The Tarot of Eli 2, LLC: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot- Seven of Swords & The Tarot of Sacred Kingdoms- 7 of Swords.

Western Hermetic Qabalah, Tantric, Alchemical, Numerical, and Astrological Traditional Tarot Card Comparisons.

· Sacred Kingdoms and RWS

Above all things, know thyself!

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Radiant: Rider-Waite-Smith-Tarot, Seven of Swords

The Rider-Waite-Smith 7 of Swords card is more grounded and less focused on Western Hermetic Magic than many modern Tarot decks, making it an excellent choice for beginners. In this card, Waite depicts a thief leaving behind some swords because they are too many to carry. This image suggests that trying to carry it all—or overthinking—is futile. Instead, the card advises focusing on one thought at a time, rather than trying to process everything at once. After all, repeating the same thoughts won't yield different results. You may have to settle for less certainty than you'd like, but like the thief in the card, you must use what you have and leave behind worries and insecurities. It's important not to deceive ourselves into believing we have all the answers; sometimes, we must begin without absolute surety.

The axiom, "Above all things, know thyself," is an ancient but foundational principle of Gnosis and Western Hermetic Qabalah.

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In the Gnostic Gospels of Didymos Judas Thomas, Jesus is quoted as saying, "If those who lead say to you, 'see, the kingdom is in the sky.' then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you, 'It is in the sea,' then the fish will precede you. Rather, the kingdom is inside of you, and it is outside of you. When you come to know yourselves, you will then become known, and you will realize that it is you who are the sons [suns] of the living father. But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty, and it is you who is that poverty." (The Gnostic Gospel of Thomas---The Nag Hammadi Library--)

The word Suns in brackets is of my own insertion because the original word is interpretable as Sun/Son, both having similar meanings in Semitic language and Qabalah, the fact that many Monks who interpreted the Gospels from the original Greek, were misogynistic, required them to use the word "Son" or suffer the wrath of the Patriarch.

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Being that we are all androgynous and/or Hermaphrodites due to a left male side and right female side of our brains, each of us are to advance our personality to Tiphareth (beauty), the Son/Sun of the Solar logos, which is number 6 on the Tree of Life. Hence, the "son" is not a gender but both genders as One.

Six is the number of the Sun and is the Christ/Buddha state of conscious energy; the highest state of awake consciousness that we can reach in a physical body. More research into the old papyri that was dug up in Nag Hammadi Egypt, will reveal even more Gnostic gems for the inquiring mind.

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The Tarot of Sacred Kingdoms-7 of Swords

The Tarot of Sacred kingdoms- 7 of Swords illustrates a cult like scene where one is deceiving others to propagate their own agenda. Hence, this card is about deception, theft and escape. Cults are a form of escapism, where one says they can "save you from your sins" and/or correct your errors. Here is a sneak thief, using deception, lies, manipulation or a con to get what they want. Such as The Archon using organized religions to con people into building a world for the "few who wish to rule the many". If not someone you know, it maybe you are conning (Archoning) others. Be careful here, for what we put out, we get back as a life motion. This is known as divine law and/or the Law of attraction.

The Western Hermetic Mysteries and Hermetic Qabalah assigned to the 7 of Swords card the Moon in the house of Aquarius.

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In astrology, the Moon represents emotions, instincts, and the subconscious. When the Moon is in the house of Aquarius, it brings unique characteristics to the individual's emotional expression.

Aquarius is an air sign associated with innovation, humanitarianism, and unconventional thinking. When the Moon is placed in the house of Aquarius, it can influence the following characteristics:

  1. Intellectual Emotions: Individuals with the Moon in Aquarius may approach emotions with an intellectual and rational mindset. They tend to analyze their feelings and may not be as driven by emotional impulses as some other signs.

  2. Independence: Aquarius is known for its independent nature, and this trait can be reflected in emotional matters. People with the Moon in Aquarius may value their emotional independence and appreciate personal space in relationships.

  3. Humanitarian Concerns: The Moon in Aquarius may foster a sense of concern for humanity and social causes. These individuals may be emotionally driven to contribute to societal well-being and may be involved in activities that promote positive change.

  4. Unconventional Expression: Emotions are expressed in a unique and often unconventional manner. The individual may not conform to traditional emotional expectations and may appreciate non-traditional forms of self-expression.

