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Radiant: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot-Nine of Swords
As always, the Rider-Waite-Smith card stresses the more prosaic meanings of despair, illness, suffering and cruelty as if awakening from a bad dream. The sub-conscious is the mental place of the Akashic fluid, where dreams are made into form and can, with enough emotional concentration, become reality. Sleep induces the subconscious state as we "turn off" the conscious state of sensual awareness. This subconscious state of dreaming can show errors in thought processes (software), allowing the consciousness to solve the errors but it can also produce errors. That is why many people keep a dream journal, where they write down their dreams upon awakening. Allowing the consciousness to examine the dream symbols when they are fresh in the awake mind. This is a rewarding practice and one recommended by many therapists.
For myself I run a correctional mental loop of, "Get over yourself and get on with you! Impeccability is what we do' whenever I worry or feel despondent. It just overrides the "pity pot" of self-defeating cruel thought every time it comes online. But installing that software loop, took determination, and plain old fashion "jack Ass " stubbornness and constant repetition, a meditation of seconds, done most minutes, until it becomes automatic. Don't you think it's time we programed our own hardware/wet ware! In fact, which is our best usage of time! That is the real message of the Nine of Swords and the axiom of; ABOVE ALL THINGS, KNOW THYSELF!
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The Milo Manara Erotic Tarot- 9 of Air
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Again, the minimalistic art of the Traditional Tarot small/pips- cards, rarely gives a clue to its esoteric meanings. Traditionally the 9 of Swords represents worry, despair, loss, and cruelty. That is seen in the art of the RWS Tarot small card-9 of Swords, as this card is esoterically about understanding and good-natured work with others, thereby avoiding despair, and cruelty. This card is about give and take; therefore, great generosity is indicated but isn't considered charitable in relationships; However, charm is evident in relationships. This is a courteous and pleasant active and ongoing process. Therefore, results aren't suggested. For partners in business, they may be courteous and have a very companionable relationship; However, this doesn't ensure profit. There are no fears invested, when one does unto another what they would have done to themselves. This card states, you may have been mistreated, but your cruelty towards others won't let you sleep at night. It is time to forgive and apologize. The illness of emotional cruelty stops with you, so get about the solution.
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The realm of Yesod, is the Astral world of "Odic Force", as described by Von Reichenbach; a mid- nineteenth century investigator of psychic phenomena. This force is now known as the Astral light, or the Akashic Fluid and it is the foundational energy state of all physical material. Magic is just the manipulation of this Akashic fluid into various states of energy forms by the mental process of willed meditation. This is where Thought forms are produced before they become manifested as a crystalized - "me". Here, each of us has the capacity to produce within ourselves our living self- image and to profoundly experience that production as "our life". This may sound silly to those who think that we somehow pursue life, rather than being the Life that makes living in its own name. But stop a minute and think, the word Spirit is from the Greek root word Spiro which means breath. The body lives because of this Breath within it.... you are that Breath!
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Therefore, Spirit is the Willed Life of the Body, thus the body is the living that Spirit produces. "I am the life of me," is a true statement of understanding the "I AM" which is the spiritual state of pure conscious energy that produces the artificial "me" of physical self-conscious manifestation. Thus, the mental Akashic fluid thought form, once animated by breath and self-conscious, the producer of emoted energy, becomes the crystallization/coagulation of thought that we call the "living being". The perceiver is not the object perceived. Hence, you are not even thought. You are the Invisible Space that your objective self of Time occupies! "I AM" declares existence, but of what? That is the question that created "measurement" and/or object within the subjective. In other words, our perspective of self operates our objective self. As Qabalists know, all is Mind. Therefore, the Mind that is infinite, has no measurement and therefore, invents measurement to "view" itself. Another way to state this is to say that the I AM invented Me, so that it could examine and experiment with self-awareness. Your truth is "I AM" what you think you are, is an assumption.
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The Divine Hermaphrodite
So, stop doubting yourself, and become answers instead! This doesn't mean you don't examine your thoughts; they are yours to examine--- intimately. That, however, is not a reaction to your environment, only common sense as you know thoughts are not you because you create them. Action, however, is the Fiery Spirit-willed motion that moves you as evolutionary identity. Hence, reaction is usually run by the uncertain animal mind of survival thinking, who thinks the whole universe is out to eat it, while the Spirit acts in the environment it observes!
