Radiant: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot- Nine of Cups
Robert Wang: Jungian Tarot- 9 of Cups
The Rider-Waite-Smith- Nine of Cups illustrates the more mundane meaning of The Lord of Material Happiness. The smiling figure is enjoying his complete success and fulfillment of wishes and proudly displays his wealth of nine golden cups in a moon-like crescent. The blue curtain represents the element of water as does the moon crescent. There is a more subtitle esoteric meaning to this card as the number 9, is the Sephira Yesod [foundation/the Moon] on the Qabalistic Tree of Life. The Nine/9 of Cups, is Yesod in the Suit of water, and 9, being also the number of the Moon, strengthens Water's reflection. Thus the stability is restored to Water. After its wobbly exclusions to Hod -8-left hand path/pillar, and Netzach-right hand path/pillar suit of Water has now returned to the Middle Pillar.
Astrologically Jupiter in Pisces is the Ruler of the 9 of Cups, thus adding a benediction that is more than sympathetic to Water. This is obvious, since Jupiter is the Planet of Chesed [Mercy} where water is in it highest manifestation. Plus, Pisces brings out the placidity of Water. Therefore, the Nine/9 of Cups is True Wisdom fulfilled in Perfect Happiness.
Jungian Tarot- 9 of Cups
As you can see upon viewing of the Jungian Tarot card, there are 9 cups arranged into a square of 3 on each side, representing vacillation, the primary meaning of this Jungian card. The Silver-Moon Cups, rest on water as usual to this suit; However, there is no fiery glow present as shown in many of Robert Wang's cups cards. This is because this card represents a free flow of ideas, of emotions, of thoughts, of inner pictures, and of experiences which require no Willful expression. Here, one's thoughts or emotions may be directed from outside and/or controlled by the feelings of others--in which case there may be a terrible uncertainty, an inability to focus clearly and a sense of life without purpose. Yet, if perfectly invoked and controlled, this free flow of consciousness can be very constructive as it may mean a meaningful and mystical focus on the personality. Thereby, suggesting a purposeful loosening of the bonds of perceived "reality", and a constant ability to interact with the materials of the unconscious. Symbolically this card is in reference to Moon and Water, which is the Mother. Therefore, at its most profound level, this is the card where Mother teaches the Son/Sun (Soul) to Meditate properly.
In gematria, the number 9 is also the number of the highest purity of the element it represents. Therefore, a type of Happiness, as a sensationalizing of success and in that case, it's natural bonhomie is a hard one to find any negative connotations for. This can be a pleasant card to have in your reading. However, in a Celtic Cross reading, it could be the first card description of the querent crossed by a negative card, such as the 5 or 7 of cups which would suggest why the querent isn't enjoying happiness. Otherwise, be happy for being you makes Spirit happy!
When the 9/Nine of Cups card is thrown during a divination, the querent is or will be experiencing:
- Complete pleasure, and success in a period of 9 weeks or 9 months.
- Complete and perfect realization of pleasure and happiness as wishes are fulfilled.
- There can be some vanity and conceit here, but it is good- natured.
- High mindedness and not easily satisfied with small, gossipy, limited ideas.
- Such a person may be maligned because of their self-assumption but the querent, being of a good generous, sometimes foolish, nature, ...the malingers tend to look overly critical.
- Concord.
- Contentment.
- Physical bien-être.
- Victory.
- Success.
- Satisfaction.
If ill defined by surrounding cards (Jungian) or reversed (Rider-Waite-Smith), it implies:
- Self-complacency.
- Vanity.
- Arrogance.
- Mistakes.
- Imperfections.
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