The Tarot of Eli 2, LLC: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot- Seven of Cups & The Milo Manara Erotic Tarot- 7 of Water.

Western Hermetic Qabalah, Tantric, Numerical, Astrological, and Alchemical Traditional Tarot Card Comparisons.

· RWS and Manarra

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Radiant: Rider-Waite-Smith- Seven of Cups

The Rider-Waite-Smith, Seven of Cups, shows a dark shadow figure of a man and an outlined cloud scene as the base for the Seven Cups, hinting at corruption of the sacred objects in each of the Cups; the corruption of thought (head), the veiling of consciousness by indoctrination and dogma (veiled goddess figure), the corruption of the serpent/vital -sexual-life force (The Spirit), corruption of the solid physical manifestation (mountain), corruption of wealth (jewels), the corruption of victory (wreath) and the corruption of the Dragon within (sex energy/kundalini). This symbolism of floating on a dark cloud suggests the corruption of the Sacrament in each cup and that corruption is belief that all these things bring happiness. That is a falsehood, since happiness is a state of "knowing thyself".The Seven of Cups is a card of Transition; the goal is attained but effort, even hardship is required to overcome obstacles, and frequently, sacrifice.

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Hence, we know that the human form is a sacrament. For a sacrament is a rite. Since the body is alive and sentient, it is the sacrament of Spirit's will to be and the magic rite of intimacy; The rite to be! By thinking ill of any part of our ternary selves of Self, which is the whole Spirit: (I)-Mind (Am) and Body (Me), is to profane the sacred act of Will that began as "I Will BE", which Qabalist know as Kether, the 1st Will whose god name is Eheieh-meaning- "I Will Be". Therefore, we are the establishment of that "first movement of Will in the Universe", and the manifested goal, for we are the "I AM Being" ; hence the will of the One's destination achieved. What Waite is hinting at is what Crowley called his 7 of Cups, and that is debauch. Here the self-conscious is intoxicated over the many worded choices, which puts a caul over the awake consciousness. This caul of darkness creates a false ego, which tells you it is you...a lie and deception, for you are the "I AM" and therefore, the true master of your identity. Know that you are Love, Life, and Truth, any part of your mind that says otherwise is the "deceiver" and/or the "false ego".

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The Milo Manara Erotic Tarot- 7 of Water

The Milo Manara Erotic Tarot-7 of Water displays a shower scene of imagination and whimsy. Here, a young woman is showering, Water being the element of this card, and is unaware of the danger approaching her. Since the meaning of this card is:

  • Imagination.
  • Whimsy.
  • intangible danger.

The image makes some stretch towards sense. Milo Manara also assigns the Astrological meaning of Venus in Scorpio to this card, which implies the need to love ardently and secretly. This could be the reason for the dark, mysterious, and threatening stranger as he is both dangerous and alpha.

Venus in the house of Scorpio can have a significant impact on an individual's astrological profile.

When Venus, the planet of love, relationships, and aesthetics, is placed in the intense and passionate sign of Scorpio, it brings forth some distinct characteristics:

  1. Deep and Intense Love: People with Venus in Scorpio tend to experience love and relationships with a deep intensity. They are passionate and often seek transformative and profound connections with their partners.

  2. Emotional Depth: Scorpio is a water sign, associated with emotions, and when Venus is in this sign, individuals may have a heightened emotional sensitivity. They can be quite intuitive when it comes to understanding the emotional needs of their partners.

  3. Secretive and Mysterious: Scorpio is known for its secretive nature, and this trait can influence the way Venus functions. These individuals may keep aspects of their love life private, or they might be attracted to partners who have an air of mystery about them.

  4. Jealousy and Possessiveness: On the downside, Venus in Scorpio can sometimes manifest as jealousy and possessiveness in relationships. They may have a strong desire to have control and can be intensely protective of their loved ones.

  5. Passionate Expression: In matters of art and aesthetics, Venus in Scorpio can lead to a passionate and intense expression of creativity. They often appreciate art and beauty that carries deep emotional and symbolic significance.

  6. Transformation in Love: Scorpio is associated with transformation and rebirth, and when Venus is in this sign, individuals may go through significant changes in their love lives. Relationships can be marked by periods of intense transformation and evolution.

  7. Attraction to Depth: Those with this placement are often attracted to partners who possess depth, intensity, and a strong sense of purpose. They may be drawn to individuals who are emotionally complex and can handle their intensity.

  8. Sexuality and Intimacy: Venus in Scorpio individuals often have a powerful and intense approach to sexuality and intimacy. They seek deep emotional connections in their sexual relationships.

It's important to note that the exact influence of Venus in Scorpio can vary depending on other factors in a person's birth chart, such as the position of other planets and aspects between them.

When the Seven/7 of Cups is thrown during a divination, the Querent has or will experience:

  • For the next 7 weeks or 7months; Lying, deceit, promises unfulfilled. illusion, and deception. Either by self-denial or by others.
  • Slight success but there is not enough energy to maintain it, so error develops.
  • Victory, but that is neutralized by the spinelessness of the person.
  • Drunkenness, wrath, vanity, lust, fornication for the sake of ego, violence against women.
  • Selfish dissipation.
  • Deception in love and friendship.
  • Some success gained, but not followed up on. 
  • Fairy favors.
  • Images of reflection.
  • Imagination.
  • Sentiment.
  • Things seen in the glass of contemplation, some attainment in these degrees but nothing substantial or permanent gained.

If reversed or surrounded in negative cards:

  • Desire.
  • Determination.
  • Will.
  • Project.

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