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The Tarot of Eli 2, LLC: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot-Ace of Pentacles & Jungian Tarot- Ace of Pentacles

Western Hermetic Qabalah, Tantric, Alchemical, Numerical, and Astrological Traditional Tarot Card Comparisons.

October 20, 2022

Radiant: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot- Ace of Pentacles

The Rider-Waite-Smith- Ace of Pentacles, is the equivalent to a seed. Again, Waite chose a more prosaic meaning for his card. Therefore, an Angelic hand supports the Pentacle symbol of earth and the ascended man (pentacle). In the back ground a rose covered arbor is displayed. The Rose is the symbol of the female aspect of fertile energy and the arbor is a symbol for the Womb that is penetrated by the phallic path or the Masculine aspect of the Divine Creative. The Lilies in the foreground also represent the Female Divine Creative and the fecund power of renewal, resurrection and growth. All of this hints at the power that begins creation. Hence, the fruitful garden on this card.

Jungian Tarot-Ace of Pentacles

Security destroyed.

The Jungian Tarot-Ace of Disks, has a different meaning as it is based on Jung's psychology and not Western Hermetic Qabalah. This card is about a revolution in the material world, much like the traditional Tarot "ruin" card (10 of swords).What is experienced here is a painful experience in which secure and dependable structures are utterly destroyed and swept away. In mundane terms this could mean urban renewal where old ideas and structures are demolished to make way for the new. Or this could mean a revolution where one government is brought down, in order to build another. Whatever it is, it is a traumatic event bring with it the resulting void of security--uncertainty about what may be coming next. Since the dust hasn't yet settle, nothing is clear or certain. This could also mean a bankruptcy or total ruin in business. In personal terms, this is an end of a marriage, a family in disintegration, a home destroyed. 

All is not lost, for the Ace of Pentacles, represents the basis of all substance and the principle that matter is self-renewing. This renewing power is shown in the ancient symbol of Ouroboros-the serpent that eats its own tail. Matter eats itself, to stay alive. Therefore, the practical and hopeful message of the Ace of Pentacles is that voids in our lives are only apparent; insecurity is a necessary and cyclic condition.

The Aces of all Tarot Suits are under the influence of Kether, the first Sephira on the Tree of Life (Hebrew-Eheieh: meaning "I Will Be"), whose color is white and is symbolized as the Point, The Crown and the Swastika. If you have been following the blogs, you know the Point to imply completeness unto itself, without dimension or external definition.

The Point is also attributed to the number 1 which mathematically has the potential for all other numbers.

The Crown, represents the holy guiding spirit,; That Holy Guiding Spirit is the Hand illustrated on Waite's card.

The Swastika is a ancient Buddhist symbol for the "First whirling" of Energy. the Rider-Waite-Smith . Ace of Pentacles, the swirling clouds represent the "first swirling" of energy. On the Jungian card, the central mandala represents this swirling energy.


It implies:

  • Union between the physical and spiritual aspects of the querent.
  • Beginning a new pathway in life that will bring satisfaction.
  • A new planting of seeds, for a new home, job, career, or some form of security.
  • Materialization of ideas bringing stability to skills that produce results.
  • Could also be a time of meditation, an inward pulling of energy.
  • Good beginnings for financial wealth, material gain and worldly status.
  • The beginning of any new material form
  • A most auspicious card showing the bringing together of internal and external talents and resources. Even if ill dignified it shows a sharing of treasure.
  • Also the Card of a Shaman, or one who is practiced in the arts of Earth Magick.
  • The loss of something to gain something more.

If reversed or surrounded by negative and/ or ill defined cards it implies:

  • Materialism.
  • Stinginess.
  • The vile side of affluence. 

Thank you for your interest, comments and supportive donations. May you live long and prosper.

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