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The Tarot of Eli 2, LLC: Rider-Waite-Smith-Six of Swords & The Modern Witch Tarot-6 of Swords

Western Hermetic Qabalah, Tantric, Astrological, Alchemical, and Numerical Traditional Tarot Card Comparisons.

January 6, 2023

Radiant: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot-Six of Swords

Both the Rider-Waite-Smith card , and Modern Witch Tarot Six of Swords, focuses on a more prosaic subject than the more Occult Tarot Cards. Hence, the more mundane meaning illustrates the great difficulty of obtaining reward. Waite's card presents the boatman laboriously poling souls across the River of Spirit while the Modern Witch Tarot shows only one passenger. The Swords on board just add more to their burden. For in truth, with greater mind, comes greater responsibility. So to add more depth to this card's understanding there is a journey by water implied. Therefore, route, way, envoy, commissary, and expedience are all implied in this card.

In the Hermetic Qabalistic Tarot (such as Thoth Tarot) the Angels of the Decan are: Rehaayal and Yeyezeil . The Six of Swords is influenced by Tiphareth in the Astral World [ Yetzirah].

The air sign of Aquarius, is ruled by Saturn, which tends to stabilize the fleeting qualities of Mercury. The position of Mercury in Aquarius is associated with this car. Aquarius is a Mind sign, that leads naturally to science and humanitarianism so success is the result of Saturn's/Time's work in this aspect. Now the cutting power of Swords is turned toward the positive.

The Modern Witch Tarot- 6 of Swords

The Modern Witch Tarot-6 of Swords, once again shows 2 people on the boat, with 6 swords impaled into the hull. The primary meaning of this card is that the querent must make a difficult choice that may seem impossible and painful. Hence we have a highly intellectual card, meaning justice, harmony, and laws upheld with sensitivity (the blue of water); it is a card of compromise and balance. The Modern Witch and Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot- 6 of Swords, refers to the reconciliation of opposites, it may applied to some result that is very astutely diplomacy applied to a family or business matter. The positive and self-assured Judge of this situation, shows great compassion and wisdom involved in his/her decision. If it is an actual lawsuit or legal action, assuming positive circumstances, it is likely to be resolved with considerable fairness. It may be a rough waters for a while, and your emotions will fight you; However, deep down you know it is the right decision as one goes forward into the unknown.

When the Six/6 of swords is thrown during an reading, it implies:

  • Objective knowledge.
  • Justice.
  • Understanding.
  • Comprehensive perspective.
  • Journey by water.
  • Success after anxiety.
  • Passage from difficulties.

If reversed it implies:

  •  Confusion because of extreme mental activity producing conflicting thoughts, ambiguity and indecision
  • Mistrust.
  • Skepticism.
  • Prejudices.
  • Publicity.

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