The Tarot of Eli 2, LLC: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot- Key 15-The Devil & The Fairy Tarot -Key 15- Ego

Western Hermetic Qabilah, Tantric, Alchemical, Astrological, and Numerical Traditional Tarot Card Comparisons.

· Fairy Tarot and RWS

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The Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot- Key 15-The Devil

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The Fairy Tarot -Key 15-Ego

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Okay kiddies, it is time to grow up. To a Qabalist, although this Key 15-The Devil traditionally exhibits grotesqueness and terrible aspects, it is an idea that contributes to Mirth. Without the horrible character to fear, the exoteric dogmatism that created such falsehood, wouldn't have followers. Fear is the foundation of the survival mind of the Animal-(subconscious) and it is attributed to the "nightmare" creating subconscious in the human psyche that has been profaned by indoctrination and dogma and thereby, usurping the soul's control of the body. The devil is a concept that creates laughter in an enlightened person, who knows of the "false Ego" and/or the "mind virus" that has profaned our subconscious concepts of self. A deeper understanding also shows the devil represents the delusion of outward appearance. and worded identity. Here is the Scapegoat image, which relieves us of our mistakes by saying," The devil made me do it". The "devil" is really our "dark side" of self-absorbed survival emotions, which have become infected with a "mind virus" parasite, whose only ability to exist is off the light/energy of the person it preys on by staying hidden and unobserved by our awake Self-Consciousness.

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The Ancients claimed that the devil is God inverted believing in the concept that of matter as opposed to Spirit. However, the Truth is that they are both aspects of the One Thing/Energy, as so graphically shown by the interlocking black and white triangles, or one side of the face white and the other black both images familiar to any student of occultism (occultism means hiddenness). Denial of the "mind virus" and its influence on your daily existence, showing up as self-destructiveness, gossip, such as drug or alcohol addiction, smoking, depression, zealotry, bigotry, fear of the unknown, etc. etc. Finger pointing at the virus in others and thereby, failing to see that we are merely transferring what we fail to see in ourselves. This "devil" within is easily banished by self-introspection, where the awake consciousness observes it. For it is "anti-consciousness"-Anti-life, just as when matter was produced so was anti-matter. I would highly recommend Paul Levy's book-Wetiko (Healing the mind virus that plagues our world).

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Above all things, know thyself!

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In Barbra G. Walker's Book [ THE WOMAN'S ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MYTHS AND SECRETS] which has been honored by the London Times Educational supplement as 1986 "Book of the Year", the provenance of the word devil is noted as Persian. She states." The Words "devil" and "divinity" grew from the same root, Indo-European devi (Goddess) or deva (God), which became daeva (devil) in Persian. Old English divell (devil) can be traced to the Roman derivative divus, divi: gods. Thus, it seems that, from the beginning, gods and devils were often confused with one another." She goes on to explain such an enlightening scholarship that I highly recommend this book to anyone who seeks an honest education.

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There is another fact here that may hide from reason, and that is the combination of the words Devi (Goddess)and Lingam ( Male phallus), is Divya Linga ( Sanskrit word for Divine- lingam) and has also been interpreted by propagandists of Christian past, as the word Devil, which actually bespeaks of the "Son/Sun of God" as the Solar Phallus, which is much the concept of the Roman, Lucifer. which means bringer of light! A similar moniker applied to the Christ. Much to study here as most of our "knowledge" is propaganda-based misconstructions designed to manipulate our subconscious mind and/or the brain creating a false ego run by "the few who wish to rule the many"!

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The Devil on the cube altar.

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The cube of Earth/matter.

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The Fairy Tarot - Key 15-Ego

The difference between a comedy and a tragedy is that in a comedy, the characters figure out reality in time to do something about it.

--Bennett W. Goodspeed

In the Fairy Tarot, The Ego -Key 15, is shown two fairies, standing before a Celtic Beltane Fire. Beltane is a sacred springtime ceremony to release the old guilts, fears, blame and other products of the profaned ego and bring in the new growth in self-awareness.

In the context of psychology and metaphysics, both the personality and the ego are significant concepts, but they refer to different aspects of an individual.

  1. Personality:

    • In psychology, personality encompasses a set of enduring traits, patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that make each person unique. It's the way an individual consistently interacts with the world.
    • Personality is shaped by a combination of genetic factors, experiences, and environmental influences. Psychologists often use various theories, such as the Big Five personality traits (openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism), to understand and categorize personality characteristics.
  2. Ego:

    • In psychology, particularly in psychoanalytic theory developed by Sigmund Freud, the ego is one of the three parts of the mind, alongside the id and superego. The ego is responsible for mediating between the instinctual, impulsive desires of the id and the moral and social constraints of the superego.
    • The ego operates based on the reality principle, seeking to satisfy the id's desires in a way that is realistic and socially acceptable. It helps individuals navigate the external world and make decisions that balance their internal needs with external demands.

