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The Tarot of Eli 2, LLC: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot- Four of Cups & The Milo Manara Erotic Tarot- 4 of Water.

Western Hermetic Qabalah, Tantric, Alchemical, Numerical, and Astrological Traditional Tarot Card Comparisons.

December 21, 2023

Radiant: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot- Four of Cups

The Rider-Waite-Smith card is true to the nature of these tarot water cards in a mundane divination presentation. The energy of this card is shown as very passive as Smith's young male figure seems almost indifferent to the spiritually offered cup filled with "fresh drink", as he already has reached satiety form the other 3. The meaning of the Rider-Waite-Smith is blended pleasure and success, receiving pleasure but mixed with anxiety and some slight discomfort. You might say that instead of pure energy in motion, it is now an emotional idea held in conceptional confinement. The meaning of the tarot 4's is also perfection, completion, and making a matter fixed and settled.

The Milo Manara Erotic Tarot-4 of Water.

The Erotic Tarot of Milo Manara depicts its 4 of Water, as a primitive scene of surprise and even fear. Here, a young woman "settler", is startled by the appearance of Native Americans, while fetching a pale of abundantly supplied water. Since the meanings assigned to this card are:

  • Rejection.
  • Shyness.
  • Diffidence.
  • Fear of one's own feelings.

The picture makes sense. Here one's own feelings of fear are being expressed. She has been told many tales of horror about the "savages". Hence, what is observed is her indoctrination, not what is "truth". Besides, who is more savage? Those who are caretakers of the land, and respect all life, and courage or those who destroy the environment, life, and each other for the illusions of greed, ambition, and fear? Since this card is Chessed, the 4th Sephiroth-Mercy, on the Tree of Life, the Native's here are showing only curiosity and not malicious behavior.

Since the Moon is in Cancer, both "water" symbols, lots of mixed emotion is being felt here and there is a need to effect change in a careful and dictatorial manner. When one stops fearing, and starts learning, emotions settle down and they become at peace in knowledge.

The astrological Moon in the house of Cancer is shown on the bottom of the Manara card and imparts specific characteristics and emotions to an individual's personality. Here are some key traits associated with the Moon in Cancer:

  1. Emotional Sensitivity: Individuals with the Moon in Cancer are highly attuned to their own and others' emotions. They have a deep well of feelings and can be quite empathetic, making them understanding and compassionate.

  2. Nurturing Nature: Cancer is the sign of the caregiver and nurturer. When the Moon is in Cancer, people often have a strong desire to take care of others, especially those they love. They may express their affection by cooking, providing a listening ear, or offering emotional support.

  3. Strong Attachment to Home: The Moon in Cancer is deeply connected to the concept of home and family. These individuals have a strong attachment to their homes and may find comfort and security in their domestic surroundings.

  4. Moodiness: Cancer is a water sign, and as such, the Moon in Cancer individuals can experience mood swings. Their emotions can change like the tides, and they may be easily affected by external circumstances.

  5. Protectiveness: Moon in Cancer individuals can be fiercely protective of their loved ones. They have a strong maternal or paternal instinct and will go to great lengths to ensure the safety and well-being of their family and friends.

  6. Intuitive: This placement often enhances one's intuition. People with the Moon in Cancer rely on their gut feelings and instincts when making decisions, especially in matters related to emotions and relationships.

  7. Sentimentality: Moon in Cancer individuals have a sentimental streak. They may hold onto mementos and keepsakes that evoke strong emotional memories. They cherish traditions and family rituals.

  8. Caring and Nurturing Partners: In romantic relationships, they seek a partner who can provide emotional security and reciprocate their nurturing qualities. They are deeply invested in creating a loving and supportive home environment.

  9. Love for Cooking and Food: Many with the Moon in Cancer have a love for cooking and sharing meals with loved ones. Preparing food can be a way they express their love and care.

  10. Empathetic Listeners: People with this placement are excellent listeners and provide a safe space for others to share their feelings. They offer emotional support and understanding.

It's essential to remember that the Moon sign is just one aspect of an individual's astrological profile. The overall personality is influenced by a combination of factors, including the Sun sign, rising sign (ascendant), and the positions of other planets in the birth chart.

By those already familiar with the Rider-Waite-Smith Four of Cups card 4 is several completions thereby, fixed and settled. There also seems to be a certain indifference to this card. as if disappointment as set in. As things become accumulation, "the common" luxury becomes a form of mediocracy. Here the young person is feeling a sense of satisfaction and seems indifferent to the cup offered by the Cherubim. However, before mediocracy sets in, this is a card of comfort, clarity, of kindness and of a particularly good humor. The 4th Cup is being offered as a new and wonderful future. However, in this emotional state of satisfaction, even parties, dinners, and entertainment may seem endless and common.

By understanding that the number 4 is a "awkward" number; alone among the natural numbers, as it is impossible to construct a "Magic Square" of four cells, one doesn't expect this mediocracy towards everyday luxury to last for long. Therefore, since 4 being a dead stop number, a different idea of order is necessary to carry on the series. Hence, it is not long for the severity of the 5's. Thus, for now everything is luxurious in stability, but the changing of the Moon, its waxing and waning, states change... this won't last so be grateful for what you have now.

Water is conscious or willed e-motion (Energy in Motion) and for the waves of energy to keep moving, the damming or dampening effort of the number 4, will fail. Change is the formula for motion (Change=Stability) and strife is not going to allow the 4 to stand. 4 is the number of restrictions, as in "4 walls" etc., and as a cage, it shows a certain amount of stability, until the energy contained slowly breaks down the walls of confinement. We all know the weakness of putrefaction in stable water as it becomes a still swamp of decomposition for like emotions, water must keep moving to stay pure.

When the 4 of Cups or 4 of Water card is thrown during a divination, the querent will be or is experiencing:

  • Pleasure, but with some slight discomfort and anxieties. 
  • Experiencing a blending of pleasure and success but approaching their end. The querent is experiencing a stationary period in happiness which may or may not continue as long as desired.
  • It is too passive a symbol to represent complete happiness and some drawbacks to pleasure are implied.
  • Both acquisition and contention in this card. For it is not wrong to enjoy the luxury of your labors, but labor will soon have to begin again, or you will lose it.
  • Warns us not to get lost in desire.
  • Weariness.
  • Disgust.
  • Imaginary vexations.  

If reversed:

  • Novelty.
  • Presage.
  • New instructions.
  • New relations.

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