
The Radiant-Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot- Key 7-The Chariot

B.O.T.A. Tarot- Key 7-The Chariot
On both Tarot decks, the Charioteer is the Inner-Self (Soul). The Sphinxes are the senses. The invisible reigns by which he drives the Sphinxes represent the Mind. The Chariot, is then the body, pulled along by the senses/Sphinx. There is no advancement for the personality, without understanding of the facts portrayed by this card, for only when we allow the Real Self (Celestial/Solar Self) to guide the body, will we enter the "kingdom of God" and/or advancement in the Occult. The Charioteer is the Victor; Hence, this key represents the Conquest of Illusion.

The idea of fence, enclosure or protection (Merkabah) is presented in a number of ways. On the bottom right of the B.O.T.A. Key 7- is written the Hebrew letter Cheth, meaning "enclosure or fence", The Zodiacal sign assigned this card is Cancer-The Crab- which is an animal enclosed by its shell.

The Chariot, the armor, the wall in the back ground and the battlements around the Castles, all represent enclosure.
On both cards, is the starry canopy covering the Charioteer. This represents the Celestial forces whose decent into matter is the cause of all manifestation. This includes the Celestial Charioteer who has descended to operate a physical body in its name of I AM. The Spirit has obviously succeeded in operating a sensual body, that it must have to turn information into in-form-action and/or experience. Surrounding the body as an enclosure of Light, a Merkabah, The Celestial Self protects the body and operates it through the chakric centers and the flow of energy through the Nexis to the "dragon veins" through out the body nervous system.

On the Shield of the Charioteer is the Hindu, LIngam-Yoni symbolizing the union of male-female and/or opposite forces. The winged globe above the shield is the Sun. Wings represent the element of Air, which carries the power of the Solar rays. The wheels represent rotation, or cyclic activity. The B.O.T.A. Key 7 card, displays a scepter with a combined crescent and figure eight, representing the combined powers represented in TAROT as the Magician and the High Priestess.
The Charioteer is also often called the Holy Guardian Angel, in Western Hermetic Magic and/or the Inner-Buddha by some Yoga sects.
When the Chariot-Key 7- is thrown in a divination it implies:
- Desire for conquest.
- Spirit of adventure.
- Daring.
- The Highest achievable good.
- Seeking the Holy Grail.
- The Hero setting off.
- The path that leads forward.
- The searching for and finding of one's place in the world.
- Victory over one's ego.
- Self-Knowledge.
- Victory.
If reversed:
- High handedness.
- Megalomania.
- Ultimate failure due to obstacles.
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