The Tarot of Eli 2, LLC: Rider-Waite-Smith-Tarot-Nine of Swords & The Tarot of Sacred Kingdoms-9 of Swords.

Western Hermetic Qabalah, Tantric, Alchemical, Numerical, and Astrological Traditional Tarot Card Comparisons.

· Sacred Kingdoms and RWS

Above all things, know thyself!

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Radiant: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot-Nine of Swords

As always, the Rider-Waite-Smith card stresses the more prosaic meanings of despair, illness, suffering and cruelty as if awakening from a bad dream. The sub-conscious is the place in the brain Intouch with the Akashic mental fluid of the Collective Unconscious, where dreams are made into form and can, with enough emotional concentration, become reality. Sleep induces the subconscious state as we "turn off" the conscious state of sensual awareness. Hence, it is the place of the survival mind which can easily be hypnotized by suggestions for survival by the few who rule the cultural egregore and/or one the individual thinks is an authority. Here is where Pavlovian theory takes over by the practice of cruelty (pleasure pain training).

Pavlovian theory, also known as classical conditioning, is a psychological concept developed by Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov in the early 20th century. It describes how organisms can learn to associate a previously neutral stimulus with a significant event, leading to a conditioned response. Here's a brief rundown:

  1. Unconditioned Stimulus (UCS): A stimulus that naturally and automatically triggers a response. In Pavlov's famous experiment, food is the UCS, as it naturally causes dogs to salivate.

  2. Unconditioned Response (UCR): The automatic, unlearned reaction to the unconditioned stimulus. In Pavlov’s dogs, salivating in response to food is the UCR.

  3. Conditioned Stimulus (CS): A previously neutral stimulus that, after being paired repeatedly with the unconditioned stimulus, triggers a learned response. In the experiment, a bell became the CS after being associated with the food.

  4. Conditioned Response (CR): The learned response to the conditioned stimulus. After conditioning, the dogs began to salivate (CR) when they heard the bell (CS), even if no food (UCS) was present.

The key idea of Pavlovian theory is that through association and repetition, organisms can be conditioned to respond to stimuli in ways they wouldn’t naturally, which lays the foundation for understanding how learning and behavior modification work. This concept is fundamental in both behavioral psychology and learning theory and the creation of an egregore.

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This subconscious state of dreaming can show errors in thought processes (software), allowing the consciousness to solve the errors but it can also produce errors. That is why many people keep a dream journal, where they write down their dreams upon awakening. Allowing the consciousness to examine the dream symbols when they are fresh in the awake mind. This is a rewarding practice and one recommended by many therapists.

What may seem strange to us Westerners is that our Psyche (Soul-Solar Self) dreams us into existence as it's awake-self and/or Avatar. Here we have the perfect example of the Unconscious dreamer and the lucid dreamer. One to dream the dream and one to participate in it as an active observer-creator who can correct disorder in the dream. This makes you, the Avatar of the Soul-dreamer, an active force in the Life of Form.

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in Hindu mythology, Vishnu (Creation God) exists in both the sleeping and waking states, each embodying different aspects of cosmic order and a perfect description of the subconscious and waking conscious states of an individual.

  1. Sleeping Vishnu (Yoganidra): Vishnu in his cosmic slumber (Yoganidra) rests on the serpent Ananta (or Shesha) floating in the cosmic ocean. In this state, Vishnu dreams the universe into existence. This sleeping state symbolizes potentiality and the unmanifest aspect of the universe, where creation, preservation, and destruction happen within his dream. The cyclic nature of the cosmos is tied to Vishnu’s cosmic sleep, and when he awakens, the universe dissolves back into him, signaling the end of the cosmic cycle.

  2. Awake Vishnu (Active Manifestation): While Vishnu dreams, he simultaneously manifests through his avatars to maintain cosmic balance and act within the universe. In his waking state, he takes forms such as Rama, Krishna, Narasimha, and others. These avatars intervene to restore dharma (cosmic law), emphasizing his role as the preserver and protector of the universe. Here, Vishnu is active within the dream (the universe), interacting directly with beings, guiding them toward righteousness, and correcting imbalances.

In this way, Vishnu and your Soul exists as both the transcendental, dreaming deity and the immanent, active force within the universe, harmonizing the cosmos from both planes of reality. His dual role mirrors the balance of the passive and active principles in creation.

