
Rider-Waite-Smith-Key 6-The Lovers (Radiant edition)

B.O.T.A. Tarot- Key 6-The Lovers
In his Text, THIRTY TWO PATHS OF WISDOM, Dr. Paul Foster Case, the creator of the Builders of the Adytum (B.O.T.A.) called THE LOVERS, the Disposing Intelligence. The complexity of this card can barely be presented by the image on the card, and is even difficult to understand as a disposing intelligence. Therefore, we begin by understanding that this Key 6 Tarot Card is the keynote of Discrimination (discernment) by symbolizing graphical portrayals of sharp differences. The Term Disposing Intelligence, literally means to "pose apart" and/or to separate.
Besides the difference of the B.O.T.A. Key-6, requiring the aspirant to hand color the card, the B.O.T.A. Lover's card also depicts a bit of Qaballistic philosophy as an Hebrew letter of Zain, meaning "Sword", at the bottom right of the card. Otherwise the symbolism is much the same on both, the Rider-Waite-Smith and B.O.T.A. cards.

The zodiacal sign of Gemini, is assigned to this Key 6 card; Gemini literally meaning "The Twins" and its sign is approximately 2. Here the 2 of 0, begin to come together hoping to form into 1. Hence, the meaning of the Hebrew Letter-Zain (Sword) for it is a weapon of destruction, and in this case, in order for the 2 to become 1, the individual is annihilated as both are absorbed into each other. This is easily seen as colors, for if red and blue become married, they become purple. This annihilation/marriage of the 2, forming 1, gives a clue to the Qaballistic doctrine that all opposites are really different aspects of the One Thing (One energy), and that they are complimentary.

All exists in the Super-Conscious
The Sun, shown above the Angel's head, is a symbol of the One Energy which is differentiated into opposites. The Angel represents the Super Conscious, (The first Energy Intelligence of Light that the universe is form of), while the clouds indicate that this Higher Consciousness, is partially hidden from us at this present stage of conscious unfoldment.

The image of mountains, represents attainment. The man and Women represent the Adam and Eve, the prototypes of the specialization of the Life-Force (Male-Will to Force and Female "Will to Form") as male and female polarities and/or 0=2. This specialization comes from the division of the male and female forces from the Divine Creative and/or Divine Hermaphrodite-0- as "I"(Will to Force) and "Am" (Will to Form).

Behind the male is a tree of flames, that represents the 12 signs of the Zodiac. The Tree behind the woman represents the five senses and their seductive nature (serpent) for they bind the Identity of "I AM Me" to Physical manifestation when the body is really an Avatar for the Light Being that is the Soul. This sensual seduction of the Solar Identity, as a physical body, makes one forget they are "Suns of Goddess/God". However, if "one knows themselves" they realize the senses supply the Light Being that I AM, with intimacy and a sensual union with all creation. Thereby, sensualizing information, into in-form-action, and/or experience, which supplies Knowledge. To the Christians, this is the "knowledge of good and evil", but to the Qaballist, knowledge is neither good nor evil it is "discernment".

The Serpent also represents a powerful occult secret as the "kundalini", which is asleep and coiled at the bottom of the spine. It is the Solar Fire/Frequency of our Star Seed and is awakened safely through the "sexual practices" of Tantra Yoga. It supplies the Diva Sidhis ( magical practices) of 33 senses that are awakened through the Divine Marriage of the 2=1. We are each a Star, who manifests on Earth. I would suggest that one realized the Inner Power of this Light, by tried and true Kundalini Yoga practices. For if opened prematurely, it empowers only what we emotionally focus on the most, which to the untrained brain, will "unlock Pandora's box", letting loose all the store negatives that one suppresses out of fear. This could cause irreparable damage to the personality. Luckily, the Tarot provides a communication device to the Higher Self-Conscious, and it will slowly temper one to the rising of Solar Self. Also the practice of Kundalini Yoga by Dr. John Mumford, works well, and joins the twin forces of "the Divine Hermaphrodite" equally and healthfully for the aspirant.

The proper way to prepare oneself for the rising of the serpent force (s) is to "above all things, know yourself", which is the controlled learning of mind, body, and emotions. E-Motion, is Energy-in-Motion, and it is Solar Energy and is very powerful in destruction as it is in integration. When your soul has claimed "dominion" of Will (spirit)-Mind-Body, as One Great Being made manifest, you will then know what your next step to be for the raising of the Kundalini of Stellar inheritance. Kundalini is not to be feared (negative emotion). You really use it every day of your life. It is an inner spark of warmth, an inner furnace, that keeps a balance of temperance through out the body in a natural automatic way, without giving it "conscious intention and/or attention". For even in it's latent state,(sleeping state) it is the force (starseed) behind your activities. It is automatically controlled by the subconscious, just like your breath; subconsciousness, is represented by the woman in Key 8, of which we will blog in numerical sequence later. I Will tell you this, She has the Lion Serpent, under complete control. I can also tell you that the Tarot speaks to the subconscious and works towards the automatic expansion of consciousness as One Powerful Light Being that is Spirit-Mind-Body, and thereby, slowly annihilating divisionism. This practice of Tarot, makes for an ever greater-control over continually expanding and/or increasing powers of personality. More on this subject will be explained further on in the blogs. Above all things, know yourself!
When the Lovers-Key 6-is thrown in an divination it implies:
- Devotion and unification of opposites.
- Merging with totality.
- Becoming one.
- Love as an expression of totality and completeness.
- Avowal and free decision from the depths of the heart.
- Courageous decisions.
When reversed:
- Unattainable ideal of love.
- Repressive neurosis.
- Self-sacrifice.
- Indecisiveness.
- Inconsistency within one-self.
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