In summary, while personality refers to the overall pattern of characteristics that define an individual, the ego is a specific part of the mind responsible for managing conflicts between internal drives and external demands. The ego is a component of the broader personality structure. Understanding both concepts can provide insights into human behavior and thought processes. The subconscious has two aspects, ego and personality. Both are profaned by indoctrination and dogma.

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Beltane is a Celtic festival that marks the beginning of the warmer season, usually celebrated on the night of April 30th and May 1st. It is a time to welcome the arrival of summer and celebrate fertility, growth, and the union of the god and goddess. The rituals associated with Beltane often involve bonfires, feasting, and various symbolic activities.

Some common elements of Beltane rituals include:

  1. Bonfires: Large bonfires are a central aspect of Beltane celebrations. People traditionally jump over the fires to symbolize purification and fertility.

  2. Maypole Dancing: The Maypole dance is a popular activity during Beltane. A tall pole is erected, adorned with colorful ribbons, and participants dance around it, weaving the ribbons together. This is a symbol of the intertwining forces of nature.

  3. Floral Decorations: Flowers play a significant role in Beltane rituals. Participants may wear flower crowns, and various flowers are used to decorate homes and altars, symbolizing the blossoming of life.

  4. Feasting: Beltane is a time for communal feasting and celebration. People come together to share food, drink, and merriment.

  5. Union of the God and Goddess: Beltane is seen as a time when the god and goddess unite, representing the sacred marriage of masculine and feminine energies, leading to the creation of life.

  6. Fertility Rites: Various fertility rituals are performed during Beltane to encourage abundance in crops, livestock, and personal endeavors.

While Beltane has its roots in Celtic traditions, it is also celebrated by modern pagans and Wiccans as one of the eight Sabbats in the Wheel of the Year. The rituals may vary among different traditions, but the essence of celebrating fertility, growth, and the vibrant energy of summer remains consistent.

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The black background of the RWS-Key 15-The Devil represents the darkness of ignorance. The inverted pentagram on the brow of the RWS Devil symbolizes mental inversion and/or "upside down thinking". It is also the sign of man in reverse position and thereby, representing falsehood and delusion. This is because the Devil represents the "Dark Son"/The Trickster/the mimic deceiver and/or "false ego". Whereas, the half-cube pedestal, this laughable R.W.S. figure sits on, represents an imperfect understanding of the physical World, that is represented as a cube. The Devil featured on both cards are personifications of the self-conscious and subconscious aspects of Mind. Traditional Horns and hoofs indicate that delusion "bestializes" human consciousness. The chain which holds them to the block of delusion, represents Bondage, which is a mental result of indoctrination and dogma, and the mind virus which is also attributed to Key 15. The Devil and Lucifer somehow became the same being in the ignorance of the church dogma. Lucifer is Latin for "bringer of Light" and was often the name for the Planet Venus.

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Images of the Devil to stimulate subconscious survival fear.

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In the more Qabalistic Key 15 cards, the Devil is associated with the Hebrew Letter Ain. The Path of Ayin, means Eye, a sigil for the All Seeing "I" of the One Mind and if we believe in only what our physical eyes show us, we lose our inner "I" sight, shown as the third eye, that is usually on the forehead of the Tarot-key 15 Goat (scapegoat) and as the point of the inverted pentagram on the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot. Inverted pentagrams represent "upside down" thinking and/or reversal of true knowledge. The enchained figures on the Rider-Waite-Smith card are shown horned indicating their servitude; However unwittingly, to this comical Bogeyman the woman figure sports a "fruitful" tail, implying she is sexual-Fecund (Will to Form) and the male figure's tail is aflame, implying sexual- expressive force (Will to Force).

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The misconception of reality is symbolized in two ways on the DEVIL card. First, the smirking mouth, and second, the Goat-Head represents the humorous figure of the childhood nemesis the "Bogeyman"; this "Bogeyman" is more of a demonic character on the Rider-Waite-Smith deck. The Rider-Waite-Smith and many traditional tarot cards emphasizes the knowledge that our belief in the illusion of matter (Matter is only .4% visible as our bodies are 99.6% space) is laughable while implying that laughter is a humorous approach to our lives and is a tool which will help our consciousness to transcend the illusion of "fearing it to believe it" even though it is a story we tell ourselves.

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Mirth is the first great corrective and helps us not to take our perceptions of the material world seriously, which only means "fearfully". Therefore, the Devil cautions us not to believe everything we think or "feel". It pays to note that the Survival Mind of the animal (subconscious), is profaned by the Devilish tempter that is the false ego which tricks us into believing we are as Moons who are at the mercy of Forces rather than the Magus (The Sun/Son) who manipulates them. This doesn't mean the subconscious is evil, it just means it is the creator of survival thoughts and instincts that once profaned by indoctrination and dogma often bedevil us throughout the delusions of material life and the admonishments of culture.

