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The Tarot of Eli 2, LLC: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot- King of Swords & The Tarot of Sacred Kingdoms- King of Swords.

Western Hermetic Qabalah, Tantric, Alchemical, Numerical, and Astrological Traditional Tarot Card Comparisons.

September 20, 2024

Above all things, Know thyself!

Radiant: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot- King of Swords

The Rider-Waite-Smith King and its Traditional Tarot equivalents stick to a more prosaic depiction of the King of Swords than modern Western Hermetic Tarot Decks. However, it is a great introduction to the Western Hermetic Tarot as some esoteric symbols are in the artwork.

The Waite medieval King is larger than his surroundings, implying a great mind and/or presence. The fiery air aspect of this king is shown in the red/orange inner cloak of the RWS king that covers the sky-blue inner garment of Air (blue sky). The Purple outer cloak indicates his authority to rule. The moths on the crown of the Throne, may indicate his rule over the sylphs of the Air. However, there is no real indication of his active force presented in this card, as he is both stoic and passive. Nevertheless, he is holding his sword in a defensive pose, which may imply his defensive and stubborn behavioral tenancies.

The Tarot of Sacred Kingdoms-King of Swords

The Tarot of Sacred Kingdoms -King of Swords is the equivalent card to the Rider-Waite-Smith- King of Swords. Here the King is shown as an intelligent, fair, impartial, and completely professional personage who is emotionally unavailable and therefore, a great leader. If you need flawless advice, he's your guy. If you need a motivational speaker, sign him up! You want a completely competent and professional C.E.O, there is none better. If you want a romantic partner... walk on by. He's a great guy, but heart to heart, is not in his repertoire. Therefore, the King of Swords is shown standing stoically in the solitary company of his books. Wisdom and intellect are all he needs in this world.

The flames at the base of this King suggest that he is rooted to truthful intelligence. The central flame in his gut indicates that he trusts his gut feelings and/or his intuition.

In Western Hermetic Qabalah this King of Swords card is assigned the Sun in Aquarius. Individuals with the Sun in Aquarius, which is typically from January 20 to February 18, are associated with certain characteristics. It's important to note that astrology provides general traits, and individual experiences may vary. Here are some common characteristics of people born with the Sun in Aquarius:

  1. Innovative and Original: Aquarians are known for their innovative thinking and original ideas. They often enjoy exploring unconventional concepts and pushing boundaries.

  2. Intellectual: They tend to be highly intellectual and have a natural curiosity about the world. Aquarians enjoy engaging in stimulating conversations and exploring new ideas.

  3. Independent: Independence is a key trait of Aquarians. They value their freedom and prefer to follow their own path rather than conforming to societal expectations.

  4. Humanitarian: Aquarians are often drawn to social causes and have a strong sense of social justice. They may actively participate in activities aimed at making the world a better place.

  5. Open-minded: These individuals are open-minded and accepting of different perspectives. They appreciate diversity and are willing to embrace new and unconventional ideas.

  6. Detached: Aquarians can sometimes appear emotionally detached. They tend to approach situations with rationality rather than being driven solely by emotions.

  7. Friendly and Sociable: Despite their independence, Aquarians are generally friendly and enjoy socializing. They value friendships and can be quite sociable in group settings.

  8. Rebellious: There is a rebellious streak in Aquarians, and they may challenge established norms and traditions. They prefer to think outside the box and question the status quo.

  9. Unpredictable: Aquarians can be unpredictable in their actions and choices. They thrive on change and may resist routines that feel too restricting.

  10. Technologically Savvy: With a natural affinity for innovation, many Aquarians are comfortable with technology. They may be early adopters of new gadgets and advancements.

Remember that these traits are generalizations, and an individual's complete astrological profile, including their Moon and Rising signs, provides a more comprehensive understanding of their personality.

The King of Swords represents a person who has authority and could be with the government or associated with the Law. This person would also give good counsel. However, the negative side of this individual would be without compassion and a tendance to be cruel.

Tree of Life.

To reiterate, Chokmah, the 2nd Sephiroth- Wisdom who is the Will to Force of the Tarot Kings, is the beginning state of conscious energy that is masculine in expressive action. Chokmah is the "idea of male" and its mate, Binah, the 3rd Sephiroth-Understanding, is the "idea of Female". These are simplified concepts of Father-Mother God who despite the gender wording are not separate and together form the Divine Creative.

Chokmah being the 2nd Sephira, called Wisdom, is also the Force behind the four 2's.

The 2's symbolize the forces of the 4 Kings, and the Goddess -the Will-to-form of the four Queens -uniting and initializing the Forces.

The Kings are the Fathers of and initiators of Material Forces.

The Tarot Personality birth Wheel (Knights are Kings on this zodiacal wheel)


The querent is or may be experiencing:

  • The Will to transcend.
  • An analytical period, where the power of idea and motion come into play.
  • Letting go of old beliefs and attitudes that no longer serve the motion of the individual.
  •  Tough- minded common sense that is usually based on preconception and prejudice.
  • The arrogance of a powerful mind turned on itself in its own desire for control.
  • The tendency to judge harshly but with scrupulous fairness.
  • A lawyer, senator, or doctor.
  • Mastery of creativity and confusion, as he sees new points of view, while brainstorming new thoughts that vent the mind.
  • Intellectual, and mental prowess whose only emotion is to control.
  • A strong personality of fiery emotion and powerful thought. both stubborn and defensive. 

If reversed or ill defined by the surrounding cards, it implies:

  •  If such occurs, he is incapable of decisions or purpose, and any action he takes is so weakened by his mental indecision that it is easily brushed aside by opposition proving that inadequate violent action is merely futile effort at best.
  • He is aloof, cruel, and thoughtless when dealing with others.

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