However, if you act on programing of an outside authority, such as the social egregore built by the few who rule the many you only participate in a world egregore built by the few who rule the many rather than your Soul's purpose for dreaming you. Hence, you must become lucid in this dream built for you by the Military Industrial Complex (Archon) and correct its dysfunctions in yourself. By establishing a common cultural egregore


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An egregore can absolutely be a cultural creation. In esoteric and occult traditions, an egregore is typically understood as a collective thought-form or psychic entity that is generated and sustained by the combined focus, emotions, and intentions of a group of people. Over time, these group energies can give rise to an autonomous force that takes on a life of its own, influencing the people who contribute to it.

When applied to culture, an egregore can emerge as a kind of cultural entity or archetype. Entire nations, ideologies, religions, and social movements can develop egregores, which are formed from the shared beliefs, values, myths, and symbols of that culture. These egregores become more than just ideas—they take on a life-like presence, influencing behavior, shaping collective identity, and affecting societal development.

For example:

  • Nationalism: The concept of a nation or collective identity can be seen as an egregore, fueled by the shared consciousness, history, and aspirations of its people.
  • Religious symbols or figures: Deities or religious figures (such as Christ, Buddha, or mythological gods) can be seen as egregores that have been culturally created, taking on reality within the collective psyche of their followers.
  • Corporate or political entities: Modern institutions like large corporations or political ideologies can also be considered egregores, existing as more than mere structures—they hold collective power and influence people's behavior.

Cultural egregores become self-perpetuating forces that guide the actions, beliefs, and perceptions of the individuals within that culture, often without those individuals being fully aware of their participation in sustaining the egregore's existence. This idea emphasizes how human societies co-create forces that, in turn, shape them.

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Therefore, the phrase "the few who rule the many" captures the concept of oligarchy or elitism, where a small group of individuals holds power over a larger population. While this exact phrase is not universally attributed to a single author, the idea has been discussed in various political and philosophical works throughout history.

One influential thinker who articulated a similar idea was Vilfredo Pareto, an Italian sociologist and economist, who is best known for his "elite theory." In his book "The Mind and Society" (Trattato di Sociologia Generale, 1916), Pareto posited that society is always divided into two groups: the "elite" (the few) who rule and the "mass" (the many) who are ruled. His concept of the "circulation of elites" suggests that even in democratic societies, a small group of people tends to dominate decision-making.

The notion of the "few ruling the many" can also be traced to earlier works, such as those by Plato and Aristotle, who discussed aristocracy, oligarchy, and the concentration of power in the hands of a small elite.

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To break out of this ruler-controlled egregore mental prison is to; Above all things, know thyself! One must start a paradigm of self-authority. Hence, you must rule your empire of Spirit-Mind-body. When I start thinking in egregore programed automatic response, I often run a correctional mental loop of, "Get over yourself and get on with you! Impeccability is what we do' . It just overrides the "pity pot" of self-defeating cruel thought every time it comes online. But installing that software loop, took determination, and plain old fashion "jack Ass " stubbornness and constant repetition, a meditation of seconds, done most minutes, until it becomes automatic. Don't you think it's time we programed our own hardware/wet ware after all our body/brain is the Avatar of the Celestial Dreamer! In fact, we are authorized to act as an Ambassador of Spirit and/or the "will of the One" in our realm of Spirit-Mind-Body. That is the real message of the Nine of Swords and the axiom of;


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The Tarot of Sacred Kingdoms- 9 of Swords

The images of the Tarot of Sacred Kingdoms-9 of Swords suggest fear, anxiety, and worry. Here a startled young woman stares at a frightening entity who seems to be instructing her. This entity represents a deep inner turmoil caused by regret, guilt, or a feeling of helplessness. Actually, it perfectly represents the "inner demon" of the cultural egregore.

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Again, the minimalistic art of the Traditional Tarot small/pips- cards, rarely gives a clue to its esoteric meanings. Traditionally the 9 of Swords represents worry, despair, loss, and cruelty. That is seen in the art of the RWS Tarot small card-9 of Swords, as this card is esoterically about understanding and good-natured work with others, thereby avoiding despair, and cruelty.

This card is also about give and take; therefore, great generosity is indicated but isn't considered charitable in relationships; However, charm is evident in relationships. This is a courteous and pleasant active and ongoing process. Therefore, results aren't suggested. For partners in business, they may be courteous and have a very companionable relationship; However, this doesn't ensure profit. There are no fears invested, when one does unto another what they would have done to themselves. This card states, you may have been mistreated, but your cruelty towards others won't let you sleep at night. It is time to forgive and apologize. The illness of emotional cruelty stops with you, so get about the solution.

