The Tarot of Eli 2, LLC: Rider-Waite-Smith-Tarot-Key 18-The Moon & The Tarot of Sacred Kingdoms- Key 18- The Moon.

Western Hermetic, Qabalistic, Tantric, Alchemical, Astrological, and Numerical Traditional Tarot Card Comparisons.

· Rider-waite-smith and Sacred Kingdoms

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The Rider-Waite-Smith-Tarot- Key 18-The Moon

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The Tarot of Sacred Kingdoms-Key 18- The Moon

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Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot (RWS)- Key 18-The Moon

In Western Magic and Tarot, it is known that the way of attainment is the way of return; you cannot escape the consequences of one’s actions. This is a main attribute of the Moon, which reflects from the Sun what the Sun radiates. On the RWS Moon card, the crayfish that is climbing out of the pool, represents the instinctive mind of the subconscious, as does the wolf and dog, but from wolf to dog is a higher form of domesticated intelligence, resulting from evolutionary modification. Also, the wolf is a symbol of nature, and the dog, of human terraforming because he is a product of human genetic manipulation and/or adaptation. The Path, on the RWS Moon Card, which lies between dog and wolf, suggests the way of balance, goes neither too far toward artificiality nor allows everything to be influenced by ungoverned natural impulses.

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The path wanders through well-tilled fields on the RWS card, or to the mysterious world of the unknown heights beyond the two towers of present human achievement. The undulation of the ground represents alternate periods of rest and action. Therefore, the stage of unfoldment is Organization. This is the Path of Qoph, a Hebrew letter, shown on the bottom of the Qabalistic Thoth ATU 18 Moon card. The Path of Qoph, is called by Dr. Paul Foster Case (of B.O.T.A.) as the Corporeal Intelligence, meaning body consciousness-known as the subconscious, which is the body collective or aggregate intelligence generated by the individual cells and that has become profaned by the "mind virus" of the "false ego" and/or the Shadow side of our brain. Also, the Hebrew word "corporeal" means to "rain upon" and this is shown by the raining of the Yod shaped solar radiant on the Moon Card.

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The Corporeal intelligence/The Moon

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The Tarot of Sacred Kingdoms- Key 18-The Moon

The Tarot of Sacred Kingdoms -Key 18- illustrates a journey into the subconscious mind where emotions hide and intuition strikes. Hence, this could be a time of doubt and confusion. It is important to trust that these feelings will pass, and you will emerge with a greater understanding of yourself and your place in the world. It is time to pay attention to your dreams and the symbols that come to you in your sleep. I recommend that you keep a dream journal by your bed so that upon awaking you can write them down while the memory still lingers. The Subconscious speaks in images not words, so these images from a metaphoric story that is important to your self-understanding.

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The Moon has rich symbolism and mythology across various cultures. In the realm of tarot and metaphysics, understanding the symbolism of the Moon is crucial.

  1. Archetypal Symbolism:

    • The Moon often represents the subconscious mind, intuition, and emotions. It symbolizes the hidden, mysterious aspects of life that are not always clear or visible.
  2. Tarot Symbolism:

    • In tarot, the Moon card is associated with illusions, dreams, and the unconscious. It encourages introspection and exploring one's inner world. The presence of a dog and a wolf on the card can symbolize domesticated and wild aspects of our nature.
  3. Mythological Connections:

    • Various mythologies incorporate the Moon into their stories. For example, in Greek mythology, the Moon is associated with the goddess Selene. In Roman mythology, it's Luna. These goddesses are often depicted driving a chariot across the night sky, illuminating the world with the moon's light.
  4. Lunar Phases:

    • The separate phases of the Moon also carry symbolic significance. The waxing and waning of the Moon can be seen as cycles of growth, decay, and renewal, reflecting the cycles of life.
  5. Feminine Energy:

    • The Moon is frequently linked to feminine energy. Its cycles are often compared to the menstrual cycle, and it is associated with nurturing qualities and the mother archetype.
  6. Transformation:

    • The Moon's changing appearance symbolizes transformation and the cyclical nature of life. It encourages individuals to embrace change and acknowledge the impermanence of things.
  7. Cultural Variations:

    • Different cultures may have unique interpretations of the Moon. For example, in Chinese mythology, the Moon is associated with the Moon Goddess Chang'e, while in Hindu mythology, it's linked to Chandra, the lunar deity.

