The Tarot of Eli 2-LLC: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot- Key 11-Justice & The Prophet Tarot-Key 11- Justice

Western Hermetic Qaballah, Tantric, Astrological, Alchemical, and Numerical Traditional Tarot Card Comparisons.

· RWS and Prophet

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Radiant Rider-Waite-Smith- Key 11- Justice

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The Prophet Tarot-Key 11- Justice

In Tarot, traditional or otherwise, the Justice Card represents Equilibrium, which is symbolized by the Balance Scales that are in the left hand of the Judicial figure on both cards. One may also assume that the Balance Scales represent the Hindu word-Karma (Action or Work)-known as you "reap what you sow". Therefore, Justice, manifests itself in the form of the Law of Undeviating Justice.; known in modern physics as "every action has an equal and opposite reaction". Robert Wang, a popular Qaballist, named this card, "The Mother who punishes and rewards": For she is severe and gives the Soul, only what it has sown in the world.

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The Throne on the Rider-Waite-Smith-Key 11 card, repeats the pillar-veil symbolism of Key 2-The High Priestess. On the Crown, is the circle and square symbol, representing spirit's movement in matter. The Sword represents discernment/discrimination, which is closely allied with the term of Justice. The Gold/Yellow background, which is very visible in the Rider-Waite-Smith Justice Key, represents the "Mind", as well as, the cardinal airy sign of Libra is represented by the Scales. The Purple veil represents the "mystery behind the Oracle of Justice".

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It is easily seen that Key 11, is the agency through which all of the forces represented by Keys 1 to 10 are transferred to the manifesting powers represented by Keys 12 to 21.

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Not shown on either card, is the Qabalistic Wisdom that relates the Hebrew Letter Lamed (Ox goad) to this card, which Dr. Paul Foster Cased named as an Faithful Intelligence. The Hebrew word for "faithful" is AMN (Amen) which is closely related to the Hindu AUM or OM and is also related to the Egyptian God Amun, that is often written-Amen. All implying what Qabalist's already know, that "spiritual virtues are deposited in the Faithful Intelligence and augment therein", which is the very idea of the ripening of perception and interpretation into motives for action, so familiar to occultists as the fundamental meaning of Karma.

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The central figure on both cards, is an conventional personification of Justice, lacking the traditional blind fold. On the Rider-Waite-Smith Card the figures yellow hair identifies her as Venus. She may also be identified with the woman who tames the lion in Key 8 and it should be remembered that in the more exoteric Tarot, Key 8 is Justice and Key 11 is Strength. This goes along way into the understanding that Key 8 and Key 11 both represent 2 aspects of the same power that is the Creative Imagination, that is represented by the Empress. So once again we see that 0=2, and that I AM is truth, but what I Am, ( a Me) is an assumption of perspectives.

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Rider-Waite- Smith Key 11-crown.

The Rider-Waite- Smith Key 11, depicts a golden crown of 3 turrets and ornamented with a square blue gem. Here, the 3 turrets and the 4 sides of the gem, add to the number 7, the number attributed to Venus.

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The Violet color of the curtains, hint at the Key 10-Wheel of Fortune, suggesting that the veils of mechanism are conceal from the uninitiated, that the whole universe (Above and Below) is permeated by the Life-Breath of Spirit, symbolized by the yellow. One must remember this if one is to use the Silver and Black copy of the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot, called the Prophet Tarot. Colors help the new user recognize the mystery of the card. The Prophet Tarot is recommended for the well-practiced reader who likes a more "Gothic" card.

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After all the symbolism is considered, the general meaning of the Justice Key is the education of "freedom of choice" which has equilibrium as its aim. Education (as opposed to indoctrination which leaves no Freedom of choice) is completed by Action and Work, and therefore, requires the elimination of useless, outworn forms. Physiologically, this Justice Image, depicts the law of poise and self-direction. A balanced personality is faithful, constant, and confident. This is because the right use of reason has established enduring certainty as to the just outcome of all activities. Hence, it is reasonable to do unto others as you would have done to you.

The RWS Tarot-Justice, basically means that you have to take full responsibility for the choices you make. If you drift through life without examining your choices and what these choices say about you and your values-you'll never be truly self-aware and you may find yourself treating others unfairly and dishonestly and thereby, leading an unjust life of negatives.

When the Key 11-Justice card is thrown in a divination, it implies:

  • Perceptive will. 
  • Finding harmony by mastering reality.
  • Self-Realization by taking responsibility for oneself.
  • Objectivity.
  • Justice and order.
  • Balance.
  • Fairness.
  • Discernment.
  • Greatest possible objectivity.
  • Reasonable decisions. 

When reversed:

  • Hypocrisy.
  • Self-righteousness. 
  • Lack of self-awareness.

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