
Radiant, Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot- Key 20-Judgement

The Fairy Tarot-Key 20-Renewal.

Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot- Key 20-Judgement.
The TAROT-Key 20, represents a stage of spiritual unfoldment known as Realization. At this stage of self-awareness, the individual consciousness is on the verge of blending with the Universal Collective Consciousness, promoting the idea of resurrection and/or new birth, in which the limiting factors of this world of name and form represented by the coffins, are put away. This is accomplished by the vocal and therefore, vibration activity controlled by Life-breath (Pranayama-yoga breathing) which is shown by the angel blowing its trumpet.

On the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot-Key 20- the cross upon the square banner represents measurement and/or reasonable conclusions; an obvious conclusion relating to this card. Correct judgment depends upon right reasoning and the ability to weigh and measure all factors that are involved. According to the Western Qaballist-Dr. Paul Foster Case, the angel represents the True Self. This Real Self is surrounded by clouds because it is veiled by the operation of the substance typified by the Element of Water (Unconsciousness).

The background of the Rider-Waite-Smith, Judgment-sports icebergs. These icebergs are symbolically like the figure of the hanged man in key 12, since they represent the arresting of the flow of Mind Stuff (Astral fluid), that is represented by water. On the Rider-Waite-Smith key 20, are 7 rays emanating from the trumpet representing the 7 planets.

The 3 figures in the foreground, represent Self-Consciousness (The man), Subconsciousness (the woman) and their offspring, the personality. In the Rider-Waite-Smith Key 20, there are also 3 figures in the background, representing those who haven't realized the True Self yet. All figures are grey to indicate that they have overcome the pairs of opposites. Grey also symbolizes the astral plane and represents Wisdom (Chokmah-2nd Sephiroth). However, the grey color of the background 3, on the Rider-Waite-Smith also represents the color of the dead. The position of the arms of the 3 in the foreground, are symbolic gestures used in certain occult societies to represent letters: The Woman's extended arms represent the letter L, the upraised arms of the child represent the letter V, and the crossed arms of the man represent X, which spell the Latin noun, LVX, meaning "Light".

The Qabalistic assignation to this card is the Hebrew letter Shin (pronounced "sheen"), the English translation of which means "tooth", a serpent's fang as life on earth is represented as a "serpent" of vibrational tones. The word "tooth" suggests sharpness, acidity, and active manifestation. The number of Shin is 300, which is the value of the Hebrew words RVCH, Ruach Elohim which mean "Life-Breath of the Divine Ones" and/or "Holy Spirit". Therefore, Qabalists call Shin the "Holy Letter". Hence, proper understanding of this letter entails those which tear down the limitations of form, just as teeth break up food. As a serpent's fang, it represents the power that kills the false personality (made by culture/indoctrination and dogma) and its false sense of separateness. We all belong to each other as One Great Mind of the Universal Collective.

Perpetual Intelligence, is the name Dr. Paul Foster Case (Founder of B.O.T.A.) has given the Path of Shin, i.e. the Judgment cards. This is a mode of consciousness whose name is derived from a Hebrew root meaning "to stretch", implying that the Perpetual Intelligence is an extension beyond the limits of awake conscious mode of most human beings. This name also implies everlastingness, eternity, and therefore, conscious immortality. Also, the number 20 reduces to 2, thereby, we realize that the consciousness represented here is the culmination of mental activities originating in the cosmic memory of the Divine Hermaphrodite/High Priestess and/or the 2 who equal 1.

In the most profound sense, this card describes and interim report on the progress of the Soul towards "liberation", i.e., of the Soul releasing the personality from man-made indoctrination and dogma that chain it to the material world. This "liberation" comes from the assessment to which the extent to which the unity of opposing "male" and "Female" (here as children being raised up for judgment) principles has taken place. Here, there is no punishment or reward (as in the justice card). Rather, on a variety of levels, Judgment determines if one is free or remains shackled to unresolved unconscious materials and/or "the false ego". Christianity has labeled this process as "damnation" or "salvation". However, both are temporary conditions resulting from self-scrutiny. Hence, judgment represents evaluation at the end of a long cycle, such as retirement from a job, end of a marriage, graduation from college, completion of a book, or a building project. Therefore, this is not the "last judgment", but rather a process that repeats repeatedly in a person's life, at the end of cycles.

The Fairy Tarot-Key 20-Renewal.
The Fairy Tarot-Key 20-renewal illustrates Joseph of Arimathea, the guardian of the Holy Grail in Glastonbury, who is joined by the various fairies around the Holy Hawthorne tree which only blooms at Christmas and Easter. The butterfly and rabbit represent springtime symbolizing the metaphorical movement of winter to spring in one's life. Here we are advised to pay attention to flashes of inspiration and creative ideas. These epiphanies are part of your purpose and are meant to guide you on your life journey towards joy. Again, this is not a "last judgement card" but one of a repeating process in one's life at the end of each cycle.
When the Key 20-Judgement/Renewal card is thrown in a divination, it implies:
- Birth.
- Renewal.
- Awakening.
- Realization of utopia.
- Cosmic renewal.
- Birth of the new.
- Recognition of the great correlations.
- Expanded perception and liberation of previous concealed abilities.
- The quality of transformation.
If reversed:
- False identification.
- Self-delusion.
- Megalomania.
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