Above all things, know thyself.

Rider-Waite-Smith- Six of Cups
The Rider-Waite-Smith-Six of Cups Tarot Card is staying with a more mundane meaning than say the more metaphysical Thoth Tarot as it, shows the beginning of pleasure as an image of flowers emerging from the cups. The card is yellow and bright acknowledging the Sun's influence on this card. The scene of the Children in a garden, suggests a card of pleasurable memories. Hence, this is a card reflecting on past childhood memories of happiness, enjoyment, which come from the past things that have vanished.
Waite, keeping to his lodge oath, truly shows little of the Western Mysteries in his cards, be they major or minor arcana. Therefore, Pamela Coleman Smith, the artist, was left with mundane pictures that didn't truly convey the deeper arcane meanings. That is the reason Alister Crowley and Lady Frieda Harris collaborated to artfully place all that could be pictured into occult or arcane meaning available in the Thoth Cards---my favorite Tarot Cards. Crowley never liked lodges and believed that this "arcane knowledge" of self should be available to all who dared to seek out their True Self and leave the common controlled paths of the Archon's egregore indoctrinated and dogmatized mundane masses.

However, 6 is not only several accomplishments but also the number that represents the Christ- Buddha consciousness which in Qabalah is the 6th Sephira-Tiphareth and which Waite knew as a Western Hermetic Qabalist. Tiphareth is named Beauty for it is the central Sun of the Tree of Life, where all paths join or radiate from. It is synchronicity of collective creations called the Soul and/or Solar Self... 6 is also the number of electrons in the phenomenally successful carbon atom.

Therefore, the 6's are of the Soul, being the highest state of consciousness that a personality can reach; However, a certain sacrifice is made as the 6 is also the number of the Dying Gods, implying a definite personality initiation of deconstruction for reconstruction that eventually brings success. However, this is only important knowledge to the aspirant of the higher mind and/or Greater Self. However, even in a more prosaic light, success in all matters of business also requires a certain sacrifice and reorganization of skills.

The Animal Totem Tarot -Six of Cups
The Animal Totem Tarot -Six of Cups depicts the image of nostalgia, innocence, and fond playful memories. Here are shown the most playful and curious animals around, the otter family. The Otter people love public displays of affection as they are seen to kiss and hug each other while they romp and play. Master of the waters, they even wash and clean their food before eating and their mastery of water keeps them from flowing down stream even when floating on their backs.

Here the Otter family has found the golden chalices as a curiosity to play with while another is on the riverbank getting ready to join in the fun. Therefore, the 6 of Cups reminds one to play, hug, hold hands and enjoy the moment.

The child within you who is curious and loves to play, is the healthy free one while your adult self is the indoctrinated oppressor of that child. The Child within is the true self sent to Malkuth by the Solar Self-the 6th Sephiroth of Beauty-Tiphareth and must hold hands and hug with the adult self you call your "awake consciousness", which in reality is a profaned persona created by indoctrination and a social false soul called an egregore.

The otter is a fascinating symbol in various spiritual and cultural traditions. As a totem, power, and spirit animal, it embodies unique characteristics that inspire balance, playfulness, and curiosity. Here's an exploration of its meanings in these contexts:
Otter as a Totem Animal
A totem animal is a spiritual guide that embodies traits you resonate with or seek to develop. When the otter is your totem, it may represent:
Playfulness and Joy
Otters are known for their lively and playful nature. They remind us to embrace life with enthusiasm and not take things too seriously.Curiosity and Creativity
Otters are curious creatures that often explore their environment, symbolizing the importance of creative thinking and discovering new possibilities.Adaptability
As semi-aquatic mammals, otters thrive in water and on land, showcasing their ability to adapt to various situations.Community and Social Bonds
Otters are highly social animals, often living in family groups. They symbolize the strength of connection, teamwork, and mutual care.
Otter as a Power Animal
A power animal is a spirit that lends you its strength and qualities when you need it most. Calling upon the otter as your power animal may assist you in:
Finding Balance
The otter teaches how to balance work with play and seriousness with lightheartedness, helping you navigate life's challenges with grace.Rediscovering Inner Child
The otter encourages reconnecting with the innocent and joyful aspects of yourself, helping to dissolve stress and encourage spontaneity.Letting Go of Fear
Otters, being unafraid to dive into the depths, inspire courage and the ability to let go of inhibitions that may hold you back.Cultivating Harmony
With its gentle and cooperative nature, the otter promotes harmonious relationships and a sense of unity with others.
Otter as a Spirit Animal
A spirit animal appears in dreams, visions, or signs to offer guidance or insight. If the otter appears to you, consider the following messages:
Flow with Life
The otter urges you to trust the flow of life, reminding you that resistance can hinder progress. Go with the current rather than against it.Connect with Water Energy
Water is a symbol of emotion and intuition. The otter encourages you to dive deep into your feelings and trust your instincts.Protect Your Energy
Otters are fiercely protective of their young. They may guide you to establish boundaries and protect what matters most to you.Practice Mindfulness
The otter's playful yet focused behavior serves as a reminder to be present, enjoy the moment, and take time for self-care.
Symbolism Across Cultures
- Native American Traditions: Otters are seen as symbols of laughter, curiosity, and feminine energy, often associated with healing and nurturing.
- Celtic Mythology: They are considered mystical creatures representing guidance, transformation, and the connection to water's spiritual essence.
- Shamanic Perspectives: Otters embody the joy of life, reminding shamans to maintain a sense of wonder and balance while working with spiritual energies.
The otter's symbolism and the Tarot 6 of Cups encourages embracing joy, nurturing relationships, and flowing gracefully through life’s changes. Whether as a totem, power, or spirit animal, its energy reminds us to trust, play, and live with curiosity.

