The Tarot of Eli 2-LLC: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot- Key 8-Strength & The Tarot of Sacred Kingdoms-Key 8- Strength.

Western Hermetic Qabalah, Tantric, Astrological, Alchemical, and Numerical Traditional Tarot Card Comparisons.

· Rider-waite-smith and Sacred Kingdoms

Above all things, know thyself.

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The Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot- Key 8-Strength

The Lady and the Lion on the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot-Key 8 card represents the divine feminine energy, often associated with sensuality, creativity, and emotional depth. She demonstrates a balance between her inner desires and her ability to control them by petting and/or holding the lion's jaw closed.

On the Rider-Waite-Smith Strength card the red roses represent love; Hence, the Animal Nature of the body is under the control of the Will of the "Higher Self", seen as an angelic woman figure. Also, the Red Lion is the Alchemical symbol of Sulfur (solar power) combined with Mercury-Will (the Magus) which is the Philosophical Mercury underlying the formula of Creation.

The Symbol of infinity (the sign of the Magician) is above the head of the Waite- goddess figure. The goddess is also wearing a wreath of victory, reinforcing the Magus/Magician connection, and symbolizing the directing willpower of the 12th PATH; called the Philosophic Mercury.

The Path of Teth, connects Chesed (Mercy) and Geburah (Severity) and channels a great outpouring of Energy from the Masculine Chesed, to the Feminine Geburah. This Great Outpouring is the Path on which Fire becomes Light, which is used in manifestation as the woven frequencies of manifestation.

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The Rider-Waite-Smith (RWS)-Key 8-Strength shows the Lion's Tail tucked between its legs, as if phallic, of which the Serpent Force is associated with. The zodiacal sign assigned to this card is the Sun Powered sign of Leo; Leo is symbolized as a Lion, while Teth is a Snake, the combination of these two, is the Lion-Serpent, the idea of which fostered the Dragon and dragonish chimera images of the ancients and the archangel Asmodeus. 

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The interchangeability of the Lion and the Serpent symbols represents an important key in understanding the great embedded profundities of this card as it pertains to the mysterious power of the Kundalini that lies coiled at the base of the spine; a force that is both Feminine-Moon and Solar-Male. Hence, the Lemniscate, the horizonal 8 as symbol of the 0=2, a symbol often associated with infinity, is also a symbol of the unbroken line between the male and female forces of this universe. and is shown above the head of the human figure on the RWS-Strength and Magician cards.

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The lion symbolizes raw, primal energy and desires. It also signifies courage and strength. The woman's ability to hold the lion without fear represents the mastery of these energies.

In numerology, the number 8 is often associated with traits such as ambition, power, authority, material success, and balance. It is considered a number of achievement and accomplishment. People influenced by the energy of the number 8 are often seen as determined, goal-oriented, and capable of handling challenges with resilience.

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Lemniscate-symbol of infinity.

In gematria, which is a form of Jewish mysticism that assigns numerical values to letters, the number 8 is represented by the Hebrew letter Chet (ח). In gematria, Chet is associated with life and vitality. The idea is that life is a continuous, cyclical process, similar to the infinite loop of the lemniscate (∞) we discussed in the Magician Card-Key 1. The concept of Chai (חי), meaning "life" in Hebrew, is often connected to the number 18, which is a multiple of 8 and is considered especially auspicious in Jewish culture.


While there are some overlapping themes, it's important to note that numerology and gematria are distinct systems with different cultural and mystical traditions. The interpretation of the number 8 can vary based on the specific context and system being used.

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The Tarot of Sacred Kingdoms -Key 8-Strength.

The Tarot of Sacred Kingdoms-Key 8-Strength illustrates the proverbial lion of strength, desire, courage and inner control, listening to a young woman with an orphic and/or Akashic egg of energy in her hand (the Cosmic egg of Spirit). This egg has some very esoteric meanings in Western Hermetic Qabalah. In this card, it shows the inherent strength of the fifth element (Spirit) that resides in all of us. Henc, this young woman understands that she needs not seek courage or strength outside of herself, for it is an inner power.

The primary meaning of this card is to stay focused on self-power and you can overcome any challenge. You just need to Know Thyself!

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The Egg of Akasha is a metaphysical concept often associated with the idea of the cosmic egg, a symbol that appears in various mythologies and spiritual traditions around the world. The term "Akasha" itself is derived from Sanskrit, meaning "ether" or "space," and is considered to be the fundamental essence of the universe in Hindu and Buddhist cosmology. Akasha is often referred to as the fifth element, alongside earth, water, fire, and air, and is seen as the medium through which everything exists and is interconnected.

