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The Tarot of Eli 2, LLC: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot- Eight of Wands & The Tarot of Sacred Kingdoms-8 of Wands.

Western Hermetic Qabalah, Tantric, Alchemical, Astrological, and Numerical Traditional Tarot Card Comparisons.

July 6, 2024

Above all things, know thyself!

Radiant: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot-Eight of Wands

The Rider-Waite-Smith 8 of Wands card is laid out for more of a mundane reading or divination, masking some of the more esoteric meanings. On a blue sky and lush landscape background, Waite displays 8 leaf sprouting wands (implying fertility), as if suspended or flying. Again, the phallic force of Mercury is shown in the shape of the wands, and the swift movement of flying and of growth is shown in the sprouting twigs and leaves.

The only reference to the Universal Element of Fire is the sunny sky. Obviously, Waite, still holding to his oath of secrecy, didn't spend heroic effort in designing this card, and it is simplicity itself. Since the wands are flying, swift energy can be determined from this image. Hence, a swift outcome to the issue at hand is implied.

In the study of gematria, where numerical values are assigned to letters and words in Hebrew, Greek, and other languages, the number 8 holds significant symbolism and meaning. Here is an exploration of the gematria characteristics and symbolic attributes associated with the number 8:


Numerological and Symbolic Meaning

  1. Infinity and Eternity:

    • The number 8 is often associated with infinity and eternity, symbolized by its shape (∞) when laid horizontally. It represents a never-ending cycle, continuous flow, and the concept of immortality.
  2. Balance and Harmony:

    • Eight is seen as a number of balance and harmony, as it is the double of four (which signifies stability and order). This doubling effect enhances the qualities of equilibrium and completeness.
  3. Renewal and Resurrection:

    • In many spiritual traditions, 8 is linked to renewal, rebirth, and resurrection. In Christianity, the eighth day (following the seven days of creation) signifies new beginnings and the resurrection of Christ.

Gematria in Hebrew

  1. Chet (ח):

    • The Hebrew letter associated with the number 8 is Chet (ח), which is the eighth letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Chet symbolizes life and vitality, as it is the first letter of the word "Chai" (חַי), meaning "life."
  2. Connections to Names and Concepts:

    • In gematria, various names and words that sum to 8 have specific meanings. For example, the name "Yitzchak" (Isaac) has a gematria value of 208, which reduces to 8 (2+0+8=10, 1+0=1, 1+7=8). Isaac is associated with laughter and joy, connecting 8 with positive emotions and divine promise.

Cultural and Esoteric Associations

  1. Jewish Tradition:

    • The number 8 is significant in Jewish culture, particularly in the celebration of Hanukkah, which lasts for eight days and nights. This festival commemorates the miracle of the oil that lasted eight days, symbolizing divine intervention and miracles.
  2. Chinese Culture:

    • In Chinese numerology, 8 is considered extremely lucky and prosperous. The word for 8 (八, bā) sounds similar to the word for wealth or fortune (发, fā), making it a symbol of good fortune and success.

Mathematical Properties

  1. Cubic Nature:

    • Mathematically, 8 is a cubic number (2^3), representing solid foundations and strong structures. This ties back to the symbolic interpretation of stability and strength.
  2. Symmetry:

    • The symmetrical shape of the number 8 reflects its association with balance and duality. It signifies a harmonious relationship between opposing forces.

Spiritual and Mystical Significance

  1. Kabbalistic/Qabalistic Interpretation:

    • In Kabbalah, 8 is associated with the sephirah of Hod, which represents glory and splendor. It signifies humility and the acknowledgment of the divine in the material world.
  2. Astrological and Alchemical Contexts:

    • In astrology, the eighth house is associated with transformation, regeneration, and the mysteries of life and death. Alchemically, 8 can represent the transmutation process, the journey from base to noble.


The number 8 in gematria and various cultural contexts is rich with meanings that span concepts of infinity, balance, renewal, and prosperity. Its associations with life, divinity, and transformation make it a powerful symbol in both spiritual and practical realms.

The Tarot of Sacred Kingdoms- 8 of Wands

The Tarot of Sacred Kingdoms- 8 of Wands illustrates a Jaguar running and leaping through a jungle river in pursuit of prey. Implied here is forward momentum, movement, and action. When thrown in a layout this card implies that the querent is experiencing a sudden surge of energy or inspiration and must take a leap forward to achieve the objectives one has set for themselves. Often when the jaguar is shown as a "spirit animal", it has deep esoteric meaning.

