
The Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot- Key 8- Strength

The Fairy Tarot -Key 11-Strength.

Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot-Key 8-Strength

In Tarot, traditional such as Rider-Waite-Smith the Key 11is the Justice Card and represents Equilibrium, which is symbolized by the Balance Scales that are in the left hand of the Judicial figure. One may also assume that the Balance Scales represent the Hindu word-Karma (Action or Work)-known as you "reap what you sow". Therefore, Justice manifests itself in the form of the Law of Undeviating Justice; known in modern physics as "every action has an equal and opposite reaction". Robert Wang, a popular Qabalist, named this card, "The Mother who punishes and rewards": For she is severe and gives the Soul, only what it has sown in the world.

However, Key 11 is the Strength card of the Fairy Tarot and the ATU 11-Lust card of the Thoth Tarot but Key 8 of the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot. Therefore, I will make a tarot card comparison of the Fairy Key 11-Strength with the Rider-Waite-Smith Key 8-Strength card.

The Rider-Waite-Smith Key 8-Strength card, also known as "Lust," ATU 11 in the Western Hermetic Thoth Tarot is a significant card in the Crowley-Harris Thoth Tarot deck that illustrates the Red Goddess. The Fairy Tarot Key 11 card is also a part of the Major Arcana and follows the Crowley'/Harris placement and represents various complex concepts within the tarot system. In the Thoth Tarot, the card "Lust" diverges from traditional tarot interpretations and carries a unique symbolism as does the Fairy Tarot-Key 11- Strength Card:
The Image: The image on the Fairy Tarot-Key 8- Strength card features a woman who is holding a lion and a lamb, typically shown as a woman controlling or taming a powerful beast. This symbolism reflects the idea of harnessing one's inner desires, instincts, and passions.
Number 11: In numerology, the number 11 is considered a master number, representing spiritual insight and illumination. In the context of the Fairy Tarot Strength card, it suggests the need for a higher level of self-awareness and mastery over one's desires.
The Woman: The woman on the card represents the divine feminine energy, often associated with sensuality, creativity, and emotional depth. She demonstrates a balance between her inner desires and her ability to control them.
The Lion: The lion symbolizes raw, primal energy and desires. It also signifies courage and strength. The woman's ability to hold the lion without fear represents the mastery of these energies.
The Lamb is showing her domestication of her primal energy and desires. She is not rejecting her inner power; she is just controlling it with love.
The Lemniscate, the horizonal figure 8 symbols on the lady's forehead, is also shown on the Magician card and is the symbol for the infinite flow of energy from the 0 that equals 2.
The White flowers represent purity as does the light.
In the context of the animal instincts and inner strength is not about repressing physical desire but rather the mastery and harmonization of one's inner desires, instincts, and passions. It suggests the need to channel these energies in a balanced and creative way, rather than suppressing or being controlled by them. It's a card that encourages self-discovery and the integration of the wilder aspects of one's psyche.

RWS Tarot- Key 8-Strength
The Lady and the Lion on the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot-Key 8 card repeats the image of the woman and represents the divine feminine energy, often associated with sensuality, creativity, and emotional depth. She demonstrates a balance between her inner desires and her ability to control them by petting the lion. The lion symbolizes raw, primal energy and desires. It also signifies courage and strength. The woman's ability to hold the lion without fear represents the mastery of these energies.
In numerology, the number 8 is often associated with traits such as ambition, power, authority, material success, and balance. It is considered a number of achievement and accomplishment. People influenced by the energy of the number 8 are often seen as determined, goal-oriented, and capable of handling challenges with resilience.
In gematria, which is a form of Jewish mysticism that assigns numerical values to letters, the number 8 is represented by the Hebrew letter Chet (ח). In gematria, Chet is associated with life and vitality. The idea is that life is a continuous, cyclical process, similar to the infinite loop of the lemniscate (∞) we discussed earlier. The concept of Chai (חי), meaning "life" in Hebrew, is often connected to the number 18, which is a multiple of 8 and is considered especially auspicious in Jewish culture.
While there are some overlapping themes, it's important to note that numerology and gematria are distinct systems with different cultural and mystical traditions. The interpretation of the number 8 can vary based on the specific context and system being used.

