The Tarot of Eli 2, LLC: Rider-Waite-Smith-Five of Pentacles & Jungian Tarot- 5 of Pentacles

Western Hermetic Qabalah, Tantric, Astrological, Alchemical, and Numerical Traditional Tarot Card Comparisons.

· Jungian Rider-Waite

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Radiant: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot- Five of Pentacles

The Rider-Waite Five of Pentacles concentrates on a more trite illustration of being "out in the cold"; applying the mundane meanings of loss of profession and monetary resources.. Here a beggared couple pass below the stain glass window of a medieval church, implying a feeling of hopelessness and lack of Spirit. The five Pentacles are shown in the window stain glass art of the Church. In Western Hermetic Qabalah, Geburah, The Fifth Sephira on the Qabalistic Tree of Life rules the Fives; a state of energy that is severe in its function. Geburah is a corrective state of intelligence, whose severity is an action towards self assessment, rather than anything karmic.

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Jungian Tarot- 5 of Pentacles

Responsibility and Authority

The Jungian Tarot- 5 of Pentacles, simplistically displays 5 gold colored pentacles in a balanced pattern of 2 above and 3 below. There is really no explanation of what it implies. What it represents is a ambitious person who has earned a position of prominence through hard work and a willingness to accept significant responsibilities. The pursuit of wealth and money is important. Inherited wealth may have initially made possible and executive position and duties are preformed in a disciplined and thoughtful way. Good results definitely appear: business is smoothly run and profitable; a family is comfortable and well provided for. However, there is also a caveat for there are some negative possibilities: a tendency towards impatience, and irritability may cause some conflict with co-workers and especially with superiors. At both work and home, assertive behavior may cause criticism and not infrequently, jealousy and may cause some friction with a parent, or brothers and sisters. However, disagreements are usually minor, but left unsolved, can cause a build up of resentments which can become unreconcilable differences.

When the Divination brings up the RWS-Five of Pentacles, the querent is going through:

  • A period of rumination, anxiety or concern...maybe all.
  • Feelings of being left out of social events because of lack of money. 
  • Challenges of insecurity, deprivation, and even exclusion.  
  •  The mind is focused on survival issues and thus stopping creativity dead in its tracks as a feeling of helplessness and inertia take over. 
  • A foretelling of material trouble for the next 5 weeks or 5 months. 
  • This card reminds us that by focusing on what we have lost or don't have, we cannot create more. We need to focus on what we do have, and on the thing we can do; maybe just a baby step is all we have, but that is motion and is enough to get us going again. 
  • The axiom, of ", a journey of a thousand miles begins with one step" may be the solution to this worrying problem that confronts the querent's intellect.

When the Jungian Tarot- 5 of Pentacles is thrown, it implies:

  • The pursuit of wealth and money is of primary importance.
  • Duties are taken very seriously.
  • Good results definitely appear at work.
  • Inherited wealth from family.
  • Family is comfortable and provided for. 

If reversed it implies:

  • Failure.
  • Collapse.
  • Despair. 

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