strength or severity. It is associated with discipline, judgment, and the application of justice.
    • Mars: Geburah is connected to the planet Mars, symbolizing action, courage, and sometimes conflict.

Tarot Correspondences

  1. The Hierophant: In the Tarot, the number 5 corresponds to the Major Arcana card The Hierophant. This card represents tradition, spiritual wisdom, and religious guidance.
  2. Minor Arcana: In the Minor Arcana, the fives of each suit (Cups, Pentacles, Swords, and Wands) typically indicate challenges, changes, or disruptions, reflecting the transformative power of the number 5.

General Symbolism

  1. Human Experience: The number 5 often symbolizes human life and experience. It is connected to the five senses, indicating perception and interaction with the material world.
  2. Balance and Change: As a prime number, 5 represents independence and self-determination. It also symbolizes dynamic balance and adaptability, as it stands at the midpoint between 1 and 9, suggesting a pivotal point of transition.

In summary, the number 5 in Gematria and various esoteric traditions embodies themes of creation, divine grace, human experience, protection, discipline, and transformation. Its significance is multifaceted, reflecting both spiritual and material aspects of existence.


Being highly emotional, the Five of Cups or Five of Water tells the reader that the querent is experiencing:

  • Disappointment in love and marriage. 
  • Unkindness from friends, whether the querent deserves it or not, as shown by accompanying cards.
  • The end of pleasure, sorrow, and the loss of things from which pleasure is expected.
  • Sadness, deceit, treachery, ill-will, detraction and ill requited charity and kindness.
  • Will be or is trouble from unexpected sources.
  • Death of what was loved. This is one of the cards that could mean death of a loved one, depending on the support of such a supposition by the accompany cards.

If reversed and/or ill dignified by the surrounding cards in the layout:

  • News.
  • Alliances.
  • Affinity.
  • Consanguinity. 
  • Ancestry.
  • Return.
  • False projects.

Thank you for your interest and comments. May you live long and prosper.

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