The Tarot of Eli 2, LLC: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot- Six of Cups & The Fairy Tarot- 6 of Summer.

Western Hermetic Qabalah, Tantric, Alchemical, Astrological, and Numerical Traditional Tarot Card Comparisons.

· Fairy Tarot and RWS

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Rider-Waite-Smith- Six of Cups

The Rider-Waite-Smith-Six of Cups Tarot Card is staying with a more mundane meaning than say the more metaphysical Thoth Tarot as it, shows the beginning of pleasure as an image of flowers emerging from the cups. The card is yellow and bright acknowledging the Sun's influence on this card. The scene of the Children in a garden, suggests a card of pleasurable memories. Hence, this is a card reflecting on past childhood memories of happiness, enjoyment, which come from the past things that have vanished.

Waite, keeping to his lodge oath, truly shows little of the Arcane in his cards, be they major or minor arcana. Therefore, Pamela Coleman Smith, the artist, was left with mundane pictures that didn't truly convey the deeper arcane meanings. That is the reason Alister Crowley and Lady Frieda Harris collaborated to artfully place all that could be pictured into occult or arcane meaning available in the Thoth Cards---my favorite Tarot Cards. Crowley never liked lodges and believed that this "arcane knowledge" of self should be available to all who dared to seek out their True Self and leave the common controlled paths of the indoctrinated and dogmatized mundane masses.

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However, 6 is not only several accomplishments but also the number that represents the Christ- Buddha consciousness which in Qabalah is the Sixth Sephira-Tiphareth and which Waite knew as a Western Hermetic Qabalist. Tiphareth is named Beauty for it is the central Sun of the Tree of Life, where all paths join or radiate from. It is synchronicity of collective creations called the Soul... 6 is also the number of electrons in the phenomenally successful carbon atom.

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Therefore, the 6's are of the Soul, being the highest state of consciousness that a personality can reach; However, a certain sacrifice is made as the 6 is also the number of the Dying Gods, implying a definite personality initiation of deconstruction for reconstruction that eventually brings success. However, this is only important knowledge to the aspirant of the higher mind. In a more prosaic light, success in all matters of business also requires a certain sacrifice and reorganization of skills.

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The Fairy Tarot-Six of Summer

The Fairy Tarot-Six of Summer depicts the magic of childhood. In the eyes of a child the world is a magic place of wonder. Here 2 fairy children are playing in a world of wonder and beauty while sitting together sharing stories of wonder, either from the past or in the present. Therefore, this card ask that you get Intouch with that bright and positive inner child who still sees the wonder and beauty of the world around them.

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What is not shown on either card is the astrological association applied to this card which is the Moon in Taurus. The Moon represents emotions, intuition, and the subconscious mind, while Taurus is associated with stability, sensuality, and material possessions. When the Moon is in the house of Taurus in a birth chart, it influences the individual's emotional nature in specific ways.

Here are some characteristics of the Moon in Taurus:

  1. Emotional Stability: Taurus is an earth sign known for its grounded and stable nature. When the Moon is in Taurus, individuals tend to have a steady and reliable emotional state. They may approach their feelings with a practical mindset, seeking security and comfort in their emotional connections.

  2. Sensuality: Taurus is ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty. The Moon in Taurus enhances the sensual and pleasure-seeking aspects of one's emotions. These individuals may find comfort and emotional satisfaction through experiences that engage their senses, such as good food, music, or physical touch.

  3. Attachment to Material Security: Taurus is associated with material possessions and financial stability. People with the Moon in Taurus may feel emotionally secure when surrounded by comfort and luxury. They may have a strong attachment to their material possessions and use them as a source of emotional grounding.

  4. Resilience: Taurus is a sign known for its endurance and resilience. When the Moon is in Taurus, individuals may handle emotional challenges with patience and persistence. They are less likely to be easily swayed by emotional upheavals and may prefer a calm and steady approach to resolving conflicts.

  5. Resistance to Change: Taurus is a fixed sign, indicating a resistance to change. Individuals with the Moon in Taurus may find comfort in routine and may be resistant to emotional upheavals or sudden changes. They prefer a steady and predictable emotional environment.

It's important to note that the complete astrological profile, including the positions of other planets and the overall birth chart, provides a more nuanced understanding of an individual's personality and life experiences. Additionally, individual interpretations may vary based on the astrologer's approach and perspective.

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The Qabalistic Tree of Life

When the 6 of Cups or 6 of Water is thrown in a divination, it implies:

  • Emotional pleasure, in a period of 6 weeks or 6 months of giving to and receiving pleasure from others.
  • A period of innocence and taking immense pleasure in one's childlike qualities.
  • An orgasmic rush of feelings, a wave of ecstasy that even when sad feelings are being actively expressed, the release feels pleasurable.
  • Sweet memories of the past, as past efforts bring present rewards.
  • Wellbeing, harmony of natural forces without effort or strain.
  • The "adorable Fire", a flowing of deep spiritual warmth in a relationship.
  • Ease and satisfaction on a deep inner spiritual plane of pleasure.
  • Note: Foreign to the Western Hermetic Qabalistic idea of this card, is the gratification of artificial or natural desires, as it is pleasure understood in the highest inner sense.

If Reversed:

  • The future.
  • Renewal.
  • That which will happen presently.
  • Moodiness, withdrawal from friends.
  • Masochistic behavior. 

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