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The Tarot of Eli 2, LLC: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot- Eight of Swords & The Fairy Tarot- 8 of Swords.

Western Hermetic Qabalah, Tantric, Alchemical, Astrological, and Numerical Traditional Tarot Card Comparisons.

May 2, 2024

Radiant: Rider-Waite-Smith, Eight of Swords

The Rider-Waite-Smith- Eight of Swords and The Fairy-Eight of Swords, implies a certain amount of fear of change, of moving out of a binding or restricting situation. This is emphasized by the bound person on the Rider-Waite-Smith and the person trapped on an ice flow reluctant to step off.

The RWS Tarot character is in a prison of Swords which represent thoughts causing a narrowness and/or restriction of mind along with shortened will power. Many of us know this as being narrow-minded or short sighted. The positive side of this is that change, no matter how resisted, will soon come. The Good Fortune of Jupiter will show up.

What is again implied, is stop wasting time and proceed with change; your scattered efforts will not stop it, only interfere with your wholesome transition.

The Fairy Tarot- 8 of Winter

The Fairy Tarot- 8 of Winter shows a young fairy frowning and believing she is trapped in a situation. This is a false assumption for she can easily step off the ice flow on to a pathway of ice. Here the Ego has convinced her that she is the ego when the ego is just a product, we build out of a child's survival thinking. We are the Creators of our motion (emotions) and not created by them. Here benevolent Jupiter is trying to get the Gemini twins to stop arguing and get on with the impeccability that only cooperation can supply.

In astrology this card is assigned Jupiter in the house of Gemini is believed to influence various aspects of an individual's life. Here are some typical characteristics associated with Jupiter in Gemini:

  1. Expansive Communication: Jupiter, the planet of expansion and growth, in Gemini tends to emphasize communication and intellectual pursuits. Individuals may have a natural gift for expressing themselves verbally and might enjoy engaging in discussions, debates, or learning through communication.

  2. Curiosity and Learning: Gemini is associated with curiosity and a thirst for knowledge. With Jupiter in this house, there's a likelihood of a broad range of interests and a constant desire to explore and learn new things. These individuals may excel in education and might be drawn to diverse fields of study.

  3. Adaptability: Gemini is known for its adaptability, and when combined with Jupiter's expansive energy, individuals with this placement may find it easy to adapt to different environments, ideas, and perspectives. They may enjoy the variety and change that life has to offer.

  4. Optimism and Positivity: Jupiter is considered a planet of optimism, and in Gemini, this optimism is often channeled through intellectual pursuits. These individuals may have a positive outlook on life and a belief in the power of ideas and communication to bring about positive change.

  5. Networking Skills: Gemini is a social sign, and Jupiter's influence can enhance social and networking skills. Individuals with Jupiter in Gemini may enjoy connecting with a wide range of people, forming diverse social circles, and benefiting from these connections in various aspects of their lives.

  6. Potential for Scattered Energy: While the expansive energy of Jupiter is positive, in Gemini, it may lead to scattered energy at times. There could be a tendency to be interested in many things simultaneously, making it important for individuals to focus on prioritizing their pursuits.

It's important to note that the overall interpretation of Jupiter in Gemini can vary based on the entire birth chart, including the specific house placement, aspects, and other astrological factors. Individual experiences with this placement may differ.

When 8 of Swords/8 of Winter is thrown during a reading, the querent is experiencing:

  • Confusion, and a feeling of being trapped, isolated by oppressive ideas.
  •  Feeling trapped or ashamed, which are the beginnings of recognizing the need for change and moving on ward with your life.
  • The mental dissolution or loss of faith in situations or ideas is a sure sign of progress beyond the old, just take a step in another direction.
  • The mind is saying," your perspectives no longer serve your life motion, so new ideas will soon be presented."

If reversed, it implies:

  • Confusion.
  • Mental blocks.

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