
B.O.T.A. Tarot-Key 5- The Hierophant

Rider-Waite-Smith, Key 5-The Hierophant

On both the Rider-Waite-Smith and B.O.T.A. Tarot, hearing is the assigned function applied to the Key 5 Tarot card. The Hebrew letter of Vau (Vav), is applied to the B.O.T.A. Tarot card and means Nail and is also the conjunction "and". There is no Hebrew letter applied to the Rider-Waite-Smith card because Waite belonged to the Lodge of the Golden Dawn, and was sworn not to reveal certain occult secrets that are applied to Tarot Cards.

The ornament hanging from the crown of the Hierophant and passing behind his ears, is a conceptualized yoke. It appears on both cards, although it is more decorative on the B.O.T.A. card. A yoke is something that "joins together", and therefore, symbolizing union.

The Hindu word for Union/Communion, is Yoga. Hence, this card symbolizes interior hearing and/or the development of intuition by certain yoga practices. Such hearing is known as real inner teaching, coming from your Inner Self. The Inner Self, is often called the "Inner Buddha" and in the case of Western Hermetic Tarot, it is the Hierophant. When viewing the Qaballistic Tree of Life, it is good to remember that In Qaballah you go inward to go up the Tree of Life, becoming more esoteric and outward to go down, becoming more exoteric.

In the connection with the Hierophant, true interior hearing is not the negative inner ramblings of the ego, and/or lower psychic types of clairaudience attributed to the "lower Astrals". The difference is in the quality of information you are receiving. Intuition is above reason (not of the survival mind), but never contrary to it, and it never urges you to do an unethical or selfish thing.

The twin pillars represent the Law of Polarity (Law of Attraction) and/or the interplay of the pairs of opposites. Hence, the B.O.T.A. card colors the capital of a pillar (right side of Hierophant) Moon-Silver and the other pillar (left side of Hierophant)Sun-golden yellow. On both cards, the capitals show a ball and socket pattern (albeit stylized) which is an acorn surrounded with oak leaves, which a Hindu would know as the Yoni Linga. This is yet another way to symbolize the union of opposites.
A bell design is shown in the design of the wands of the crossed keys, is a bell, signifying vibration/sound that is used in hearing. It is well known that use of sound (Crystal bowls, bells, drums, etc.) has a practical value in unlocking your hearing to better Unlock the gate of the Inner Temple and/or connection to the inner teacher. The 2 kneeling ministers, in the front of the Hierophant, represent Desire (red roses) and Knowledge (white lilies) .

The word Hierophant means "revealer of sacred things". It was the name applied to the Officer of the "Eleusinian mysteries" and signifies that which makes known the hidden import of the appearances whereby we are surrounded. One of the revelations of the Hierophant is that all appearances are "assumed" and therefore, illusion. Many traditional tarots call this card the "Pope", but that word really means "Father", not religious leader. Therefore, when we consider the Tree of Life, we notice that the path of Vau, begins in Wisdom (2nd Sephira) and descends to Mercy, (the 4th Sephira). Since the 2nd Sephiroth is known as Chokma , the Father, making it known that the 2nd Sephiroth, is the "expression" of outflowing energy. Hence, he is the Pontifex, the bridge maker, who provides a connecting link between outer experience and interior illumination. That is why the 2 pillars he sits between are gray (as is the 2nd Sephiroth) because gray is the tint that comes from the equal union of any 2 complimentary colors. Hence, gray stands for the perfect balance of all opposites.

At the back of the head of the B.O.T.A. Key 5-Hierophant are "horned circles", which represent the zodiac sign of Taurus. The same Taurus symbol is drawn behind the throne of the Rider-Waite-Smith Key 5 (by his right ear) but it is barely seen by those not looking for it. This is because of Waite's resistance to revealing the secrets of the Letter Vau, out side of his lodge. The Crown is a triple tiara, made of Gold, which symbolizes radiant energy and Wisdom. This crown consists of three rows of trefoils: top row of 3; middle row of 5; bottom row of 7 ( In the Rider deck, the middle row has 7 and the bottom has 5). The total number is 15, the numerical value of the Hebrew Divine Name of IH, Jah. Qaballist associate this name to the 2nd Sephiroth.