The Concept of the Egg of Akasha

  1. Cosmic Origin:

    • The Egg of Akasha represents the primordial source of creation. Just as an egg contains the potential for life, the Egg of Akasha is seen as containing the potential for all existence. It symbolizes the beginning of the universe, the origin of all things, and the source from which everything emanates.
  2. Universal Knowledge:

    • Akasha is believed to be a repository of all knowledge, experiences, and events. The Egg of Akasha can be thought of as a symbolic container of this universal knowledge. It is often associated with the Akashic Records, a compendium of mystical knowledge encoded in a non-physical plane of existence, which many spiritual traditions believe can be accessed for insight and understanding.
  3. Symbolism in Mysticism:

    • In various mystical traditions, the Egg of Akasha is a powerful symbol of spiritual potential and transformation. It represents the latent energies and possibilities that exist within the universe and within individuals. The breaking or hatching of the egg can symbolize the awakening of spiritual consciousness and the realization of one's higher self.
  4. Integration of Elements:

    • The Egg of Akasha integrates the five elements (earth, water, fire, air, and ether), symbolizing harmony and balance in the universe. It signifies the unity and interconnectedness of all aspects of existence.

Interpretations in Different Traditions

  • Hinduism and Buddhism:

    • In Hindu and Buddhist traditions, Akasha is the foundation of all physical and metaphysical phenomena. The cosmic egg, or "Hiranyagarbha," is a golden egg from which the universe is born. The Egg of Akasha can be seen as a similar concept, representing the womb of creation.
  • Western Esotericism:

    • In Western Hermeticism and Theosophy, the concept of the Akashic Records is prominent. The Egg of Akasha symbolizes the origin of these records and the potential to access universal wisdom.
  • Modern Spirituality:

    • In contemporary metaphysical and New Age thought, the Egg of Akasha is often used to symbolize the potential for spiritual awakening and the realization of one's true nature. It encourages individuals to tap into the universal consciousness and explore their spiritual path.

Practical Applications

  • Meditation and Visualization:

    • Practitioners may use the imagery of the Egg of Akasha in meditation and visualization practices to connect with the universal source of knowledge and to awaken their inner potential.
  • Spiritual Growth:

    • The concept of the Egg of Akasha can inspire individuals on their spiritual journey, reminding them of the infinite possibilities within themselves and the universe.

In essence, the Egg of Akasha is a powerful and multifaceted symbol that encapsulates the ideas of creation, knowledge, potential, and interconnectedness. It serves as a reminder of the profound mysteries of the universe and the limitless potential that lies within each individual.

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Then there is the fact that the act of giving birth to something is a feminine act, Hence the cosmic egg represents the Cosmic Womb. The Creatrix has given birth to the Male, as the "other", her most beloved. Therefore, the male is another way to be the woman's desire. The womb is the form that has been transformed into the phallus, so that the process of conception and birth, can build the diversity of Life itself through the x and y chromosomes and/or "union of opposites". Life is vigor. Strength is love of vigor. Love of Life. Strength is power, vigor, courage, virtue, triumph over brutality, and ambition. All of this is implied in the-Strength Card.

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In this Military Industrial Complex, which indoctrinates by dividing and conquering via the use of media controlled "word hypnosis", we have forgotten our inner spiritual being by dividing our spirit from our bodies as if spirit were an achievement of the flesh rather than the Willed- Spiral of energy animating us as Life. Because of this divisionism we have become automatons of our environment who are "knee jerks" of reaction instead of the powerful positive active expression of I AM ME who changes environment by the vigorous power of Presence; Strength of Being. I AM Love! I AM the Spirit's Will to Be! I AM Spirit! I AM Mind! I AM Body!

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In Western Hermetic Tarot the Strength Card-Key 8, is the Path of Teth, the 19th Path on the Tree of Life and the Female aspect of the Lovers (Lover) Key 6. The Hebrew letter, Teth, means snake, which is often referred to as Serpent Force and is often shown curled around the egg of Akasha. This can be compared to modern "string theory." These serpentine waves of force can be seen in the Tarot of Sacred Kingdoms Cosmic Egg.

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String theory is a theoretical framework in physics that aims to describe the fundamental building blocks of the universe as does the ancient theory of serpent force.

String theory suggests that the elementary particles like electrons and quarks are really seen as being point-like particles and/or the penetrating tips of tiny vibrating strings. These strings can vibrate at different frequencies, and these vibrations correspond to different particles and their properties. String theory aims to unify the fundamental forces of nature, including gravity, and provide a more comprehensive understanding of the universe.

There are several different versions of string theory, including superstring theory, which incorporates supersymmetry, a theoretical concept that relates particles with different spin values. String theory has generated a lot of interest and research in the field of theoretical physics, but it's important to note that it is still a highly theoretical and complex area of study with many unresolved questions.

When the RWS or Sacred Kingdoms Key -8 Strength card is thrown during a reading, it means the querent:

  • Is relying on spiritual powers to manage the situation at hand and is receiving the strength to overcome. 
  • Following one's own inner light, doing what their "heart of heart". inner self, says is right.
  • There can be an experiencing of a "gut level" driving force, instinctual and compelling for protection or survival.
  •  Also, possessing the courage of one's convictions.
  • The strength of Passion, in Higher Nature, is power, courage, energy, action and magnanimity.
  • One is experiencing the Law of Self-Domination, self-rule, and self-control.
  • Resort to magic.
  • The use of Magical power.
  • Showing compassion and tenderness towards one's animal nature, thereby making oneself whole. 

If reversed, it implies:

  • Weakness
  • Lack of sexual fulfillment.
  • Depression.
  • Aggression, perversion, and addiction because of repressed instincts.

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