
Radiant-Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot-Key 14-Temperance

B.O.T.A Tarot- Key 14-Temperance
The Key 14-Temperance card is named the Intelligence of probation or trial, by Dr. Paul Foster Case, founder of the Builders of The Adytum (B.O.T.A.). He is referring to the testing through which every aspirant must pass before they can reach the heights of Initiation. The object is to determine one's temper and/or strength, much like the act of tempering metal and thereby, creating the right combination of flexibility and strength. There is a distinct quality of equilibration, as the initiate must be perfectly balanced with reference to all their vehicles. Here, the middle path between 2 extreme courses of action must be chosen.

The Angel in the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot illustrates a blue sky, free of clouds and a halo of wisdom around the head. However, the B.O.T.A. Angel, has a rainbow around its head, which represents the differentiation of Light into Color by means of water and the sign of Sagittarius because the Hebrew name for the sign is QShTh, Qesheth-The Bow.Hence, the "bow of promise" of the Bible. Dr. Waite is a lover of being mysterious, and substituted the Iris flow for the rainbow. This is in reference to the Greek Goddess of the rainbow, Iris. The Angel is an androgynous being that represents the Higher Self. Upon the brow, is shown the circle and dot symbol of the Sun; therefore, it wears the Solar Energy of the Soul, upon its brow.

The White Robes of both Angels, denotes purity. At the neck of the B.O.T.A. Angel, is shown the Hebrew letters of Tetragramaton and also displays a 7 pointed star on its chest, while the Rider-Waite- Smith Angel displays white square with a red triangle in its center. The 7 pointed star is reference to skill, for to make such a star a circle must be divided into 7 equal parts and therefore, represents the works of man. Since there is no mathematical formula for this, it must be drawn by trial and error. This also is an example of the underlying meaning of Tempering. On the Rider-Waite-Smith Angel, the white square is the "symbol for the 4 square world of mankind" and the red triangle is the symbol for the universal element of fire.

To be even more esoteric, the number 7 also signifies the "7 spirits of God", the 7 sacred planets, and the 7 chakras (Spinning wheels) of energy on the human form.

On both cards, the Angel (Michael) rests one foot on water, signifying the cosmic mind stuff and the other foot is on land, signifying the "solid" world of physical manifestation. The Rider pack Angel pours water from the cup in its left hand to the right. The cups are gold, because they represent the golden radiant light that all living creation comes from. The upper cup represents the self-consciousness, corresponding to the man in Key 6-The Lovers. The lower cup, represents the Woman and Subconsciousness. The stream of mind stuff, flows/vibrates between them.
In the more esoteric images of the B.O.T.A. TAROT, there is a slight difference. The Angel stands between a lion and red eagle. In the colored Keys, the lion is a dark earthly brown, representing the Devil (Lord of Earth), in the guise of a lion, implying he is looking for the next person to prey upon. Yet, this is also a symbol of fire (Leo the Sun) and because ARIH, Arieh, the lion has the same numeration as GBRH, Geburah, Strength. This Mars force of Geburah, is exalted in Capricorn (devil/goat) and when the Tarot is placed on the Tree of Life, Key 14, stands between the path of Capricorn to Scorpio, as the Eagle is a symbol for this watery sign of Scorpio.

The eagle on the other side of the Angel, is the symbol for Scorpio. Hence, the composition for this version of Key 14, is reference to its position on the Tree of Life. Therefore, on the fiery lion the Angel pours water and on the watery Eagle the Angel pours fire (torch). The five flames falling from the torch on the head of the Eagle, represent the Yod force, and the sixth flame rises, water on fire and/or the action and reaction of opposites is thus shown; carrying out the general idea of Temperance and/or tempering .
On both cards, the Angel is the I AM and/or the Greater Ego of the Soul-Tiphareth the 6th Sephiroth on the Tree of Life.Therefore, the Angel is shown adapting and modifying the personal stream of psychic energy in the actions and reactions of the self-conscious and subconscious aspects of human personality. The belief here is that the Holy Guardian Angel, makes all the tests and trials, which lead us along the path of attainment. Personalities must be tempered to handle the fiery force of the Inner Sun of God. The only correction necessary is the intellectual correction. Therefore, the wise man acts as if all tests, and tempering of intellectual corrections are his alone. Even though he knows better.
The twin mountain peaks represent Chokam-Wisdom and Binah-Understanding, and the crown above them represents the Primal Will of Kether (Eheieh-I Will Be).

The Hebrew letter Samekh, which is shown on the bottom-your right, of the B.O.T.A. Card, means Prop or Tent Peg. Since it is what makes a tent secure, it suggests what would be a foundation for a house. Hence, it is the symbol for that which is the support for our house of life. It is that which sustains, presevers, and maintains our personal existence.
When the Key 14-Temperance card is thrown in a divination. It implies:
- Dissolve and bind.
- Reunification of that which is dissolved (0=2, 2=1)
- The philosopher's stone is the goal.
- The search for the innermost core of being.
- The proper measure.
- Proportionality and harmony.
- Anima and Animus, blending into One.
If reversed:
- Excess (conflicts and dissipation).
- Tendency towards extremes.
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