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The Tarot of Eli 2, LLC: Rider-Waite-Smith-Knight of wands & The Milo Manara Erotic Tarot- Knight of Fire.

Western Hermetic Qabalah, Tantric, Alchemical, Numerical, and Astrological Traditional Tarot Card Comparisons.

December 13, 2023

Radiant: Rider-Waite-Smith, Knight of Wands

The Milo Manara Erotic Tarot-Knight of Fire.

The Rider-Waite Knight of Wands is less spectacular than the Thoth Tarot Card and has no mention of the Queen which is indicative of Traditional Tarot. In more modern Tarot, the Chariot is used instead of a horse, for the chariot is the "enclosure" and/or "Womb" that supports the prince-Knight and protects him on his journey through the Akasha. The Rider-Waite-Smith Knight wears a tunic of yellow and embroidered with black salamanders, and the fiery plume like helmet decoration along with the inner red of the garment, suggest fire which is this card's element. His wand is the leafing, and therefore, a fertile, phallic staff that is relative to the medieval Tarot decks. His fiery steed is moving in an aggressive manner giving us an implication of his motive power. He is in the Egyptian desert, as 3 pyramid structures show in the desert background. This implies hermitage, and/or arising from the abyss, as if transformed. Here is a suggestion of the Phoenix who has risen out of the ashes of his "shadow side".

When thrown during Divination, the Knights/Princes often represent the coming and going of an event or person.

The Milo Manara Erotic Tarot-Knight of Fire.

The Erotic Tarot shows us a young woman ambitiously riding her Charger rapidly over the landscape. The scarf flying in the wind, is the color of fire, the element of this card. Her yellow hair is the color of the air element. Hence this card represents "Air of Fire". The Horse represents the zodiac sign of Sagittarius.

Milo Manara has given this card the meanings of:

  • Traveler. 
  • Departure.
  • Absence.
  • Distance. 
  • Adventure.

The Astrological meaning of Sagittarius is applied to this card. Giving it the meanings of:

  • Joviality.
  • Generosity. 
  • Optimism.
  • Ambition

This Knight of Wands is a spontaneously aggressive persona of immature masculine sexuality, prone to spontaneous action without thinking things through. Much like a lion, s/he charges into the fray not really understanding why. Although s/he may be quick to anger, this one is also a loyal friend who will give the "shirt off of their back". Nevertheless, Knight of Wands is a thoughtful, considerate young person, who finds it difficult to make cautious decisions.; Hence, often acts before s/he thinks. The Knight of Wands loves to be loved, and therefore, can be very fickle in search of it. Being tied down to anything or anyone violates this knight's sense of independence, but s/he also hates to be alone and enjoys being surrounded by many different people who often find the Knight to be affectionate, outgoing, and friendly. Therefore, the Knight of Wands is not an emotionally secure person and in a tough situation may become pathologically dependent upon another person. Let's just say s/he is a bright intelligent youth, who would rather play than "knuckle down" to study or academia.

S/he tends to be a daydreamer, a romantic, who is off in a fantasy world of one's own making. This is a young person who can create vibrations that will call for sudden decisions or changes in life.

Tarot Personality birth wheel.

The Knight of Wands/Knight of Fire card describes a Personality that is:

  • Swiftness and Strength are the primary moral qualities of this personality.
  • Impulsive, often easily directed by outside influences, even trifling ones, this one can be prey to indecision.
  • The prince's/Knight's opinions are often violently expressed but being emphatic does not mean he'll hold the opinion long. He just loves vigorous statements, enjoying the feeling of the vigorous flow.
  • The truth being, he is often slow to make up his mind, and is just and sees both sides of a question.
  • Having a noble and generous character causes him to lean towards expressing extravagant hyperbole while secretly laughing at the boast and himself for making it.
  • Being fanatical courage linked with indefatigable endurance in both life and sexual activity, he chooses to fight against the odds and always wins in the exceptionally long run.
  • The Passion radiating off this person frightens most people because of the mystery it presents. He is of Dragon, and thus he strikes terror in the heart of the less inclined.
  •  His generosity and deeds may be impeccable, but the heat of his passion scares the pale soul who avoids the Sun.
  • His immense pride, which is his main fault, makes him hold in contempt, meanness and pettiness and he is adept at wielding every weapon of ridicule, while still giving the shirt off his back to the one so scorned.
  • Without lust for result, s/he loves work and exercise for its own sake.
  • Paradoxical is his/her contempt for the world at large, while holding ecstatic respect for every individual man and woman.
  • The Mystery of such a one who is a living, Sun; this Sun Warrior is an aspect of the Solar Logos that puts ideas into action and will fight for their survival and resides at the core heart of us all!
  • There is a sense of Romantic Revolution with this one. Most people enjoy this knight's passionate demeanor, but woe to the person that focuses his/her wrath.
  • Because of this Swift and agile personality, many of his acquaintances are not committed to him as friends, for his swift mystery baffles most of them as he is all that is unexpected, startling, unpredictable, unconventional, but having a deep underlying consistency.
  • As far as events:
  • Departure.
  • Absence.
  • Flight.
  • Emigration.
  • Change of residence.

If reversed, it implies:

  • Unrest.
  • Impulsiveness.
  • Destructiveness.

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