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The Tarot of Eli 2, LLC: Rider-Waite-Smith-Key 19-The Sun & The Connolly Tarot- Key 19-The Sun.

Western Hermetic Qabalah, Tantric, Astrological, Numerical, and Alchemical Traditional Tarot Card Comparisons. 


May 26, 2023

Radiant-Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot- Key 19-The Sun

The Connolly Tarot-Key 19- The Sun

The return to the Childhood of the Sun is indicated on the Rider-Waite-Smith and the Connolly Tarot Key 19 Card. What is shown on the RWS tarot card is a child riding a white horse; the white horse being a symbol for Apollo, the Sun God and implies that on this Tarot card, we return to our Apollo-Sun God youth and collect our divine inheritance. The Connolly Tarot also depicts the Son/the Child although in the guise of young cherubim and the physical star that they are flying around. The Connolly Tarot implies that the Sun card is the harbinger of golden opportunity and regardless of present circumstances, the Sun will bring personal joy. Each of the Cherubs carries an offering of gifts and joy as the perfect tools of humanity. The Sun's answer is "yes". The key word is Attainment.

The Sun behind the Fool is our very first symbol in Tarot of Life Power and is a clue to all the rest of the Deck. In Key 0, it is shown as white light to represent the Spiritual Life Center of the Universe. Here it is also yellow to represent the Life Power of our Sun and the radiant power of the Soul. The Sun collects and distributes Celestial Impulses of Power which gives us our light and life., the Soul is a collective of "Life Forces" that carry information (Light) and the power of breath, causing the body to "breathe" and thereby, live. Hence, it is also called Collecting Intelligence.

On the Rider-Waite-Smith, Key 19, is shown the Sun's radiation (Straight lines) and Vibrations (Wavy lines). Because the Sun is not an inanimate object, but a Living Celestial Being and/or living, conscious Intelligence, it is shown with human features. The 5 sunflowers (4+ the wreath on the Rider-Waite-Smith Child's head) represent the natural kingdoms: mineral, vegetable, animal, and human. The Solar Son/Sun, represents the future conscious state (Horus) of human growth beyond our present state, known as the state of Regeneration. Therefore, the Child on the Horse represents regenerated humanity. This also recalls the statement attributed to Jesus Christ, that we must be "as the Children to enter the Kingdom of Heaven" (Supernal Triangle of Kether-Chokmah-Binah) and that "the Kingdom is in you and all around you". The Stone Wall, on the Rider-Waite-Smith card represents the partial truth that is represented by the senses. Hence, the comprehension of Truth is limited if founded solely on sensatory evidence, as in materialistic science. Therefore, the wall in the background also represents human adaptation of natural conditions. It is, furthermore, the representation of the whole chain of ideas attributed to the Hebrew Letter, Cheth, (pronounced Kayluth) - meaning "enclosure or fence". This also includes human speech which uses words to "enclose" our identity.

In the head/brain, which is the Sun of the body are collected, all the human powers. In fact, the Latin word "countenance" means to "hold together or contain". Therefore, we find in Key 19 plain intimations of authority and leadership. Left brain is Animus, and right brain is Anima, as our brains are perfect copies of our Souls/Solar Selves.

Key 19 of the Thoth Tarot also uses twins to explain the 0=2 and/or the pairing of opposites in all creations. Infact, attributed to Resh, are Fruitfulness and Sterility, as the Sun is responsible for both lush growth and deserts. The term Collective Intelligence implies to collect, assemble, or bring together, to combine or unify, to embody and to synthesize. The Soul (Solar Self) which refers to the Sun, collects and combines all modes of intelligence that went before the present and combines them in a new (Known) form. Thus, it is a regenerative mode of consciousness, incorporating all the elements of control into a new realization of personality. The I AM realizes the difference between I and Am (Identity and Mind) thereby, creating a renewed "Me". Identity is "I", existence, but Am, is assumed information and that assumption compared to existence/Identity builds Me. Therefore, the bright and brilliant intelligence knows that "What I AM" is all assumption and therefore, easily, and constantly renewed by combining all assumptions, producing a new sum/collective of "I AM".

Even though the wall on the RWS Sun Card is stone or brick, it has 5 courses, symbolizing the 5 obvious human senses. Even in a language of the largest vocabulary, all concrete and abstract terms are derived from sensory experience. Therefore, language fails whenever one attempts to use it to explain that which is beyond sensory experience. Leaving, mystics, Gnostics, Magicians, and seers, the necessity of symbolic use of language. They are not trying to hide anything; on the contrary no one is more eager to express themselves than a wise person who has firsthand knowledge of the "As above so below" (Inner and outer planes) of experience. The truth of the matter being, that ordinary language will not convey the truth of this kind of experience from one mind to another. Hence, the TAROT. and its Qabalistic Partnership both require experience.

The real meaning of Father-Mother-Child represented in mythologies and theologies, begins to become apparent when in conversation with this archetype. Self-Consciousness (Self-Awareness) -the archetypal child-emerges from a perfect integration (communion) of the Will to Force-conscious (Father) and the Will to Form- unconsciousness (Mother). When is all said and done, the chief task of the Child/Hero is the overcoming of inner darkness by the use of the inner sun light- Overcoming the subconscious fears of the survival thinking. and the "false ego" mind virus.

When the Sun, Key 19, is thrown in a divination, it implies:

  • The instinctual striving for the Light.
  • Reconciliation with the shadow side.
  • Realization of the Innermost (Highest) Self.
  • Vivacity.
  • Acceptance of Life.
  • Vitality.
  • Generosity.
  • Warmth.
  • Freshness.
  • Self-confidence.
  • The Ascent into light.

If Reversed:

  • Self-satisfaction.
  • Personality cult.
  • Delusions of grandeur.
  • Blinding, scorching, parching.

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