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The realm of Yesod, is the Astral world of "Odic Force", as described by Von Reichenbach; a mid- nineteenth century investigator of psychic phenomena. This force is now known as the Astral light, or the Akashic Fluid and it is the foundational energy state of all physical material. Magic is just the manipulation of this Akashic fluid into various states of energy forms by the mental process of willed emotional focus and/or meditation. This is where Thought forms are produced before they become manifested as a crystalized - "me". Here, each of us has the capacity to produce within ourselves our living self- image and to profoundly experience that production as "our life": for we are Life. This may sound silly to those who think that we somehow pursue life, rather than being the Life that makes the alive in its own name. But stop a minute and think, the word Spirit is from the Greek root word Spiro which means breath. The body lives because of this Breath within it.... you are that Breath! 

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Therefore, Spirit is the Willed Life of the Body, thus the body is the living that Spirit produces the avatar of Will Power that you really represent.

"I am the life of me," is a true statement of understanding the "I AM" which is the spiritual state of pure conscious energy that produces the artificial "me" of physical self-conscious manifestation.

Thus, the mental Akashic fluid thought form, once animated by breath and self-conscious, the producer of emoted energy, becomes the crystallization/coagulation of thought that we call the "living being". The perceiver is not the object perceived. Hence, you are not even thought. You are the Invisible Space that your objective self of Time occupies! "I AM" declares existence, but of what? That is the question that created "measurement" and/or object within the subjective. In other words, our perspective of self operates our objective self. As Qabalists know, all is Mind. Therefore, the Mind that is infinite, has no measurement and therefore, invents measurement to "view" itself. Another way to state this is to say that the I AM invented Me, so that it could examine and experiment with self-awareness.

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Your truth is "I AM" what you think you are, is an assumption. Every emotional thought you create, becomes your identity as Life and if not, the function you wish, is easily corrected by the will to do so.

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The Divine Hermaphrodite

So, stop doubting yourself, and become answers instead! Examine your thoughts; they are yours to examine--- intimately. We are not automatons! Programed thinking becomes a reaction to your environment. By using your authority over thoughts and/or common sense you know thoughts are not you because you create them. Action, however, is the Fiery Spirit-willed motion that moves you as evolutionary self-identity. Hence, reaction is usually run by the uncertain animal mind of survival thinking, who thinks the whole universe is out to eat it, while the Spirit acts and creates in the environment it observes!

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Therefore, the Waite and Sacred Kingdoms-9 of Swords, is about you being your own worst enemy, divided against yourself, mentally and emotionally. Always nay-saying before you can ever start a motion. Fearing the worst immobilizes you.

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This card is " a moment of doubt" drawn out as a Lifetime. Sure, we doubt ourselves, after all every new motion is a risk to the old one! But if the Child of Wonder, that innocent curiosity, still has "I's" in you, you're going to "do it" anyway. Besides, form has a beginning and therefore an end; Spirit is of the One Energy and cannot be created nor destroyed and therefore, is the alpha and omega of forms. The aware person knows that bodies are not going to survive the Spirit. However, as Spirit, we are always striving forward, the Divine Creative's need is Pushing us forward to know itself, just like Dark Energy pushes the Universe of Matter forever outwards. Life is a Driving Force...and the Body is the vehicle driven into experimental ideas of Self! Who is driving your body?

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Therefore, what this Cruel Nine/9 of Swords implies, is that "a house divide must fall". Get together with yourself and overthrow the Slaver program that has been installed in your brain "by those who rule definition". Software can be erased even when it's Garbage (G.I.G.O). All software programmers know of G.I.G.O., for when software is garbage and programed in, the hardware or wet ware is operational garbage as well. Garbage in, Garbage out!

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The Waite- 9 of Swords implies that you must get off your ass of miserable egregore perspective and re-think the programing! It's easy to fail, all you must do is stop doing it. Success is a product of the stubborn optimist. This undaunted optimist is Your Immortal Soul who even if it kills "itself" (destroys the hardware) trying to accomplish a goal, it just reincarnates and keeps at it! Since we are Mind, we all will pound out the bugs of our software (definitions), some sooner than others, but we all will do it eventually. That is the purpose of sensuality after all--- learning to discriminate by experiencing the success and failure of our software!

Your soul will just "reabsorb" the software garbage and try another revision of it in "hardware/wetware performance; a performance that we know as "alive" and some call Karma.

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Therefore, we can be the egregore "jackass" or ride that sucker in the direction we want to go!