  5. Open-mindedness: Aquarius is an open-minded sign, and the Moon in this house can bring a willingness to explore and understand different perspectives. Emotionally, individuals may be accepting of diversity and open to new ideas.

  6. Detached Emotionally: There can be a sense of emotional detachment or objectivity. While they may care deeply about others and societal issues, they might not let emotions cloud their judgment, preferring to approach situations with a level-headed mindset.

  7. Friendship Focus: Friendships may play a significant role in their emotional life. They may find emotional support and connection through a broad network of friends who share common interests and values.

It's important to note that the overall astrological profile, including the positions of other planets and aspects, will provide a more comprehensive understanding of an individual's personality and emotional tendencies.

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The lower Sephiroth of the Qabalistic Tree of Life (4-5-6-7-8) are forming the square that is all worlds of liquid light "mind dreams", worlds of illusions and manifestation brought on by assumptions of the I AM (God/Goddess). Often called the "upper Astral", this is where ideas become measured "dreams" before they become coagulated light and manifested.

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All is Mind and therefore, all images are imagined. Here we are Psyche's/Celestial energy dreaming we are manifesting as forms of the I AM's experiment in Self-Awareness and/or a "Me". This is explained throughout the 78 cards of the Tarot. Each of us dreams we are human, when overall, we are spiral energy and/or Spirit "dreaming" we are physical forms. Above all things, know thyself!

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In Qabalistic numerology called gematria, the number 7 holds significant meanings and associations across various traditions, particularly in Jewish mysticism and Kabbalistic/Qabalistic teachings. Here are some key interpretations and associations:

  1. Spiritual Perfection and Completion: The number seven is often seen as representing spiritual perfection and completion. This is rooted in the biblical creation narrative, where God created the world in six days and rested on the seventh, making the seventh day (Shabbat) holy.

  2. Divine Order and Law: Seven symbolizes divine order and law. This is evident in the seven-branched Menorah, which is a symbol of light, wisdom, and divine guidance in the Jewish tradition.

  3. Connection to the Divine: Seven represents the connection between the divine and the earthly. In Kabbalah/Qabalah, the seventh sephira on the Tree of Life is Netzach (Victory), which is associated with endurance and eternity.

  4. Completion in Cycles: Seven often signifies the completion of cycles. This can be seen in various religious and mystical contexts, such as the seven days of the week, the seven-year agricultural cycle in the Torah (Shmita), and the seven heavens in Jewish cosmology.

  5. Mystical and Hidden Knowledge: Seven is also linked to mystical and hidden knowledge. This can be seen in the seven levels of Torah interpretation (Pardes) and the seven layers of spiritual realms or consciousness in mystical traditions.

  6. Protection and Blessings: In Jewish tradition, seven is considered a number of protection and blessings. For example, the seven blessings recited at a Jewish wedding (Sheva Brachot) and the seven circuits made around the groom by the bride (Hakafot) symbolize divine blessings and protection.

These associations show how the number seven is deeply embedded in the symbolic and mystical frameworks of gematria and other esoteric traditions.

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In numerology, the number 7 is often associated with a range of characteristics that emphasize introspection, spirituality, and wisdom. Here are some of the key attributes assigned to the number 7:

  1. Spirituality and Mysticism: The number 7 is often considered the number of spiritual awakening and enlightenment. Individuals associated with this number are thought to have a strong connection to the spiritual realm and a deep interest in metaphysical matters.

  2. Introspection and Inner Wisdom: People influenced by the number 7 are typically introspective and seek inner wisdom. They are known for their ability to reflect deeply on life and often pursue knowledge and truth.

  3. Analytical and Intellectual: The number 7 is linked to analytical thinking and intellectual pursuits. Those with this number often excel in fields that require critical thinking, research, and analysis.

  4. Solitude and Independence: Individuals associated with the number 7 often value solitude and independence. They may prefer spending time alone to recharge and engage in solitary activities that allow them to explore their thoughts and ideas.

  5. Intuition and Insight: The number 7 is connected to strong intuition and insightful thinking. People influenced by this number often possess an innate ability to understand complex situations and see beyond the surface.

  6. Mystery and Secretive Nature: There is often an aura of mystery around those associated with the number 7. They may keep their thoughts and feelings private and can be enigmatic to others.

  7. Perfection and Idealism: The number 7 is also linked to a sense of perfection and idealism. Individuals influenced by this number may strive for a perfect understanding of the world and seek to improve themselves and their surroundings.