In numerology, the number 11 is considered a master number, and it holds special significance. It is associated with spiritual insight, intuition, enlightenment, and a heightened sense of awareness. Individuals with the influence of the number 11 are often considered highly intuitive, sensitive, and may possess psychic abilities. The number 11 is seen as a bridge between the spiritual and the material worlds, representing a potential for spiritual enlightenment and inspiration.
In gematria, the number 11 is represented by the Hebrew letter Kaf (כ). It is associated with the word "kodesh" (קדש), meaning holy or sacred. The number 11 is considered a symbol of transcendence and divine energy.
While both numerology and gematria attribute spiritual and sacred qualities to the number 11, it's important to note that they are distinct systems with different cultural and mystical backgrounds. The interpretations can align in some aspects, but the specific characteristics may vary based on the context in which they are used.
When the Strength card is shown as Key 11 it is easily seen that Key 11, is the agency through which all the forces represented by Keys 1 to 10 are transferred to the manifesting powers represented by Keys 12 to 21.

Not shown on either card, is the Qabalistic Wisdom that relates the Qabalah's Hebrew Letter Lamed (Ox goad) to this card, which Dr. Paul Foster Cased named the Faithful Intelligence. The Hebrew word for "faithful" is AMN (Amen) which is closely related to the Hindu AUM or OM and is also related to the Egyptian God Amun, that is often written Amen. All implying what Qabalist already know, that "spiritual virtues are deposited in the Faithful Intelligence and augment therein", which is the very idea of the ripening of perception and interpretation into motives for action, so familiar to occultists as the fundamental meaning of Karma.


The Fairy Tarot-Key 11-Strength keeps the traditional tarot name for this Key but shows an image that is much like the title of the Rider-Waite-Tarot Key 8-Strength. However, this is also a metaphor for the strong hold the female has on the male. The Lion can also represent the fertile and/or fecund force of creation that is called "Will-to-force". It begins with "I Will Be" by Kether, on the Tree of Life, and burns its way down the Tree in a vigorous Lightning Path of fecund-self creation. Here then the One who is Two, now becomes One again. The One who is Two is shown by the lemniscate and/or horizonal figure 8 which is also a symbol used in Western Hermetic magic as a symbol for infinity.
The lemniscate, and/or the infinity symbol (∞), is a horizontal figure-eight shape that represents eternity, balance, and the infinite nature of the universe. On the Rider-Waite-Smith Key 8-Strength card, the lemniscate is often depicted above the woman's head, indicating her mastery over the eternal forces and her ability to channel infinite strength. On the Fairy Tarot Key 11-Strength card this lemniscate symbol is on her forehead. Therefore, in the context of the Strength card, the lemniscate suggests a harmonious balance of forces, emphasizing inner strength, resilience, and the enduring power of the spiritual realm. The woman on the card tames the lion not through force but with a gentle touch, symbolizing the ability to overcome challenges through inner calm and spiritual fortitude which is symbolized on the Fairy Tarot- Strength card as the lamb.

The lightning path on the Tree of Life.

Then there is the fact that the act of giving birth to something is a feminine act. The Creatrix has given birth to the Male, as the "other", her most beloved. Therefore, the male is another way to be the woman's desire. The womb is the form that has been transformed into the phallus, so that the process of conception and birth can build the diversity of Life itself through the x and y chromosomes and/or "union of opposites". Life is vigor. Strength is love of vigor. Love of Life. Strength is power, vigor, courage, virtue, triumph over brutality, and ambition. All of this is shown in the Fairy Tarot Key 11-Strength Card and the RWS-Key 8-Strength card.

In this Military Industrial Complex, which indoctrinates by dividing and conquering via the use of media controlled "word hypnosis", we have forgotten our inner spiritual being by dividing our spirit from our bodies as if spirit were an achievement of the flesh rather than the Willed- Spiral of energy animating us as Life. Because of this divisionism we have become automatons of our environment who are "knee jerks" of reaction instead of the powerful positive active expression of I AM ME who changes environment by the vigorous power of Presence; Strength of Being. I AM Love! I AM the Spirit's Will to Be! I AM Spirit! I AM Mind! I AM Body!
When the Key 11-Strength/Key-8 Strength card is thrown in a divination, it implies:
- Perceptive will.
- Finding harmony by mastering reality.
- Self-Realization by taking responsibility for oneself.
- Objectivity.
- Justice and order.
- Balance.
- Fairness.
- Discernment.
- Greatest objectivity.
- Reasonable decisions.
- The lust for life.
- Directing the Kundalini properly.
- Vigor.
- Physical strength.
- Follow your heart.
- The power of kindness.
When reversed:
- Hypocrisy.
- Self-righteousness.
- Lack of self-awareness.
- Inability to extract self-identity from environment.
- Lost in the blame game of the mundane.
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