The Tarot of Eli 2, LLC: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot- Key 21-The World & The Prophet Tarot- Key 21-The World

Western Hermetic Qaballah, Tantric, Alchemical, Numerical, and Astrological Traditional Tarot Card Comparisons.

· RWS and Prophet

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Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot- Key 21-The World

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The Prophet Tarot-Key 21- The World

This Tarot Key, represents the creative uses of Imagination. The image used on The World card, is that of the dance of Life which is carried on by the form building power of observation that gives us definiteness. In Western Hermetic Qabalah, it is called "Will to Form", the will of the Creatrix that gives us the power of measurement and to know exactness and precision. Such is the realization of Time/Saturn, whose influence is always limiting and restrictive. However, this form of measurement is not malefic, unless we allow it to use us rather than us using it. The Tarot World card is a token of power that all science is based on. Dr. Paul Foster Case named this Power, the Administrative Intelligence, which demonstrates the right way to use this force of limitation and/or measurement. With such awareness, one is entering the spiritual state of Cosmic Awareness. This awareness also supports the fact that concentration, is limitation. Hence, the use of meditation to focus a concentration beyond the sensual concentration of physical measurement. Here the Hero's journey of the Fool, is over and we end the journey with a dance of celebration. The Soul, who is the World Dancer, is fulfilled and has harmonically united Spirit-Mind-Body.

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Radiant: Rider-Waite-Smith-Key 21-The World

Like Key 10, the 4 figures of Key 21 of both RWS and the black and silver copy of the Prophet Tarot are represented on this card as the 4 fixed signs of the Zodiac or the Faces that decorate the corners on the Waite card. There is another hint of the relationship between Key 10 and 21, and that is the veil between them that wraps around the Central Figure on Rider-Waite-Smith- Lady World card. Crowley called this the "Kaph scarf", as it represents the Hebrew Letter Kaph , that is the Hebrew letter assigned to the Key-10 (Wheel of Fortune). The wreath surrounding the dancing lady, is a mathematical symbol (Pi), but among other things it refers to Life Power (Vesica Pisces/Orphic egg) as the fundamental principle of form. Also, the wreath on the Rider-Waite-Smith is a work of humankind and thereby, it symbolizes man's use of this power for building/creating. The wreath is bundled together by the corded infinity symbol and/or Lemniscate (Greek for "ribbon").

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The Divine Hermaphrodite

The upper body of both cards is quite feminine yet the legs seem larger and more masculine. This is to convey the fact that this figure is androgynous. The Rider-Waite-Smith figure holds wands in both hands. The Wands held by the RWS Lady World-represent integration and disintegration, as they both are spinning in different directions. The wands represent the same power without the subtle hint of the opposing spirals (yin yang) as shown as the lemniscate and or Horizonal figure eight. Here the unbroken line of the One is twisted into 2 seemingly separate circles and/or 0=2.

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Although this Key seems an end of the Major Trump series, there really is no end to its reality. Key 21 represents The Goddess of Love- Venus whose number is 7 and 7 represents the end of a cycle, and the beginning of the next. Key 0 follows Key 21. Hence, the never ceasing Law of Cyclicity, is represented in THE TAROT. There is always more to strive for, other steps to take, always a higher goal. For as SELF, continues its exploration of Awareness, and/or "search for truth", by using image as SELF exploration and observation (The Cosmos), new sums of information always create new forms of Action and/or in-form-action. The aspirant who is ever searching and/or ever increasing spiritual/mental growth will find that the principles embedded in the images of TAROT will be those upon which one must rely for guidance in every plane of existence (Sephirotic Planes on the Tree of Life), for evolution is the manifestation and expression of Cosmic Law and that Law is embodied in "I AM".

The Word TAROT, has many theories as to its meaning. Here are the main ones:

  • “Tarot” derives from the ancient Egyptian word “Tar”, which means “path”, and “Ros”, which means “king”, “royal”. The term “Tarot” therefore indicates “the Royal path of life” (“le chemin Royal de la vie”).

Antoine Court de Gébelin
“Le Monde Primitif”, Volume VIII, 1781

  • “Tarot” derives from the Egyptian “A”, which means “doctrine”, and “Rosh”, which is Mercury. “Tarot” therefore means “Doctrine of Mercury”, which is none other than Hermes Trismegistus, or Thoth.

M. le C. de M.
(Louis-Raphael-Lucrèce de Fayolle Comte de Mellet)

  • “Tarot” descends from “Torah”, Hebrew law.

Jean Alexandre Vaillant
“Les Romes: histoire vraie des vrais Bohémiens”, 1857

As one can see, there is a consistent meaning of Cosmic Law in these descriptions of the word TAROT.

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There is more going on here than just the archetype of persona. This card is called "The World", because it represents all the elements of the material condition. The Material Condition was considered by Pythagoras as consisting of the Universal elements of Fire, Water, Air and Earth. Metaphysics also has added a "5th element", called "Spirit".

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On the Modern Witch card, the lion is the Zodiacal symbol for Leo (bottom right) the eagle is shown as the the symbol for Scorpio and represents water (upper right), the man represent the symbol for Aquarius which represents the element of air, and the ox becomes the symbol of Taurus Which is an earth sign. As stated, the Anima is dancing within a rope symbol of eternity/the infinite. Here the Hindu -dancing Parvati, is an powerful archetype in itself, and represents the wave action of Spirit. This image also suggests the Qabalistic Axiom of "As above so below".

When the key 21-The World card, is thrown in a divination, it implies:

  • The instinct towards cosmic unification.
  • Symbiosis of Eros and Spirituality.
  • Resolution of restraints.
  • Wholeness. 
  • Completion of a cycle.
  • Completion and return home
  • Karmic conclusion.

When reversed:

  • The street to nowhere.
  • Deceptive world of appearances.
  • Endogenous depression.

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