Therefore, the Waite-9 of Swords, is about you being your own worst enemy, divided against yourself, mentally and emotionally. Always nay-saying before you can ever start a motion. Fearing the worst immobilizes you. This is " a moment of doubt" drawn out as a Lifetime. Sure, we doubt ourselves, after all every new motion is a risk to the old one! But if the Child of Wonder, that innocent curiosity, still has "I's" in you, you're going to "do it" anyway. Besides, form has a beginning and therefore an end; Spirit is of the One Energy and cannot be created nor destroyed. The aware person knows that bodies are not going to survive the Spirit. However, as Spirit, we are always striving forward, the Divine Creative's need is Pushing us forward to know itself, just like Dark Energy pushes the Universe of Matter forever outwards. Life is a Driving Force...and the Body is the vehicle driven into experimental ideas of Self!
Therefore, what this Cruel Nine/9 of Swords implies, is that "a house divide must fall". Get together with yourself and overthrow the Slaver program that is in your brain. Software can be erased even when it's Garbage (G.I.G.O). All software programmers know of G.I.G.O., for when software is garbage and programed in, the hardware or wet ware is operational garbage as well. Garbage in, Garbage out!
The Waite- 9 of Swords implies that you must get off your ass of miserable perspective and re-think the programing! It's easy to fail, all you must do is stop doing it. Success is a product of the stubborn optimist. This undaunted optimist is Your Immortal Soul who even if it kills "itself" (destroys the hardware) trying to accomplish a goal, it just reincarnates and keeps at it! Since we are Mind, we all will pound out the bugs of our software (definitions), some sooner than others, but we all will do it eventually. That is the purpose of sensuality after all--- learning to discriminate by experiencing the success and failure of our software!
Your soul will just "reabsorb" the software garbage and try another revision of it in "hardware/wetware performance; a performance that we know as "alive" and some call Karma.
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The Erotic Tarot- 9 of Air, depicts an interesting scene of a painting of a woman in medieval dress, freeing herself from the illustration. She is "stepping out" of the prison of enforced identity and beginning one of her own. She is tired of being the cultural "cookie cutter" woman of some man's dream and is deciding it is time to "Above all things, Know herself". She is freeing herself from the misogynies of the Patriarchy.
Milo Manara, assigned the meanings of dreams, wonder, strange mental states, and danger to this card. All of which visually apply, in an artistic license sort of way.
The astrological meaning of this card is Mars in Gemini, meaning the need to struggle and evolve or fight in a communicative and mental way.
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In astrology, the position of Mars in a specific house can influence various aspects of an individual's life. When Mars is in the house of Gemini, it brings a dynamic and communicative energy to the person's personality. Here are some characteristics associated with Mars in the house of Gemini:
Energetic Communication: Mars in Gemini enhances verbal expression and communication skills. Individuals with this placement are often energetic speakers, quick thinkers, and may excel in debates or public speaking.
Intellectual Drive: There is a strong drive towards acquiring knowledge and information. These individuals may be intellectually curious, always seeking new ideas, and enjoy engaging in mentally stimulating activities.
Restlessness: Mars in Gemini can contribute to a restless and changeable nature. There may be a desire for variety and diversity, both in relationships and experiences. The person may get easily bored and seek constant mental stimulation.
Active Learning: Learning through practical experiences and hands-on activities is emphasized. Mars in Gemini individuals may thrive in environments that allow them to actively participate in the learning process.
Adaptability: These individuals are adaptable and flexible, able to quickly adjust to changing circumstances. They may enjoy challenges that require quick thinking and versatility.
Expressive Passion: Mars represents passion and drive, and in Gemini, this passion is expressed through words and ideas. The person may be passionate about sharing their thoughts, opinions, and beliefs with others.
Social Energy: Mars in Gemini individuals tend to be social and enjoy networking. They may be active in social circles, and their energy is often directed towards building connections and forming diverse relationships.
It's important to note that the overall interpretation of Mars in Gemini can vary depending on the entire birth chart, as well as other astrological factors and aspects. Individual experiences may differ, and these general characteristics provide a broad overview.
When the Rider-Waite-Smith or the Milo Manara Erotic Tarot- 9 of Air- is thrown in a divination, it implies:
- Is practicing mental self-cruelty. Negative thoughts mentally degrade the individual identity both dynamically and receptively, bringing the individual into depression.
- They are feeling sorry for themselves.
- Is being hurt and having hurt others.
- Is experiencing a ghastly nightmare of arising fears and projected thoughts brought about by self-doubt.
- Is facing grief, facing the demons within, or to weather the nightmares through time and patience.
- Is experiencing a need to analyze, think clearly and get in touch with your night dreams for direction and understanding.
- Is experiencing oppression, depression, and suspicion rather than tragedy.
- Is experiencing the power of separation that brings beginnings.
- Restlessness.
- Expressive passion.
If reversed or surrounded by ill -defined cards, it implies:
- Shame.
- Guilt.
- Terror.
- Infamy.
- Misery.
- Hate.
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