What is not shown on either card is the Western Hermetic astrological association applied to this card which is the Moon in Taurus. The Moon represents emotions, intuition, and the subconscious mind, while Taurus is associated with stability, sensuality, and material possessions. When the Moon is in the house of Taurus in a birth chart, it influences the individual's emotional nature in specific ways.
Here are some characteristics of the Moon in Taurus:
Emotional Stability: Taurus is an earth sign known for its grounded and stable nature. When the Moon is in Taurus, individuals tend to have a steady and reliable emotional state. They may approach their feelings with a practical mindset, seeking security and comfort in their emotional connections.
Sensuality: Taurus is ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty. The Moon in Taurus enhances the sensual and pleasure-seeking aspects of one's emotions. These individuals may find comfort and emotional satisfaction through experiences that engage their senses, such as good food, music, or physical touch.
Attachment to Material Security: Taurus is associated with material possessions and financial stability. People with the Moon in Taurus may feel emotionally secure when surrounded by comfort and luxury. They may have a strong attachment to their material possessions and use them as a source of emotional grounding.
Resilience: Taurus is a sign known for its endurance and resilience. When the Moon is in Taurus, individuals may handle emotional challenges with patience and persistence. They are less likely to be easily swayed by emotional upheavals and may prefer a calm and steady approach to resolving conflicts.
Resistance to Change: Taurus is a fixed sign, indicating a resistance to change. Individuals with the Moon in Taurus may find comfort in routine and may be resistant to emotional upheavals or sudden changes. They prefer a steady and predictable emotional environment.
It's important to note that the complete astrological profile, including the positions of other planets and the overall birth chart, provides a more nuanced understanding of an individual's personality and life experiences. Additionally, individual interpretations may vary based on the astrologer's approach and perspective.

The numbers attributed to each Tarot card are more than just an organization of the cards. They also supply a deeper clarity to the meaning of each card.
In numerology and Western Hermetic gematria, the number 6 carries significant symbolism and attributes. Here's an exploration of its characteristics in both contexts:
In numerology, the number 6 is associated with:
Harmony and Balance: The number 6 is often seen as a symbol of harmony, balance, and equilibrium. It represents the need for stability in all aspects of life, including relationships, work, and personal well-being.
Responsibility and Service: It is considered the number of responsibility, service to others, and domesticity. Those influenced by the number 6 are often nurturing, caring, and concerned with the welfare of others.
Love and Compassion: The number 6 is closely linked to love, compassion, and empathy. It signifies a deep connection to family, friends, and community, emphasizing the importance of caring for and supporting others.
Aesthetic Appreciation: People associated with the number 6 often have a strong sense of beauty and aesthetics. They are drawn to creating harmonious and pleasing environments, whether through art, design, or simply their living spaces.
Healing and Protection: The number 6 is also related to healing and protection. It is considered a guardian number, providing a sense of security and safety to those around it.
Gematria (Western Hermetic numerology)
In gematria, the number 6 has different associations depending on the tradition (Hebrew, Greek, etc.). Here are some key points:
Hebrew Mysteries/Western Hermetic Gematria: In Hebrew gematria, each letter has a numerical value. The letter Vav (ו) has the value of 6. Vav is a connecting letter, often used as a conjunction meaning "and." This can be seen as a symbol of connection and continuity.
Symbolism in Judaism: The number 6 is significant in Judaism as it represents creation. According to the Torah, God created the world in six days and rested on the seventh. This makes 6 a number of completion and creation.
Hexagon and Star of David: The hexagon and the Star of David (a six-pointed star) are geometric representations associated with the number 6. The hexagon is considered a symbol of harmony and balance in nature (e.g., honeycombs).
Tiphareth: In the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, the number 6 corresponds to the sephirah Tiphareth, which represents beauty, harmony, and compassion. Tiphareth is central to balancing the other sephiroth and is associated with the heart.
Greek Gematria: In Greek gematria, the number 6 is less emphasized compared to its prominence in Hebrew tradition. However, it still retains symbolic significance, often representing the physical world and humanity.
Overall, the number 6 in numerology and gematria is rich with meanings related to harmony, balance, love, service, and connection. Its attributes encourage nurturing, protection, and the creation of beauty and stability in various aspects of life.

