The Tarot of Eli 2, LLC: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot-Four of Swords & Jungian Tarot-4 of Swords

Western Hermetic Qabalah, Tantric, Alchemical, Astrological, and Numerical Traditional Tarot Card Comparisons.

· Jungian Rider-Waite

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Radiant: Rider-Waite-Smith-Four of Swords

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Jungian Tarot- 4 of Swords

The Rider-Waite-Smith card concentrates on the Rest in Peace convention of a religious point of view. Waite portrays a stain glass motif of the Christ above a supine knight carved on a stone sarcophagus. Much like the graves in a medieval church. The resting and peaceful image portray the permanent overtones of death, the end of a thing, as well as the implied meaning of the four of swords; the Lord of Rest From Strife. The Fours of all suites represent making a matter settled and fixed. Despite the image, this is not a death card, the implied meaning is recovery.

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Qabalistic Tree of Life (God Molecule)

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Jungian Tarot- Four of Swords


The Jungian Tarot- 4 of Swords, is still using minimalistic art in its "small cards". Here, the 4 Golden/Yellow Swords (air element) are formed in a perfect line, denoting a closed/fenced system. Here one is in a secure place that is rest from strife; relief from anxiety, quietness, rest, rest after illness. This is a card representing imagination and the energies of this card are among the most positive of the deck. Let's face it, imagination is the key to all creation, human progress; creative vision is the chariot that carries civilization forward in the arts, sciences, in politics, and in every aspect of society. This card represents that inner "something" (Womb with a view) which can enervate, inspire, and empassion; a condition that can be very attractive to others, who are delighted with the projection of artistic and poetic thoughts. Therefore, this is a card of good times, friendship, and good feelings. At best, the Four of Swords, represents a magical journey into the "Womb with a View", the birthplace of magic ideas, a journey into the Universal Unconscious Collective and bringing back ideas that affect the society in some special way. Mundanely, the card can just mean a good and safe journey.

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The Four/4 of Swords represents Chesed in Yetzirah, influencing the Formative Astral world of liquid light (The Akasha).

As you may know, mental creation happens in the fluid light of the Astral World before the manifestation is solidified in the Material World of crystallized light.

In the Qabalah, all of us really are a Yod ( flame or hand/spirit of the Divine Creative) and connected as one Great Intelligence, in the Universal Collective Unconscious. Our individual physical human body is the incarnation for the sensual experience of "dreams", turning information into experienced knowledge. Hence, the physical body is a spiritual sacrament and resides within the Invisible dreamer/Spirit that makes it live by flowing through it, much as a fish in the Ocean. That Invisible and/or "inner you" is as Jupiter, and in this card, Jupiter is in Libra, dampening the normal destructive Swords. The cutting edges are put to rest or sheathed in the munificent, benevolent and loving nature of Jupiter.

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When the 4/four of Swords - is thrown during a reading:

  • There is mental understanding of a matter or relationship coming to full resolution on four levels of mental awareness: The Rational, The Emotional of the Unconscious , The Spiritual, and the Subconscious of the Physical.
  • A holding pattern after mastering a difficult mental situation.
  • Retreat or withdrawal necessary to heal or hide, by creating a protected mental space. 
  • Here insight can be generated by seclusion.
  • A moment of logic and discriminating intelligence of integrity and planning.
  • A good and safe journey.
  • A moment of inspiration. 
  • A surge of passion to do!

The negatives of this card are often shown by the surrounding cards or if card is reversed (Rider-Waite- Smith), it implies:

  •   A bought of illness, in order to recuperate.
  •  The intellect is relinquishing control back to the body so that a time out of from problems and solutions are achieved as the body has only one focus of getting better.
  • Implications of problems that should not be ignored, listen to the inner self and answers will be restored.
  • Lack of creative insight.

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