The Tarot of Eli 2-LLC: Rider-Waite-Smith-Tarot, King of Wands & The Fairy Tarot-King of Spring.

Western Hermetic Qabalah, Tantric, Alchemical, Astrological, and Numerical Traditional Tarot Card Comparisons.

· Fairy Tarot and RWS

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Radiant: Rider-Waite-Smith-Tarot, King of Wands

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The Fairy Tarot- King of Spring

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The Rider-Waite-Smith- King of Wands projects the image of an aggressive (clenched fist) King who is siting upon a throne holding a leaf sprouting fertile wand. The sprouting leaves, depict vital life -sex force that is attributed to Wands. The little salamander at his feet, the salamanders on his cape and the red gold color of his remnants, are all implying his rule over fire. The blue cloth around his neck and shoulders, is the color of the Blue Sophia, Greek Goddess of Wisdom. Wisdom being the name of Chokmah the second Sephiroth that rules over the Tarot Kings.

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Medieval Salamander-Fire elemental.

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The Rider-Waite-Smith King of Wands represents the physical and emotional nature of a dark, ardent, lithe, animated, and impassioned noble. He connects with the symbol for Leo the Lion that exists as his throne's backing. The symbol of the Golden/yellow sun is also worn around his neck.

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The Fairy Tarot- King of Spring

The Fairy Tarot-King of Spring depicts a charismatic, bold, king with a flair for the dramatic. Being such he is innovative and motivational leading others to do great things by his own example. He is a good father figure as he loves his family and is very approachable due to his warm and charming nature.

That being said: the King's stance shows him as the aggressive ruler of great force and independence, who says what he wants, when he wants and often without empathy for others. He has the utmost belief in his own abilities and is masterful and self-reliant. Although he is intuitive and dynamic, he always insists that he is in charge. This seems counterintuitive to his ability to be a sympathetic person, who surprisingly believes he is misunderstood. Therefore, he often lives in a creative world unknown to others. In truth, there are no genders applied to the Court Cards, as they represent "personality cores"; However, gender is usually used to express the action of these personalities. Male is seen as an aggressive electric-fire and Female is seen as a receptive magnetic persona.

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The Tarot Personality birth chart.

The Tarot Personality birth chart is not mentioned nor shown in the instruction material of Rider-Waite-Smith nor the Fairy Tarot. However, all court cards are based on this chart of personality cores. Checking the birthdate of an individual on this chart will help you find the significator of the querent or of any person they have encountered. We all incarnate and reincarnate in all 12 houses of the Zodiac, so these are merely attempts to signify the "Core" or the "seed" of one's personality.

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The King of Wands or King of Spring can be a wonderful caring Father, or a commanding leader who is a source of constant learning and adventure, of whom the child /or employee is immensely proud. However, he can be exceedingly difficult, tending to make irrational and impulsive demands of everyone around him. Therefore, he often tends to be embarrassingly eccentric, domineering, and very impatient. Some children/employees feel put off by such a "drill sergeant" of a Father/Boss who sets extremely lofty standards. Reward or punishment manifests swiftly with such a father. Hence, the outgoing and creative qualities of such a father/boss, can be abrasive or exciting.


  • A spiritual evolution is taking place at a deep core level. It is as if the past personality is fuel for a new phoenix- self arising from the flames.
  • Experiencing the conviction of Spirit with much inner and outward movement of energy; the manifestation of leadership skills.
  • Positive male power, complete with the ability to focus on long term goals but with rapid movement that can handle complex situations.
  • Strong-minded and able to dominate others by force of will.
  • A master of wit and charm, profound sense of humor and warm generosity with a strong liking for fun. Can persuade anyone into anything.
  • A mature male whose inner and outer being are in mutual agreement and balance.
  • A family man.

If reversed, it implies:

  • Very Impersonal force without the conscience of the personal.
  • May be a highly empowered spiritual being. Which doesn't necessarily mean he has your best interest at heart. Spirit is Pure Mind and doesn't see things in a personal way.
  • Emotional coldness.
  • Too much emphasis on the mind.
  • Dazzling ambiguity.
  • Fickle.

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