Understanding the symbolism of the Moon can add depth to tarot readings and metaphysical practices. It encourages individuals to explore their inner selves, embrace change, and connect with the mysterious aspects of life.

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The Moon represents the reflected light of the subconscious (animal mind), it is the dark Crone of the Triple goddess-Maid-Mother-Crone. The 18 Yods falling from Sun-Moon image on the RWS card represent the Key number as well as "falling rain"; eighteen is also the Hebrew number of the noun Chi; Chi signifying "Life". Hence, the falling Yods, (flames) represent the life-force from "above to the below" of the living and/or the conditions of corporeal existence.

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The Pool below (Moon Pool) symbolizes the "Abyssal Womb" and/or "Great Deep" of Cosmic Mind-Stuff, out of which emerges "dry land" and/or physical manifestation. This pool also signifies the 9th Sephiroth-Yesod, "The Sphere of the Moon" and is the seat of the Vital Soul, manifested in the human as the automatic consciousness, commonly known as the subconsciousness. The crayfish (crab) is a symbol of astrological 4th house of Cancer and regeneration as it sheds its outer shell to expand its growth.

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The astrological sign of Cancer, the fourth sign in the zodiac, is ruled by the Moon and spans from June 21 to July 22. Here are the key characteristics of Cancer:

Personality Traits

  1. Emotional and Sensitive: Cancer individuals are deeply emotional and highly sensitive. They feel things profoundly and are often in tune with their own emotions as well as those of others.

  2. Nurturing and Caring: Known for their nurturing nature, Cancers are often seen as the caregivers of the zodiac. They are compassionate, empathetic, and have a strong desire to take care of their loved ones.

  3. Intuitive: Cancers possess a strong intuition and often rely on their gut feelings to make decisions. They can sense the moods and needs of others, which makes them excellent at providing comfort and support.

  4. Loyal: Loyalty is a hallmark of Cancer. They are devoted friends and partners, always standing by the people they care about through thick and thin.

  5. Protective: Just as the crab, their symbol, has a hard shell, Cancers are protective of themselves and their loved ones. They can be fiercely defensive when it comes to safeguarding their home and family.


  • Empathy: Cancers have an exceptional ability to understand and share the feelings of others.
  • Tenacity: When they set their mind to something, Cancers can be incredibly persistent and determined.
  • Creativity: Many Cancers are highly creative, with talents in art, music, and writing.


  • Moodiness: Due to their emotional depth, Cancers can experience mood swings and may withdraw when feeling hurt or overwhelmed.
  • Over-Sensitivity: They can be easily hurt by criticism or harsh words, taking things more personally than others might.
  • Pessimism: Cancers sometimes struggle with negative thinking and may need reassurance to stay positive.


  • Romantic: In relationships, Cancers are affectionate, romantic, and deeply committed. They seek a strong emotional connection and a partner who can provide security and stability.
  • Friendship: As friends, Cancers are loyal and reliable. They are always willing to lend a helping hand or a listening ear.
  • Family: Family is paramount to Cancer individuals. They often prioritize family bonds and traditions, and are dedicated to creating a loving home environment.

Career and Finances

  • Professionally: Cancers excel in careers that allow them to care for others, such as nursing, counseling, and teaching. They also do well in creative fields like writing and art.
  • Financially: Cancers are generally careful with money, preferring to save for the future rather than spend impulsively. They seek financial security and stability.

Element and Modality

  • Element: Water – This element represents emotions, intuition, and the subconscious. Water signs are known for their sensitivity and emotional depth.
  • Modality: Cardinal – Cardinal signs are initiators and leaders. Cancers are good at starting new projects and bringing ideas to fruition.


  • Symbol: The Crab – The crab symbolizes Cancer's protective nature and its ability to navigate between the emotional (water) and physical (land) worlds.
  • Ruling Planet: The Moon – The Moon influences Cancer's emotional nature and their cycles of change and mood swings.