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THE DEVIL represents Raw Power (Mars) of consciousness; "Raw" because it is the force that brings about the transmutation of THE TOWER (key 16) and is in the sign of Capricorn (also shown as the Goat headed or Goat like image on the Waite Tarot), which is where Mars is exalted-in the Survival Mind. Capricorn is a weighty, even blind sign of Earth and symbolizes the highest and lowest states of individual personality. Yet it is considered a sign of initiation, or release from matter formed limitations, thereby showing us the positive side of the mind virus that torments us. These material limitations are suggested by the astrological rulership of Capricorn by Saturn, the Planet of Binah, The Great Mother that governs the limitations of form, including Time-Space, as does the Greek- Saturn. These limitations are of both the enclosure of matter or of time, the artificial system by which we meter and enclose all activities. Thus, THE DEVIL also represents the average person's misconception of "reality"; a perceptive belief that the material eyesight and/or-sensual condition of measurement is "Real". The Qabalist knows the physical-material world as the "1%" world, and realizes that the other invisible "99%" (often called "the other side of the Mirror") is the unseen Real Self that is behind all creation:

All is Mind! 

The Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot- key 15 (ATU-15) is named the Devil-key 15. The Goat headed image represents the old Goat headed God and the Sign Capricorn as well, which is only appropriate since this is the sign attributed to this card. Capricorn is a sign attributed to the element earth and therefore, a horned being is often shown.


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This misconception of reality as observed by indoctrination and dogma, which is symbolized on the Devil card by the upside-down pentagram on the entities head. The upside-down pentagram indicates delusion as our ideas of spirituality and reality are upside down as it is positioned over the "Third Eye" of Inner Sight. Aleister Crowley stated the upside-down pentagram represented the Bodies rulership over Spirit, which is indeed a delusion, as a mortal being has no power to rule the Spirit, who is the Power and Life and Death of the material All. One must be fooled by their senses into believing the body is powerful and separate from spirit and thereby be able to supersede spirit. Hence, the devil often is shown as the "trickster" who falsely rules the physical form.

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Rider-Waite-Smith-Key 15-The Devil

Due to fundamental religions, what has been called "evil" ("live" spelled backwards) has found little value in the Dark Emotions of survival thinking. However, what is called "evil" is essential to the process of the individual-knowledge of Self. Knowledge is neither good nor bad. "Evil" being a word for "error" and which is often ignored is that 50% of all Wisdom is at first "Error" and the other 50% of Wisdom is correction of that error. Hence, the "false ego"/mind virus aids us in obtaining wisdom!

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Everything is a failure until it isn't. There can be no light without darkness, no form without shadow; there can be no Perfected Self, without Imperfect Self: no Christ without Antichrist; there can be no resolution of dualities of consciousness without encountering the black waters of discord. However, our true power lies in our shadow self, for it is the place of all dreams, illusions, and fantasies, all which contribute to creation! For therein lies our Imagination-The Creatrix of all Forms!

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Assigning Capricorn to this card, the sign of cardinal earth, is apropos for this card since the devil represents enslavement of consciousness by the illusions of matter. Hence, the bound figures shown on the Devil card. Simply, one must be immersed in the material condition to this extreme before release is possible. Without the sensual intimacy, that the body human gives us Psyches of Spirit, we could not experience data as information, this becomes in-form-action, as we emote this data as "emotional thoughts", and thus enacted through the sensual body, information, becomes knowledge. Knowledge experienced becomes learned Wisdom. A Spirit with a body of matter, soon learns what is dysfunctional and functional thought, by the body's reaction to each thought. Hence, a lesson here is obviously, "don't believe everything you think" for there be boogeyman there!

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There are so many examples of this boogeyman theme throughout history; The Christ in the desert being tempted by the Devil and descending into the depths of hell, which is a well-known Christian allegory, and the Alchemical principle as the blackness of putrefaction from which gold emerges. The boogeyman in the closet of the story tellers or Hollywood fame is a more modern popular theme. Simply put, those who wish to rule found out that when you control the survival mind's-fears and concerns you control the people.

This just proves that historically cultures have symbolized the same important psychological (and archetypal) process. Any way you look at it, the Devil, is a key archetype of the collective unconscious and/or "group soul" of the race. It is unquestionably irrational, anxiety-creating, and stress filled. However, it is found to be less stressful to deal with the figure of Archetypal Shadow, which embodies the most negative and inferior qualities of our own egocentric personalities, simply by observation of its existence in our subconsciousness. Awake Conscious observation of the "shadow self", releases it of any false power it was formerly assumed to have by making the subconscious more conscious. We find that emotional focus is "power", and what we focus with the most passion, becomes our life motion.

When the Devil or Ego Key 15 card is thrown in a divination, it implies:

  • Strong instinct and suggestive power.
  • Lust for power. 
  • Black magic (fear-based magic).
  • Ritualized sexuality.
  • Ego transformation through group rituals.
  • The encounter with the shadow.
  • The Subconscious is considered the Shadow of the Unconsciousness.
  • The sum of unlived possibilities.
  • Perception of the truth.
  • Complete self.
  • Lucifer as the bringer of Light.
  • Determining what is the cause and what is the symptom.

If reversed (shadow):

  • Fateful entanglements.
  • Self-destructive tendencies and/or drives.
  • Hell within.
  • Dark power.
  • Collective hysteria.
  • Getting caught up in fear and worry.
  • Addictions.

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