
2 of Wands-B.O.T.A. Tarot

Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot-2 of Wands
One may notice a disparity between the B.O.T.A. and Rider-Waite-Smith -2 of Wands. This is usually because Dr. Paul Foster Case didn't see a lot of spiritual meaning in the "small cards". However, this isn't necessarily so. The Minor Arcane and/or "small cards", are very pertinent to everyday life and emotional decisions. Therefore, I find them very powerful in the moment of daily life.
For instance, in the Rider-Waite-Smith rendition of the 2 of Wands, We see a tall man looking over the battlements, towards sea and shore. In his right hand is a globe and a staff is in his left and rests on the battlement, while another staff is fixed in a ring. The Rose-cross and white lilies should also be noticed on the left side. White lilies are purity, and the Rose -cross is a symbol much like the Ankh, depicting The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn that made use of the rosy cross as well, including 'The Ritual of the Rose Cross," designed for spiritual protection and as preparation for meditation. Based on the Rosicrucian symbolism of the Red Rose and the Cross of Gold, it is also a key symbol of the Golden Dawn's Second Order.

Therefore, on the Rider-Waite- Smith card we have an image of a ruler caught in a dilemma. Between the alternative readings of the Globe and the staff, there is no marriage possible, on one hand, riches, fortune, magnificence on the other, physical suffering, disease, chagrin, sadness, mortification. The image suggests, that a lord overlooking his dominion, is alternatively contemplating a globe, looking like he is caught in a malady, the sadness and mortification of Alexander amidst the grandeur of the world's wealth. Therefore, caught between the need to go forward into Spiritual introspection of a hermetic, or leaving the wealth and power of rule of the world behind.

The B.O.T.A. 2 of Wands, is more simplistic. Here are 2 equally disposed wands, on one end a diamond crystal shape of white light, and on the other end a dark diamond shape representing the enlightenment of the Above, and the profaning of knowledge bellow. One, the Above, is the True Ruler of the Alive, as it is the "Higher Mind/Self" and the faux rulership of the below domain, as what is presented as knowledge in the below is really controlled definition, by those few who wish to rule the many. Hence, the Dominion of the ONE who is All or the dominion of false-outer authority. Both wands are red (fire) and gold (Mind).
In Western Hermetic Qabalistic Tarot, the 2 of Wands represents the unlimited dominion of the Divine Creatrix (Will to Form) and the Divine Creator (Will to Force). This Unlimited Willed Energy, is oppressed/limited in forms ; a necessary oppression to be sure, but sill in each of us, the enclosed Energy fights to join with the Totality. By invoking more of the One Energy, one changes the form's Time/Space (we are space/spirit, which encompasses a measurement of information/time), too more energetic boundaries than before and the one who invokes is often accused of "insanity" because their reality (boundaries) has changed from the normal- form- boundaries of animal life, to that of the para-normal. That expansive perspective makes both genius and insanity seem to be one and the same. One must remember that the mundane form is bound by a lesser vibratory perspective of self absorbed behavior and fears the greater unknown and therefore, lives a "scattered" life of "reaction". While often the "insane" and/or "metaphysical" have one powerful focus of action at a time of Now. Often making them unconcerned with "material things", considering the collection of them as illusions conjured up by the senses of the body and the animal fear of death.
Anyway you look at it, the 2 of wands are both Force and Potential, giving one a concentration of great creative power to completely change their environment. Either expanding and liberating their identity or confining their identity to the "needs" identified by indoctrination and dogma.
When the 2 of Wands card is thrown during a Divination, the querent is being:
- Overcome by boldness. courage, fierceness, and Shamelessness.
- Generous and proud, but also a certain amount of revenge, and resolution.
- There is a suggestion of turbulent energy, that seems to be beyond the "ego's" ability to control but it can also become sagacious, yet unforgiving and obstinate.
- Centering only on the love within, is the solution to this immense Power of Will, that is all around us, but of what we have so little contact with, as we have "given ourselves" to the definitions of "others".....and believe we have little, if any "Will Power".
- This card is suggesting that the Spirit (Will) is beginning to rebel against its predisposed boundaries...come "Hell or High Water"!
- The querent is claiming and validating the Self and instigating new self-concepts.
- Synthesizing their abilities producing a new powerful life.
- The intuition is awakening and claiming the body as a Wand of power...the inner Dragon is awakening.
If ill defined by the surrounding cards-and/ or reversed , it implies:
- Destructiveness.
- The persona becomes baffled by the vital power unleashed without a "lust for result" and/or intent.
Thank you for your interest, comments and supportive donations. May you live long and prosper!
Helping People become more Magic and less Tragic since 2010.