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The Tarot of Eli 2, LLC: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot- Seven of Wands & The Prophet Tarot- 7 of Wands

Western Hermetic Qabalah, Tantric, Alchemical, Numerical, and Astrological Traditional Tarot Card Comparisons.

March 7, 2023

Rider-Waite-Smith-Tarot, Seven of Wands

The Prophet Tarot-7 of Wands

The Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot-Seven of wands and its Prophet Tarot silver and black copy, depicts a young man holding his staff while standing on a craggy eminence defending himself against the onslaught of 6 leafy staff/wands. The "leafiness" of the staffs, implies a fertile force (fire). Here six are attacking one. Yet the one is holding the "high ground", which is an advantageous position. Therefore, on the surface, this is a card of Valor. Yet, intellectually, this is a card of discussion, wordy strife in business, negotiations, war of trade, barter and competition. One may also say that this is a card representing a tenuous success, as the one is on top and the enemies below may not reach him.

You feel strong and confident, but that doesn't stop the jealousy of weak character trying to make you look less powerful. That is how the weak "feel powerful" when they can besmirch the character of a stronger person. In this upside down world, the cowards rule, as they hide behind the skirts of blaming another for their "weakness", which is often supported by lopsided laws.

Radiant: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot- Seven of Wands

This Card being in the suit of Wands, may suggest a strong sexual attraction, or even a hasty marriage. There maybe a suggestion of a great attraction towards art or music, without sufficient discipline to create anything worthwhile. It can represent a fiery passion towards jewelry or clothing, and/or a love of beautiful things. Although the splendor of jewels and the glamour of luxury can be seductive, they are ultimately found to have little substance. Nevertheless, the energy of this card is very exciting, coming like a tsunami but soon wasted. Therefore, there is a possibility of love lost, financial ruin, or even loss of friends, due to one's excesses. Here one must learn to "watch the watcher", by which we analyze our innermost desires. We are Energy, long before we animate flesh in our name, and therefore, part of "Above all things, Know thyself", requires us to become familiar with the nature of raw passions and desire, which can control us if we are not careful, especially if we believe we are bodies who must seek spirit, rather than Spirit owning its Manifestation!

The 6th Sephiroth, is the solar power behind the 7 of Wands and the Sephirotic Being of Netzach. Tiphareth represents the Soul and/or Buddha psyche that our personalities are supposed to be the reflection of. However, indoctrination and dogma, plus environmental influences and a "mind virus" have constructed a "false ego" that makes us slaves to the words of those who control definition and who define us as "lacking". Therefore, this card can also expresses the Victory of our Soul over the false identity of a man-made persona and/or over the mask of words that covers our true face with false expressions of sensuality that deceive us into believing we are the "sensation", rather than the Psyche of Power that creates sensation from assumption.

The throwing of the 7/ SEVEN OF WANDS card during a reading implies that:

  • Within 7 day's or 7 weeks, the querent will need to display personal valor to achieve success, as there will be opposition obstacles, difficulties, and quarreling; however, the querent will also have the courage to meet them.
  • Victory is always possible if we have the courage and proper energy excised to meet ignorance, pretense, wrangling, and threat, face to face.
  • The querent is exploring new ideas of self.
  • The querent is standing completely on their own, but knowing how to achieve victory over a conflict. 
  • Depending on the dignity of the cards, ill or well, victory may just be in small and unimportant things and influence over a subordinate.
  • Results may not yet be seen from the effort expended, slow down and await the results.
  • A rough way to view this 7 of Wands-Valour (old spelling) Just grab your flaming club and charge! You'll succeed without dying, but you may bleed a little.

If ill defined by the surrounding cards or reversed, it implies:

  • Indecisiveness.
  • Ignorance.
  • discrepancy between instinct and spirit.
  • Gain and success in 7 weeks or 7 months, depending on the position of the Card.
  • We have here, victory after strife caused by industriousness, energy expression, love and pleasure gained by labor.   
  • There is also a suggestion of Victory gained by avoiding strife through actions of sociability and carefulness.

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