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The Tarot of Eli 2, LLC: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot- Eight of Wands & The Manara Erotic Tarot-8 of Fire.

Western Hermetic Qabalah, Tantric, Alchemical, Astrological, and Numerical Traditional Tarot Card Comparisons.

December 9, 2023

Radiant: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot-Eight of Wands

The Rider-Waite-Smith 8 of Wands card is laid out for more of a mundane reading or divination, masking some of the more esoteric meanings. On a blue sky and lush landscape background, Waite displays 8 leaf sprouting wands (implying fertility), as if suspended or falling. Again, the phallic force of Mercury is shown in the shape of the wands, and the swift movement of growth is shown in the sprouting twigs and leaves. The only reference to the Universal Element of Fire is the sunny sky. Obviously, Waite, still holding to his oath of secrecy, didn't spend heroic effort in designing this card, and it is simplicity itself. Since the wands are flying, swift energy can be determined from this image. Hence, a swift outcome to the issue at hand is implied.

This is fire, which represents the Spiral Energy of Spirit; Hence, this rush of writing could be intuitive and of high quality producing a work of great originality or even true genius. Here news is coming in that may accelerate your affairs. Therefore, this card implies that it is time to get off the couch and go-go-go; get focused and start creating!

Here also is implied, swiftness as in an express messenger often seen as Mercury, the messenger of the gods. Hence, great haste, great hope, speed towards and end that promises assured felicity. Energy that is on the move or even arrows of love. There is also a suggestion of overthinking an issue to the point of no real focus. However, as with all wands, the rapid forward push depends on the person and the circumstances. Of paramount importance, inspiration must be "brought down to earth" by physical action, as unstructured ideas will soon dissipate, and sparks of inspiration dim quickly becoming nothing. Organization must be applied so that speech doesn't become rash, and consequences become ill considered. Therefore, it is necessary to translate subconscious materials into the linear and sequential perceptions of the conscious mind. This process is not an easy one, or there would be an immense quantity of famous poets, novelists, and philosophers produced in our society. I often find that what I am saying in linear terms, is not what I am really trying to communicate and must settle for "baby steps", in sequential perceptions. Hence, the many blogs, to explain "One Thing" of multidimensional subtlety found in the use of 78 Tarot Cards just to explain the 0-The Fool: The Spiritual Essence of us all.

The Milo Manara Erotic Tarot-8 of Fire.

Milo Manara also assigns the Astrological signs of Mercury and Sagittarius to his Arduous- 8 of Fire card. Mercury in the house of Sagittarius stresses the need to communicate openly and freely in a demonstrative way. I would say the picture gets that meaning across.

In the psychedelic tapestry behind the Self-Pleasuring woman, is the bird of paradise, and flowers, all above the flames of energy. Then there is a Djinn/Efreet of fire, reaching out to her. What Milo Manara is representing here is the fiery energy release of an orgasm, as the Passion of the Creatrix " Will to Form", that is the information flowing in the fiery energy of the ONE Energy. Orgasms are "electrical energy releases" full of information that temporarily free the brain from falsehood. In the homo Sapiens, orgasms are a release of "oppressed emotions". E-Motion is Energy-in-motion and is energy full of information. It is of the "Will to Force" of Chokmah, filled with the understood information of the Creatrix "Will to Form". Hence, when you are all full of pent-up emotion, it best to reach a state of orgasm. Here all those unrequited emotions, can now be released in a healthy Self-Pleasuring, a healing release, and which is not a "bad thing"...After all, you are the Fiery Energy, the Spirit, the Sun/Son of the Creatrix which we commonly call "our Soul". And if the Soul/Solar Self can't give pleasure and release to the very body, it makes alive.... Who in the hell can? It is a magic rite to free energy, that would otherwise harm one as it comes out in phobia or fear. Plus, if you concentrate on one focus of "I Want...", let's say a picture of said want, and reach a state of orgasm while doing so, you will have what you want in record time. This is well known in western and tantric magic. If you have no other focus but to pleasure yourself, the energy releases and scatters everywhere, just like the image of the Thoth 8 of Wands. This is not harmful, as it heals in release but could be considered a waste of good power to create, by a shaman.

While the Bird of Paradise isn't typically associated with Tarot Card Comparisons, Western Hermetic Qabalah, or High Magic (k), I can still provide you with some information about its mythology.

The Bird of Paradise is a group of exotic bird species native to Papua New Guinea and nearby regions. These birds are known for their vibrant and intricate plumage, which resembles mythical and celestial creatures in various cultures. While there isn't a specific mythology associated with the Bird of Paradise, their striking appearance has often been linked to legends and stories of paradise and beauty.

In some indigenous cultures of Papua New Guinea, these birds are considered sacred and have symbolic significance. They are often associated with rituals, dances, and traditional ceremonies. The elaborate and colorful feathers of the Bird of Paradise are used in tribal regalia and are seen as a symbol of wealth and status.

In Western cultures, the Bird of Paradise has been used as a symbol of beauty, elegance, and exoticism. It has also appeared in art, fashion, and design due to its unique and captivating appearance. However, it's important to note that the Bird of Paradise doesn't have a specific mythological narrative like some other creatures in various mythologies.

I will provide some information about Djinn/Ifrits (Efreet), particularly those associated with fire. Djinn, also spelled as "jinn" or "genies," are supernatural beings in Islamic mythology and Middle Eastern folklore. They are often depicted as powerful, free-willed spirits created by Allah from smokeless fire, distinct from angels (created from light) and humans (created from clay).

There are different types of Djinn, and they can be associated with various elements, including fire. Here are some key points about fire-associated Djinn:

  1. Elemental Associations: Djinn associated with fire are known as "Ifrit" or "Efreet." Ifrits are considered the most powerful and often the most malicious among the Djinn. They are closely linked to the element of fire, which represents their fiery nature and destructive potential.

  2. Personality and Behavior: Ifrits are often portrayed as fiery and hot-tempered beings. They are known for their cunning, intelligence, and ability to shape-shift. Ifrits are sometimes considered malevolent and may cause harm to humans if summoned or provoked. However, not all Ifrits are evil, and some stories depict them as complex characters with their own motivations.

  3. In Folklore: Ifrits and other fire-associated Djinn frequently appear in Middle Eastern and Islamic folklore. They are often featured in tales of magic lamps, where a human may come into possession of a lamp or a ring that can summon and control a Djinn. The most famous of these stories is the tale of Aladdin and his encounter with a Djinn imprisoned in a lamp.

  4. Summoning and Control: In some stories, individuals with knowledge of magic or occult practices may attempt to summon and control Djinn, including Ifrits. However, this is portrayed as a risky and dangerous endeavor, as Djinn are not easily controlled, and they may turn against the summoner.

It's important to note that Djinn, including Ifrits, are a part of mythology and folklore and are not a central theme in Tarot Card Comparisons, Western Hermetic Qabalah, or High Magick.

When the 8/eight of wands/8 of Fire is thrown during a divination, it implies:

  • Ideas. 
  • Movement.
  • Quick communication. 
  • Flexibility.
  • Expansion. 
  • Intellectual power. 
  • Unexpected impulse.
  • Mental activity.

If reversed:

  • Vehemence.
  • Jealousy.
  • Hastiness.
  • Superficiality (no real focus).

Thank you for your interest, comments, and supportive donations. May you live long and prosper.

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