The jaguar is a powerful and multifaceted symbol in various cultures, particularly within indigenous cultures of the Americas. Here's a detailed look at the symbolism of the jaguar:


General Symbolism

  1. Power and Strength: Jaguars are often seen as symbols of strength, power, and ferocity. Their physical prowess and hunting skills make them revered creatures.
  2. Mystery and the Unknown: Due to their nocturnal nature and stealth, jaguars are also associated with mystery, the unknown, and the hidden aspects of life.
  3. Transformation and Rebirth: The jaguar's ability to navigate both land and water is symbolic of transformation and adaptability, often seen as a guide through personal change and rebirth.
  4. Protection and Guardianship: In some cultures, jaguars are considered protectors and guardians, symbolizing safety and defense against negative energies.

Cultural Symbolism

  1. Mesoamerican Cultures (Maya and Aztec):

    • Deities and Royalty: The jaguar was associated with deities and royal authority. It was seen as a bridge between the physical and spiritual worlds.
    • Warriors and Strength: Warriors were often compared to jaguars, embodying their strength and fearlessness in battle.
  2. South American Cultures (Inca and Amazonian Tribes):

    • Shamanism: Jaguars are deeply connected to shamanic traditions, representing the ability to move between worlds and possess heightened spiritual awareness.
    • Fertility and Creation: In some Amazonian tribes, the jaguar is linked to fertility and the creation myths, symbolizing the life force and the balance of nature.
  3. North American Tribes:

    • Spiritual Guides: For some North American tribes, the jaguar (or mountain lion/cougar, which are sometimes symbolically interchangeable) is a spiritual guide and teacher, imparting wisdom and strength.

Psychological and Personal Symbolism

  1. Inner Strength: The jaguar symbolizes the discovery and harnessing of inner strength and power.
  2. Intuition and Insight: It encourages trust in one's intuition and the ability to see through deception and illusions.
  3. Courage and Fearlessness: The jaguar spirit encourages facing fears head-on with confidence and bravery.

In essence, the jaguar is a complex symbol embodying a blend of power, mystery, spiritual insight, and transformation across various cultural and personal contexts.

The wands cards represent fire, which also represents the Spiral Energy of Spirit; Hence, this rush of writing could be intuitive and of high quality producing a work of great originality or even true genius. Here news is coming in that may accelerate your affairs. Therefore, this card implies that it is time to get off the couch and go-go-go; get focused and start creating!

Mercury- Swift Messenger of the Gods.

Here also is implied, swiftness as in an express messenger often seen as Mercury, the messenger of the gods. Hence, great haste, great hope, speed towards and end that promises assured felicity. Energy that is on the move or even arrows of love. There is also a suggestion of overthinking an issue to the point of no real focus. However, as with all wands, the rapid forward push depends on the person and the circumstances.

Of paramount importance, inspiration must be "brought down to earth" by physical action, as unstructured ideas will soon dissipate, and sparks of inspiration dim quickly becoming nothing. Organization must be applied so that speech doesn't become rash, and consequences become ill considered. Therefore, it is necessary to translate subconscious materials into the linear and sequential perceptions of the conscious mind. This process is not an easy one, or there would be an immense quantity of famous poets, novelists, and philosophers produced in our society.

I often find that what I am saying in linear terms, is not what I am really trying to communicate and must settle for "baby steps", in sequential perceptions. Hence, the many blogs, to explain "One Thing" and/or the One Mind of multidimensional subtlety represented in the use of 78 Tarot Cards just to explain the 0-The Fool: The Spiritual-Psyche Essence of us all.

The primary meaning of the 8 of Wands is that taking swift and decisive action is your key to success at this time.

When the 8 of wands and 8 of Spring is thrown during a divination, it implies:

  • Ideas. 
  • Movement.
  • Quick communication. 
  • Flexibility.
  • Expansion. 
  • Intellectual power. 
  • Unexpected impulse.
  • Mental activity.
  • Many good things happening all at once!

If reversed:

  • Vehemence.
  • Jealousy.
  • Hastiness.
  • Superficiality (no real focus).

Thank you for your interest, comments, and supportive donations. May you live long and prosper.

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