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Take a deep breath and nurture yourself. Stress is a self-destructive reaction to an automatic thought into emotion process, so take a spa day! Everything is imagined and when emotions are applied imagination becomes "life". Hence, life is emoted by the Mind. Individual life is therefore, emoted by the individual. To emote is to place energy-in-motion something we often call emotion.

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This 9 of Swords card is assigned the planet Mars in the house of Gemini. In astrology, the position of Mars in a specific house can influence various aspects of an individual's life. When Mars is in the house of Gemini, it brings a dynamic and communicative energy to the person's personality. Here are some characteristics associated with Mars in the house of Gemini:

  1. Energetic Communication: Mars in Gemini enhances verbal expression and communication skills. Individuals with this placement are often energetic speakers, quick thinkers, and may excel in debates or public speaking.

  2. Intellectual Drive: There is a strong drive towards acquiring knowledge and information. These individuals may be intellectually curious, always seeking new ideas, and enjoy engaging in mentally stimulating activities.

  3. Restlessness: Mars in Gemini can contribute to a restless and changeable nature. There may be a desire for variety and diversity, both in relationships and experiences. The person may get easily bored and seek constant mental stimulation.

  4. Active Learning: Learning through practical experiences and hands-on activities is emphasized. Mars in Gemini individuals may thrive in environments that allow them to actively participate in the learning process.

  5. Adaptability: These individuals are adaptable and flexible, able to quickly adjust to changing circumstances. They may enjoy challenges that require quick thinking and versatility.

  6. Expressive Passion: Mars represents passion and drive, and in Gemini, this passion is expressed through words and ideas. The person may be passionate about sharing their thoughts, opinions, and beliefs with others.

  7. Social Energy: Mars in Gemini individuals tend to be social and enjoy networking. They may be active in social circles, and their energy is often directed towards building connections and forming diverse relationships.

It's important to note that the overall interpretation of Mars in Gemini can vary depending on the entire birth chart, as well as other astrological factors and aspects. Individual experiences may differ, and these general characteristics provide a broad overview.

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In numerology, the number 9 is considered to hold powerful and distinct characteristics. It is often viewed as the number of completion and humanitarianism. Here are some key characteristics associated with the number 9 in numerology:

1. Humanitarianism and Compassion

  • Altruism: Number 9 is strongly associated with a sense of duty and compassion towards others. Individuals with this number are often driven to help humanity and make the world a better place.
  • Selflessness: They are known for their selfless nature, often putting the needs of others before their own.

2. Idealism and Vision

  • Idealistic: People influenced by the number 9 are typically idealistic and visionary. They hold high ideals and strive to achieve lofty goals.
  • Inspiration: They have the ability to inspire others with their vision and dedication to humanitarian causes.

3. Completion and Fulfillment

  • End of a Cycle: Number 9 symbolizes the end of a cycle, bringing things to a completion before a new cycle begins. It represents the culmination of experiences and lessons learned.
  • Fulfillment: There is a sense of fulfillment and understanding that comes with the number 9, indicating a deep wisdom gained through life experiences.

4. Creativity and Artistic Expression

  • Creative: People with the number 9 are often highly creative and artistic. They express themselves through various forms of art, music, and writing.
  • Innovative: Their creativity often leads to innovative ideas and solutions.

5. Leadership and Influence

  • Natural Leaders: Those influenced by the number 9 often take on leadership roles, driven by their vision and desire to bring positive change.
  • Influential: They have a strong presence and can influence others through their charisma and dedication to causes.

6. Emotional and Sensitive

  • Deep Emotions: Number 9 individuals are deeply emotional and sensitive. They feel things intensely and are highly empathetic.
  • Understanding: Their sensitivity allows them to understand and connect with others on a profound level.

7. Wisdom and Enlightenment

  • Old Souls: People with the number 9 are often considered "old souls," possessing a deep wisdom and understanding of life's complexities.
  • Spiritual Awareness: They have a heightened sense of spiritual awareness and are often drawn to exploring philosophical and metaphysical subjects.

8. Generosity and Philanthropy

  • Generous: Number 9 individuals are known for their generosity and willingness to give to others, often engaging in philanthropic activities.
  • Charitable: They are drawn to charitable work and causes that promote the well-being of humanity.

9. Challenges and Growth

  • Letting Go: One of the challenges for number 9 individuals is learning to let go of the past and move forward. They may struggle with endings and the emotional aspects of closure.
  • Balancing Self and Others: Finding a balance between their own needs and the needs of others can be a lifelong challenge for those with the number 9.