Adam Khadmon (The Heavenly Human)
Trefoils, represent the number 3 and 15 of them are 3x15=45, the number of ADM (Adam). Here is reference to the Qaballistic doctrine that humankind is made in the image of God. Hence, you are the Divine Creative's image of Itself.- The I AM. The Divine Creative (0=2/Goddess-God) existed, I AM, being aware of It's own powers and nature, that of Self-imagination. I AM ME. That "ME" is human kind who makes Creation intimate with its creations. You are not what you "think you are" for that is always and assumption. You create thought and out of that thought you Create Self-Image. Just as the Divine Creative does. We have a lot to remember about ourselves. Hence, Qaballah (meaning: "To receive") and its images of Tarot. To further advance understanding, the 3 upper rows of this Crown, represents the 3 fold nature of Life-Power (Supernal Triangle). The second row of 5, represents the 5 modes of manifestation; The Quintessence (spirit) and the 4 Universal Elements.

The bottom row of 7 represents the Seven Spirits of God, the 7 sacred planets, the 7 alchemical metals, and to the seven "interior stars" (Chakras) of Tantra Yoga. Hence, we have the 3 principles of the alchemist, their 5 modes of the manifestation of the One Thing, and their 7 so called "metals".

In the Rider-Waite-Smith tarot, the top of the crown supports a black "W" indicating the correspondence of Key 5 to the Hebrew letter Vau.

In the B.O.T.A. deck, the top of the Crown is shaped as a small sphere, representing the archetypal world. The bottom 3 rows of trefoils, in descending order, symbolize the 3 worlds of the, creative, formative, and material worlds. Briah, Yetzirah, and Assiah.

The outer robe of the Hierophant is red-orange, symbolizing Taurus. The sign opposite and therefore, complimentary to Taurus is Scorpio, which is symbolized by the blue-green border of the robe. The silver crescent clasp at the neck, is the symbol of the Moon, which is exalted in Taurus (The Rider-Waite-Smith card shows a blue inner tunic at the neck, which is the color of the Feminine-Water). This is also the position on the body where Taurus rules. The blue garment under the red robe symbolizes the High Priestess and has the same meaning. The white undergarment represents the Fool. The crosses on the white shoes, represent the union of the opposites-Male/Female and to the 4 cross order of that union. Similar crosses are shown on back of his hands, the carpet underfoot, and on the handles of the keys. The yellow staff, indicates the dominion of the Life-Power, through the planes of Nature, represented by the knob at the top and the 3 cross bars below it. The crossed keys at his feet, represent the Papacy and yet have a deeper meaning, as one is silver (feminine-moon) and the other is gold (male-sun), standing for the solar and lunar currents of radiant energy, which as nerve centers (Nexis) in the human body, that are utilized to open the inner "doors/thresholds" to the Higher modes of awareness.

The square dais, suggests the number 4, representing the Material World, symbol of order and measurement. The four circles on the Taurian colored carpet, have a cross in the center, representing the symbol of Venus folded upon itself. Thereby, representing the manifestation IHVH (YHVH), tetragrammaton, in the four worlds. Black and white checker work at the edges not only reminds us of the Masonic order, but also of the alternation black and white of darkness and light in the manifestation of Life Power.
When the Hierophant card is thrown in a divination. It implies:
- The search for hidden truth.
- Knowledge and enlightenment, independent of science and religion.
- Search for meaning.
- Revelation of truth.
- Priest.
- Dignitary.
- Teacher.
- Belief.
- Trust.
- Illumination.
If reversed:
- Intolerance.
- Presumption.
- Esoteric arrogance.
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