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The Tarot of Eli 2, LLC: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot- Knight of Swords & The Tarot of Sacred Kingdoms-Knight of Swords.

Western Hermetic Qabalah, Tantric, Alchemical, Astrological, and Numerical Traditional Tarot Card Comparisons.

September 16, 2024

Above all things, know thyself!

Radiant: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot- Knight of Swords

The Traditional Tarot Knights are the princes of the nontraditional more modern Tarot's such as the Thoth Tarot. Both the Tarot Princes and traditional Knights are the personified Elemental Forces, of those 4 elements that are brought into balance in Tiphareth- "The Mediating Intelligence" (Dr. Paul Foster Case of B.O.T.A.).

The Rider-Waite-Smith Knight of Swords card is exoterically remarkable. Here a medieval Knight is shown charging forward, sword raised to strike at an unknown assailant that is seen only by the Knight. The background of the Waite card is mostly sky, which suggests the element of Air. The trees in the wind, suggests that he charges forth "tilting at windmills" and/or only in his turbulent mind, do his enemies exist.

The term "tilting at windmills" originates from Miguel de Cervantes' novel "Don Quixote," published in 1605. In the novel, the protagonist, Don Quixote, a delusional nobleman who has read too many chivalric romances, sets out on a series of adventures to revive chivalry and knightly honor.


One of Don Quixote's most famous adventures involves mistaking windmills for giants and attempting to joust with them. Despite being warned by his pragmatic squire, Sancho Panza, that the "giants" are merely windmills, Don Quixote charges at them with his lance, believing he is engaging in a noble battle against formidable opponents.


The phrase "tilting at windmills" has since come to symbolize the act of fighting imaginary enemies or engaging in fruitless or idealistic endeavors. It is often used to describe someone who stubbornly pursues a cause or goal that is considered impractical or unrealistic, much like Don Quixote's futile attempt to fight windmills he perceives as giants.

The Tarot of Sacred Kingdoms- Knight of Swords.

The Tarot of Sacred Kingdoms-Knight of Swords is a fast mover; therefore, when this knight shows up you know you are in for some quick action. Besides being intelligent and impulsive he is undiplomatic, idealistic, decisive, and focused. When he is on a mission he will take charge, whether you want him too or not. Best just step back and let him go! Therefore, if the Tarot of Lost Kingdoms Knight of Swords enters your arena, have him pause and consider whether his actions have any real purpose.

The fiery heart emphasizes his impulsive motion and the joy he finds in spontaneous action. The sunlight and distant bird along with the wet air all imply the element of air and that he can be emotional, and his intellect can be somewhat foggy. This exemplifies that his impulsiveness doesn't always allow clarity, and he often acts without considering the consequences. This could be because in astrology, his Sun is in the house of Gemini making him reckless and easily bored.

In astrology, when the Sun is in the house of Gemini, it brings specific characteristics and influences on an individual's birth chart. The house placement of the Sun represents the area of life where a person is likely to express their core identity and experience significant vitality. Here are some characteristics associated with the Sun in the house of Gemini:

  1. Intellectual Curiosity: Gemini is ruled by Mercury, emphasizing mental agility and curiosity. When the Sun is in Gemini, there is a strong focus on intellectual pursuits, communication, and a thirst for knowledge.

  2. Versatility and Adaptability: Geminis are known for their versatility and ability to adapt to different situations. The Sun in Gemini suggests a person who is flexible, open-minded, and enjoys variety in life.

  3. Communication Skills: With Gemini being an air sign, communication is a key theme. Individuals with the Sun in Gemini may excel in written and spoken communication. They are likely to be articulate, witty, and enjoy engaging in conversations with others.

  4. Social Interaction: Geminis are social beings, and the Sun in this sign indicates a person who thrives in social settings. Networking, making connections, and building relationships are important aspects of their identity expression.

  5. Restlessness and Changeability: Geminis can be restless and easily bored. The Sun in Gemini may contribute to a person who seeks constant mental stimulation and variety. Changeability is a hallmark trait, and they may be drawn to diverse experiences.

  6. Youthful Energy: Gemini is associated with a youthful and playful energy. Individuals with the Sun in this sign often retain a sense of youthful curiosity and may approach life with a light-hearted and optimistic attitude.

It's important to note that the overall interpretation of the Sun's placement in a specific house is influenced by the entire birth chart. The aspects the Sun forms with other planets and the overall astrological context play a significant role in shaping an individual's personality and life path.