Understanding these characteristics can provide deeper insights into the nature of Cancer individuals and how they interact with the world around them.

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Aleister Crowley, a Western Hermetic Qabalist, disagrees with the Rider-Waite-Smith representation of this Key 18, as Waite believed the Moon to be on its increase. Waite's rational being that, on one level, the crayfish crawling out of the water (On his card) is the symbol of Cancer, meaning that when the Sun is in Pisces the Moon will be increasing in Cancer. As he stated," the Sun below the horizon, as he ever is when the Moon is increasing above." Crowley/Harris developed the idea of the Crayfish into a representation of the Water Strider, making the water element central to the Thoth card emphasizing the darker aspects of the Moon Key 18, on its last dark cycle. and/or tidal change.

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Water striders.

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In all ways, the Moon -Key-18, symbolizes the rebirth of light out of hideous darkness; bright intellect overcoming the dark denizens of our subconscious, i.e., the illusions of instinctual fears. from the depths of the subconscious.

In the Qabalistic Thoth Tarot, THE PRIESTESS, is a source of pure, clear waters (consciousness) emerging from the from the Godhead-The Father to the son/Sun. The Same waters of consciousness are seen here on the Rider-Waite-Smith -the Moon card, Thoth Tarot they are polluted with the dark subconscious fears of mortality, something that physical manifestation bestows on consciousness.

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However, as I have stated before, the traveling up the Path of Qoph, (Moon) towards the "Sun/Son Consciousness", notably changes the body physiology, as the Bright Beautiful Light Intellect of the Son/Sun (Tiphareth) descends into it, dissolving the "False ego". When traveling up the Path of Qoph, the Personality becomes increasingly aware of the Higher Self and less control by the dark fears of the body /mind virus of the "lower false self/ego" where they are felt.

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The Path of Qoph is where we meet the Animal's fears of being preyed on. Here the Survival Mind (subconscious) has stored the deep dark fears of being "eaten" and/or of Death. Hence, the aspirant not only must conquer their own "nightmares" but also those of humanity. Without this face to face with your shadows, you won't be able to "push" the subconscious up the "Tree of the One Mind" into higher and higher states of SELF, making the subconscious more consciously awake and thereby less hidden.

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To me it seems funny that we will train our dog who is a wolf, but not our own "inner dog", that is the wild animal survival mind that is the subconscious. You are a Higher Psyche called a Soul (Solar/Sun Self) and the subconscious is but a "reflection" of that Powerful Radiant Mind, which has become polluted with falsehood provided by the evil indoctrination and dogma of the Military Industrial Complex; a phrase created by President Dwight Eisenhower. Hence, it is time to redirect your animal fears of death, to the greater enlightenment of I AM ---the Alpha and the Omega of manifestation. As Spirit, we know death to be a transformative, not an end of Being. In Qabalah, a "Being" is an immortal Intelligence, while an entity is but a "self-reflection"; your body is an entity, the Solar- psyche is you as the Soul an immortal Being.

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It is now time to strap on your Golden Chariot armor and defeat your inner dragons. It's also obvious that ships need their anchors tied down on their decks, not buried in the mud, to steam onward and travel the ever-wonderous seas of the Mind. Hence, one needs to "raise" the body out of the mud of instinctual fears, for it to be our companion among the stars.

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All dark shadows aside, the Moon is also a card of Childbirth. Which seems understandably in error as it is representation of the trinity Goddess. However, this is a card of the deepest anguish and pain as well as the gateway to life and death. Hence, childbirth.

When the Moon- Key 18- is thrown during a divination, it implies:

  • Journey into subconscious depths.
  • The eerie path into the dark depths of the Soul. 
  • Confrontation with the night.
  • Encounter with fears.
  • Deepest self-knowledge.
  • Devotion to intuitive knowledge.

When Reversed:

  • Illusion.
  • Hysteria.
  • Persecution complex.
  • Hallucinations.
  • Drug abuse.
  • Flight from reality.

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