The Tarot of Eli 2, LLC: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot-Six of Cups & The Jungian Tarot-6 of Cups

Western Hermetic Qabalah, Tantric, Alchemical, Numerical, and Astrological Traditional Tarot Card Comparisons.

· Jungian Rider-Waite

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Radiant: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot- Six of Cups

The Rider-Waite-Smith-Six of Cups Tarot Card is staying with a more mundane meaning then say the more metaphysical Thoth Tarot as it, shows the beginning of pleasure as an image of flowers emerging from the cups. The card is yellow and bright acknowledging the Sun's influence on this card. The scene of the Children in a garden, suggests a card of pleasurable memories. Hence, this is a card reflecting on past childhood memories of happiness, enjoyment, that is coming from the past things that have vanished. Waite, keeping to his lodge oath, shows very little of the Arcane in his cards, be they major or minor arcana. Therefore, Pamela Coleman Smith, the artist, was left with mundane pictures that didn't truly convey the deeper arcane meanings. That is the reason Aliester Crowley and Lady Frieda Harris, collaborated to place all that could be pictured into occult or arcane meaning, available in the Thoth Cards-my favorite Tarot Cards. Crowley, never liked lodges, and believe that this "arcane knowledge" of self, should be available to all who dared to seek out their True Self and leave the common paths of the indoctrinated and dogmatized mundane masses.

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Robert Wang: Jungian Tarot- 6 of Cups

Sympathetic Attachment

The Jungian Tarot-6 of Cups, again displays the silver cups on blue water that denotes the Universal Element of Water (Emotions, Intuition, Imagination). Here the Above 3 cups, in a Rosey Sky, signifying abundance and love, that is reflected in the Below cups, that are sympathetically attached to the same rosey sky. Hence, it is signifying yet another meaning for the 6/Six of Cups as a beginning of steady gain-but beginning only. Therefore, this is a new environment, new relationships, new knowledge, where one is disporting in a new precinct. Thereby, signifying a more mundane state of pleasure than the more non-traditional cards of modern Tarot.

Here the group is much more important than the individual who perceives purpose only in terms of that group. This may be an important phase , as in the case of teenagers who seek out peer support or it may be a problem. Besides a severe attachment to external things, to people and to possessions, is very strong and relationships are deeply felt. Hence, there is a strong attachment to material objects which may bring a sense of "'roots" and security.

When the Six/6 of Cups is thrown in a divination, it implies:

  • Emotional pleasure, in a period of 6 weeks or 6 months of giving to and receiving  pleasure from others.
  • A period of innocence and taking great pleasure in one's childlike qualities.
  • An orgasmic rush of feelings, a wave of ecstasy that even when sad feelings are being actively expressed, the release feels pleasurable.
  • Sweet memories  of the past, as past efforts bring present rewards.
  • Well being, harmony of natural forces without effort or strain.
  • The "adorable Fire", a flowing of deep spiritual warmth in a relationship.
  • Ease and satisfaction on a deep inner spiritual plane of pleasure.
  • Note: Foreign to the Western Hermetic Qabalistic  idea of this  card, is the gratification  of artificial or natural desires, as it is pleasure understood in the highest inner-sense.

If Reversed:

  • The future.
  • Renewal.
  • That which will come to pass presently.
  • Moodiness, withdrawal from friends.
  • Masochistic behavior. 

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