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The Tarot of Eli 2, LLC: Rider-Waite-Smith-Five of Pentacles & The Tarot of Sacred Kingdoms- 5 of Pentacles.

Western Hermetic Qabalah, Tantric, Astrological, Alchemical, and Numerical Traditional Tarot Card Comparisons.

October 2, 2024

Above all things, know thyself.

Radiant: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot- Five of Pentacles

The Rider-Waite depiction of the Five of Pentacles places a strong emphasis on the common theme of feeling "out in the cold," portraying a more straightforward illustration compared to some more esoteric decks. In this rendition, the focus is on the tangible aspects of loss, specifically in terms of profession and financial resources. The scene features a destitute couple passing beneath a stained-glass window of a medieval church, evoking a sense of hopelessness and spiritual deprivation.

Within the window's stained-glass art, the five Pentacles are prominently displayed, symbolizing the material challenges faced by the individuals in the illustration.

Tree of Life.

In the realms of Western Hermetic Qabalah and Thoth Tarot, the Fifth Sephira on the Qabalistic Tree of Life is Geburah, which governs the Fives. This energy associated with Geburah is characterized by its severity and corrective nature. It serves as a form of intelligent assessment, prompting self-reflection rather than being inherently karmic in nature. The severity inherent in Geburah's influence encourages individuals to evaluate and refine themselves on a deeper level.

The Tarot of Sacred Kingdoms- 5 of Pentacles-

The Tarot of Sacred Kingdoms- 5 of Pentacles illustrates two men out in the cold dark night. Behind them is a cathedral like building lit by a streetlamp, imply a source of help nearby that is being bypassed. This is a time when creativity seems baren and the womb of imagination is closed to conscious penetration. Therefore, assistance is to be sought.

The message in the image of this card is much the same as that of the Rider-Waite-Smith 5 of Pentacles which is that of hardship, abandonment, and isolation. Hence, life may be seeming a little dark and isolated at the moment or it is a terrain feature in front of your journey in life. Take this cautionary message as a time to seek support and guidance. You are not alone; natural ups and downs are part of the waves of life. We are all vulnerable to these waves so swallow your pride and accept help. Some day you may be able to return the favor.

What is traditionally assigned to this card is Mercury in the house of Taurus which combines the communicative and analytical qualities of Mercury with the stable and sensual nature of Taurus. Here are some key characteristics:

  1. Practical Communication: Mercury in Taurus brings a practical and grounded communication style. Ideas are expressed in a clear, straightforward manner, focusing on tangible and realistic aspects.

  2. Stability in Thought: Taurus is an earth sign associated with stability, and when Mercury is in Taurus, there is a preference for well-thought-out and steady ideas. Decisions are made after careful consideration, avoiding impulsiveness.

  3. Thorough Thinking: Mercury in Taurus individuals tend to be thorough thinkers. They take their time to process information, ensuring a deep understanding before forming opinions or making decisions.

  4. Reliable Communication: There's a reliability in communication. People with this placement value consistency and are likely to follow through on their words. They may not be as quick to change their minds once they've formed an opinion.

  5. Sensual Expression: Taurus is associated with sensuality and the enjoyment of physical experiences. Mercury in Taurus individuals may express themselves in a tangible and sensory way, appreciating aesthetics and the beauty of language.

  6. Resistance to Change: Taurus is known for its resistance to change, and this influence can be seen in Mercury's communication style. These individuals may be more resistant to altering their perspectives and can sometimes be perceived as stubborn.

  7. Attention to Detail: There's an attention to detail in both thinking and communication. Mercury in Taurus individuals often notice and appreciate the finer points, whether in language, art, or practical matters.

  8. Financial Focus: Taurus is associated with material possessions and financial stability. When Mercury is in Taurus, there may be a practical focus on financial matters, and individuals may communicate about money matters in a grounded manner.

It's important to consider the entire birth chart for a comprehensive understanding, as other planetary placements and aspects can modify these general characteristics.