Overall, the number 9 in numerology is associated with a high level of compassion, creativity, and wisdom. It signifies a deep connection to humanity and a desire to contribute positively to the world.

In gematria which is Western Hermetic Qabalistic numerology, the number 9 carries several characteristics and symbolic meanings, rooted in Jewish mysticism, numerology, and biblical traditions. Here are some of the key characteristics and implications of the number 9 in gematria:

1. Completion and Finality

  • Cycle of Completion: The number 9 is often associated with the end of a cycle or a phase, representing completeness and fulfillment. It is seen as the last single-digit number, symbolizing the culmination of processes and the attainment of goals.
  • Ultimate Fulfillment: It indicates a state of reaching the fullest potential or the final stage before a new beginning, aligning with the concept of transition and transformation.

2. Truth and Wisdom

  • Embodiment of Truth: The number 9 is linked with truth and enlightenment. In Hebrew, the word for truth (אמת, "Emet") has a numerical value that reduces to 9, symbolizing the ultimate and unchanging nature of truth.
  • Pursuit of Wisdom: It is often associated with deep wisdom and the pursuit of higher knowledge, reflecting a journey towards understanding profound truths.

3. Divine Attributes

  • Spiritual Significance: In Kabbalistic/Qabalistic thought, the number 9 corresponds to the sephirah Yesod on the Tree of Life. Yesod represents the foundation and the channel through which divine energy flows into the physical world, highlighting the number's spiritual importance.
  • Connection to the Divine: Yesod serves as the intermediary between the higher and lower realms, symbolizing the flow of spiritual insights into material existence.

4. Humanitarianism and Generosity

  • Service to Others: The number 9 is often associated with humanitarianism, altruism, and a strong sense of duty towards others. Individuals influenced by this number are driven to help and uplift humanity.
  • Compassion and Empathy: It embodies qualities of compassion, empathy, and a desire to contribute positively to the world, reflecting a selfless nature.

5. Biblical and Mystical References

  • Biblical Symbolism: There are several instances in the Bible where the number 9 holds significance, such as the nine fruits of the Spirit in the New Testament and the nine beatitudes in the Sermon on the Mount. These references underscore its spiritual and moral importance.
  • Mystical Interpretation: In Jewish mysticism, the number 9 is seen as a powerful and mystical number, often representing the hidden and esoteric aspects of the divine.

6. Mathematical Properties

  • Intrinsic Patterns: The number 9 exhibits unique mathematical properties. For example, any number multiplied by 9, when its digits are summed, results in 9. This property symbolizes the idea of completeness and the cyclical nature of life.
  • Self-Reflecting Nature: This characteristic of consistently reducing to itself highlights the number's self-reflecting and unchanging nature.

7. Hebrew Letters and Words

  • Teth (ט): The Hebrew letter Teth corresponds to the number 9. It symbolizes goodness, concealment, and potential, often associated with the duality of good and evil.
  • Transformation and Potential: Teth also represents the concept of transformation and the hidden potential within every individual and situation.

8. Dual Nature

  • Good and Evil: The number 9, represented by the letter Teth, is often associated with the duality of good and evil. It signifies the potential for both positive and negative outcomes, depending on how one channels their energies and actions.
  • Moral Choice: This dual nature underscores the importance of moral choices and the potential for transformation and redemption.

In summary, the number 9 in gematria is imbued with rich symbolism and profound meanings, encompassing themes of completion, truth, wisdom, spiritual significance, humanitarianism, and the intrinsic duality of existence.

When the Rider-Waite-Smith-9 of Swords or the Tarot of Sacred Kingdoms-9 of Swords- is thrown in a divination, it implies:

  • Is practicing mental self-cruelty. Negative thoughts mentally degrade the individual identity both dynamically and receptively, bringing the individual into depression.
  • They are feeling sorry for themselves.
  • Is being hurt and having hurt others.
  • Is experiencing a ghastly nightmare of arising fears and projected thoughts brought about by self-doubt.
  • Is facing grief, facing the demons within, or to weather the nightmares through time and patience.
  • Is experiencing a need to analyze, think clearly and get in touch with your night dreams for direction and understanding.
  • Is experiencing oppression, depression, and suspicion rather than tragedy. 
  • Is experiencing the power of separation that brings beginnings.
  • Restlessness. 
  • Expressive passion.

If reversed or surrounded by ill -defined cards, it implies:

  • Shame.
  • Guilt.
  • Terror.
  • Infamy. 
  • Misery.
  • Hate.

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