  8. Philosophical and Theoretical: People with a strong connection to the number 7 often have a philosophical outlook on life. They enjoy exploring theoretical concepts and pondering the deeper meanings of existence.

  9. Reserved and Thoughtful: The number 7 is associated with a reserved and thoughtful demeanor. Those influenced by this number may be more introverted and prefer thoughtful conversation over small talk.

Overall, the number 7 in numerology is seen as a symbol of depth, wisdom, and a quest for higher understanding. It encourages individuals to look within, seek knowledge, and connect with their spiritual self.

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If you are interested in finding your numerology numbers here is a quick outline.

In numerology, a person's "number" is typically derived from their birth date or their full name. Each method has its own significance and provides different insights into a person's character and life path. Here’s how these numbers are calculated:

1. Life Path Number (Birth Date)

The Life Path Number is the most commonly referenced number in numerology. It is derived from the birth date and represents the core essence of an individual's life and purpose.


  1. Write down the full birth date (day, month, year).
  2. Reduce each component (day, month, year) to a single digit or master number (11, 22, 33) by adding the digits together.
  3. Add the resulting single digits or master numbers together.
  4. If the final sum is not a single digit or a master number, reduce it by adding the digits together again.


  • Birth date: July 4, 1984

    • Month: July is the 7th month (7)
    • Day: 4 (4)
    • Year: 1984 → 1 + 9 + 8 + 4 = 22 (master number, so it is not reduced further)
  • Add the reduced numbers together: 7 + 4 + 22 = 33 (another master number, so it is not reduced further)

  • In this example, the Life Path Number is 33.

2. Destiny Number (Full Name)

The Destiny Number, also known as the Expression Number, is derived from the full birth name (as it appears on the birth certificate). It represents a person's natural talents, abilities, and the challenges they may face.


  1. Assign each letter of the name a numerical value according to its position in the alphabet (A=1, B=2, C=3, ..., Z=26).
  2. Reduce each name component (first name, middle name, last name) to a single digit or master number by adding the letter values together.
  3. Add the resulting numbers together.
  4. If the final sum is not a single digit or a master number, reduce it by adding the digits together again.


  • Name: John Doe

    • J (1) + O (6) + H (8) + N (5) = 20 → 2 + 0 = 2
    • D (4) + O (6) + E (5) = 15 → 1 + 5 = 6
  • Add the reduced numbers together: 2 + 6 = 8

  • In this example, the Destiny Number is 8.

3. Other Important Numbers

There are additional numbers in numerology, such as the Soul Urge Number (derived from the vowels in the full name), Personality Number (derived from the consonants in the full name), and Maturity Number (a combination of the Life Path Number and Destiny Number). Each provides further insight into different aspects of a person’s personality and life.


  • Life Path Number: Derived from the birth date; represents life purpose and path.
  • Destiny Number: Derived from the full birth name; represents natural talents and potential.
  • Soul Urge Number: Derived from the vowels in the full name; represents inner desires.
  • Personality Number: Derived from the consonants in the full name; represents outward behavior and traits.
  • Maturity Number: Combination of the Life Path and Destiny numbers; represents overall life development.

These calculations form the foundation of numerological analysis, offering insights into a person's life purpose, potential, and personality traits.

When the 7 of Swords, is thrown during a reading, the querent:

  • Is or shall, experiencing 7 weeks or 7 months of futile effort because of the characteristics of, self-doubt, such as, being untrustworthy, due to vacillation.
  • Is experiencing unstable effort in all that is attempted. 
  • There is also the prospect of journeying overland, with mixed results. 
  • Partial success is suggested, because of yielding when victory is at hand. Such a yielding is brought on by the self-defeating thoughts of self-doubt which tend to "drain strength" because of internal conflict. 
  • There is an inclination to lose when on the point of gaining through not continuing effort.
  • There is also suggested: a love of abundance, a fascination with display (where the wrapping is more important than the gift), compliments given, ease of affronts and insolence's with need to detect and spy on others. 
  •  Inclinations to betray confidences, not always intentional, but subject to vacillation, causing unreliability. The strength of which all depends on the dignity of the accompanying cards.

If reversed or ill dignified by the surrounding cards, it implies:

  • Deceitfulness.
  • Intrigues. 
  • Insincerity.

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