For those of you who are interested in your numerology numbers, personality, life path, desire number, and birthday number, here is a brief treatise.
In numerology, a person can figure out their personal number by using two primary methods: calculating the Life Path Number and determining other significant numbers such as the Expression Number, Heart's Desire Number, and Birthday Number. Here’s how to calculate each:
Life Path Number
The Life Path Number is derived from a person’s date of birth and is considered one of the most important numbers in numerology. Here's how to calculate it:
- Write down your full date of birth: For example, if your birthdate is July 19, 1985, write it as 07/19/1985.
- Reduce each component (month, day, year) to a single digit:
- Month: 07 -> 0 + 7 = 7
- Day: 19 -> 1 + 9 = 10 -> 1 + 0 = 1
- Year: 1985 -> 1 + 9 + 8 + 5 = 23 -> 2 + 3 = 5
- Add the reduced components together: 7 + 1 + 5 = 13 -> 1 + 3 = 4
- The Life Path Number: In this example, the Life Path Number is 4.
Expression Number (Destiny Number)
The Expression Number is derived from the full name at birth. Each letter corresponds to a number (A=1, B=2, C=3, ..., I=9, J=1, etc.). Here's how to calculate it:
- Write down your full name.
- Assign each letter a number according to its position in the alphabet.
- Sum the numbers for each name (first, middle, last).
- Reduce each sum to a single digit.
- Add the single digits together and reduce to a single digit if necessary.
- Name: John Doe
- J (1) + O (6) + H (8) + N (5) = 1 + 6 + 8 + 5 = 20 -> 2 + 0 = 2
- D (4) + O (6) + E (5) = 4 + 6 + 5 = 15 -> 1 + 5 = 6
- Add the results: 2 + 6 = 8
Heart's Desire Number (Soul Urge Number)
The Heart's Desire Number is derived from the vowels in your full name. Here's how to calculate it:
- Write down the vowels in your full name.
- Assign each vowel a number.
- Sum the numbers.
- Reduce the sum to a single digit.
- Name: John Doe
- Vowels: O (6), O (6), E (5)
- Sum: 6 + 6 + 5 = 17 -> 1 + 7 = 8
Birthday Number
The Birthday Number is simply the day of the month on which you were born, reduced to a single digit if necessary.
- If you were born on the 19th: 1 + 9 = 10 -> 1 + 0 = 1
- The Birthday Number is 1.
These calculations reveal different aspects of a person's numerological profile. The Life Path Number gives insight into your life’s journey, the Expression Number relates to your natural abilities and talents, the Heart's Desire Number reflects your inner motivations, and the Birthday Number provides additional detail about your personality.

The Qabalistic Tree of Life
When the 6 of Cups is thrown in a divination, it implies:
- Emotional pleasure, in a period of 6 weeks or 6 months of giving to and receiving pleasure from others.
- A period of innocence and taking immense pleasure in one's childlike qualities.
- An orgasmic rush of feelings, a wave of ecstasy that even when sad feelings are being actively expressed, the release feels pleasurable.
- Sweet memories of the past, as past efforts bring present rewards.
- Wellbeing, harmony of natural forces without effort or strain.
- The "adorable Fire", a flowing of deep spiritual warmth in a relationship.
- Ease and satisfaction on a deep inner spiritual plane of pleasure.
- Note: Foreign to the Western Hermetic Qabalistic idea of this card, is the gratification of artificial or natural desires, as it is pleasure understood in the highest inner sense.
If Reversed:
- The future.
- Renewal.
- That which will happen presently.
- Moodiness, withdrawal from friends.
- Masochistic behavior.
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