Rider-Waite-Smith- Knight of Swords: Radiant edition.

As a person, The Knight of Swords personality is purely intellectual. Overflowing with ideas that tumble over each other in a mass unrelated to practical effort. This is a brain that won't quiet itself down long enough to focus well on any one thing. Intensely clever, admirably rational, with high degrees of thought, yet unstable of purpose.

There is in this Prince-Knight of mind, an indifference to their own thoughts, as any idea is worth exploring, but not for too long. By reducing every thought to ratiocination, this personality has removed all substance from thoughts, making them formal and fantastical, as they no longer relate to any facts; even those upon which the thoughts are individually based.

Thus, this person is completely free from settled principles and is capable of conceiving and putting out any conceivable argument without the clutter of remorse or regret. This is a mind so glib that it can forget the contrary argument it produced minutes before and go sallying forth with a new argument.

The Knight of Swords personalities often become faddists, cultists and devotees of drink, drugs, theologies, humanitarianism or music and religion, but without stability. There is a whiff of "tilting at windmills" here.

Also represented here, is a very charming and romantic idealist, who may depend too much on the opinions of others, causing a paradox, as they seem so certain they are right. S/he loves to love, and seeks refuge from the coarse world of man, in this personality's subconscious mind are fantasies, storybook like thinking all his/her own making. Therefore, s/he will be an artist or poet (singer/bard etc.) and a delightful friend and companion, who sees beauty where others do not.

Therefore, this one is always looking for perfection and is extremely disappointed in others who do not measure up and lacks empathy. Being extremely intelligent, kind, and gentle makes this one extremely gullible and easily reached through emotions. Since they feel very deeply, they may be easily hurt, by their self or others in a very painful relationship. Hence, they will then withdraw from society and may even become seriously mentally ill. Their nature can become extraordinarily rich in fantasy like that of Don Quixote who went about "tilting at windmills".

In another mental- bent, the knight of swords personality may run from conflict and confrontation, is a pacifist at heart, and because their actions are reactions to another's action, their contributions can't be separated from the situations in which they may find themselves, and from the people of whom are associates.

Tarot Personality Birth Wheel (Traditional Knights are Princes on this Wheel- Here Thoth Knights are Kings)

In traditional Tarot, the Knights of a suit represent dynamic energy, action, and movement. They are often seen as the embodiment of the quest or journey related to the qualities of their suit. Knights symbolize a younger, more active, and adventurous phase of life compared to the more mature and stable Kings. They can also indicate messages, quests, or efforts toward achieving goals.

Here’s what the Knights generally represent in each suit:

  1. Knight of Wands (Fire): Energy, passion, action, adventure, and enthusiasm. This Knight represents boldness, spontaneity, and an eagerness to take on challenges, but can also signify impulsivity or recklessness.

  2. Knight of Cups (Water): Emotional pursuit, romance, and creativity. This Knight is often seen as a dreamer or idealist, focused on matters of the heart and inner emotional fulfillment.

  3. Knight of Swords (Air): Intellectual pursuits, communication, and assertiveness. The Knight of Swords represents swift action, mental clarity, and determination, but can also warn of being too aggressive or hasty in thoughts or decisions.

  4. Knight of Pentacles (Earth): Hard work, responsibility, and persistence. This Knight represents methodical, steady progress and the practical side of life, such as career or financial matters. They are grounded but may lack spontaneity.

In summary, Knights are about action, progress, and the energetic pursuit of goals, with the particular qualities of their suit influencing the type of energy or focus involved.

When the Knight of Swords is thrown in a divination, it implies:

  • The need to release creative and intuitive thought while cutting through any barrier to this release.
  •  A tendency to think too fast so slowing down the thought process is advised if success is to be achieved.
  • A young person, running from conflict and confrontation.
  • Overreaction to the wants of others.

If the querent is able or has achieved the ability to focus their thought:

  • They are committed to acting out their ideals and philosophy in their own lives; not really caring about how others do it, as they put incredible energy into supporting or examining beliefs.
  • Ruthlessly brilliant, they can have good business judgment.
  • There is a combative nature here, that is courageous, turbulent, and skilled in the war of wits.

If reversed, it implies:

  • They often present a magnetic personality that is extravagant, careless, and excessive.
  • The querent is showing the tendency to be overly rational, missing the subtle emotional points that would heed success in communication.
  • Hastiness.
  • Short sidedness.

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