Both numerology and gematria attribute distinct yet interconnected characteristics to the number 5, each within their respective traditions. Here’s an overview of the number 5's characteristics in both systems:


In numerology, numbers are seen as symbols that carry specific vibrations and meanings. The number 5 is often associated with:

  1. Freedom and Adventure:

    • The number 5 is considered the number of freedom, adventure, and change. It is dynamic and full of energy, symbolizing the pursuit of new experiences and the desire for independence.
    • Individuals influenced by the number 5 are often seen as explorers, curious and eager to embrace life's variety. They tend to resist routine and seek excitement and diversity in their experiences.
  2. Versatility and Adaptability:

    • The number 5 is also linked to adaptability and versatility. People with this number in their numerological chart are usually quick to adapt to new circumstances and are comfortable with change.
    • This number reflects a flexible and resourceful nature, capable of handling different situations with ease.
  3. Sensuality and the Physical Experience:

    • The number 5 is closely associated with the five senses, symbolizing the physical experience and the pleasures of the material world. It represents a deep appreciation for sensory experiences, including taste, touch, sight, sound, and smell.
    • This connection to the senses also ties the number 5 to creativity and expression through various forms of art and physical activity.
  4. Restlessness and Impulsiveness:

    • The energy of the number 5 can also manifest as restlessness or impulsiveness. People under its influence might struggle with consistency or long-term commitments, as they are driven by the need for constant stimulation and new experiences.


In Western Hermetic gematria, each Hebrew letter corresponds to a number, and these numbers carry deep mystical significance. The number 5, represented by the Hebrew letter "ה" (Heh), has its own set of meanings:

  1. Divine Grace and Creation:

    • The letter Heh is associated with divine grace and the breath of life. It is often seen as a symbol of creation, as it represents the breath of God that brings life into existence.
    • In Kabbalistic thought, Heh's connection to creation makes the number 5 a symbol of divine intervention and the manifestation of spiritual energy in the material world.
  2. Names of God and Holiness:

    • The number 5 is significant in the Tetragrammaton (YHWH), the ineffable name of God, where the letter Heh appears twice. This repetition emphasizes the sacred nature of the number and its association with holiness.
    • In this context, the number 5 represents the presence of God in the world and the sanctity of creation.
  3. Pentateuch (Five Books of Moses):

    • The number 5 corresponds to the five books of Moses, also known as the Torah, which are central to Jewish religious teachings. This connection reinforces the number's association with divine wisdom, law, and spiritual guidance.
    • The number 5, therefore, represents the foundation of spiritual knowledge and the covenant between God and humanity.
  4. Geburah - Strength and Judgment:

    • In Kabbalah, the fifth sephirah on the Tree of Life is Geburah, meaning "Strength" or "Severity." Geburah represents the force of judgment, discipline, and the application of justice.
    • The number 5, in this context, is connected to the energies of Mars, symbolizing courage, action, and sometimes conflict. It represents the necessary power to enforce boundaries and uphold divine order.

Comparative Summary

  • Freedom and Adventure vs. Divine Grace: Numerology emphasizes the number 5's association with freedom, change, and adventure, while gematria focuses on its connection to divine grace, creation, and the breath of life.

  • Versatility vs. Holiness: In numerology, 5 signifies versatility and adaptability, while in gematria, it relates to holiness and the sacred names of God.

  • Sensuality vs. Spiritual Law: Numerology links 5 to the physical senses and sensual experiences, whereas gematria ties it to the Torah and spiritual law.

  • Restlessness vs. Strength and Judgment: The potential for restlessness in numerology contrasts with the disciplined strength and judgment represented by Geburah in gematria.

Both systems highlight the transformative and dynamic qualities of the number 5, whether through the lens of personal freedom and exploration or through spiritual creation and divine order.

When the Divination brings up the Five of Pentacles the querent is going through:

  • A period of rumination, anxiety, or concern.
  • Feelings of being left out of social events because of lack of money. 
  • Challenges of insecurity, deprivation, and even exclusion.  
  •  The mind is focused on survival issues and thus stopping creativity dead in its tracks as a feeling of helplessness and inertia take over. 
  • A foretelling of material trouble for the next 5 weeks or 5 months. 
  • This card reminds us that by focusing on what we have lost or don't have, we cannot create more. We need to focus on what we do have, and on the thing, we can do; just a baby step is all we have, but that is motion and is enough to get us going again. 
  • The axiom, "a journey of a thousand miles begins with one step" may be the solution to this worrying problem that confronts the querent's intellect.

If reversed, it implies:

  • Failure.
  • Collapse.
  • Despair. 

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