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The Tarot of Eli 2, LLC: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot- Six of Wands &The Manara Erotic Tarot- 6 of Fire.

Western Hermetic Qabalah, Tantric, Alchemical, Numerical, and Astrological Traditional Tarot Card Comparisons.

December 7, 2023

The Radiant: Rider-Waite-Smith-Tarot, Six of Wands

The Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot and Prophet Tarot-6 of Wands, depict a laurel wreathed horseman riding victoriously through an adoring crowd. He is bearing one of the fertile-leafy staff, while the crowd of footman bears the other Five all in celebration of his victorious exploits. Therefore, the primary meaning of this card is Victory Triumphant. However, it is also great news, such as it might be carried in state by the King's courtier. Hence, it is expectation crowned with desire and/or the crown of hope.

The Manara Erotic Tarot- 6 of Fire.

The Tarot 6's represent definite accomplishment and carrying out of a matter. Fire is ardor, as only Spirit can be. In the Erotic Tarot-6 of Fire, she has an arduous erotic thought and carries it out to the obvious surprise of the waiter. Milo Manara assigned the meanings of:

  • Sign of Honor.
  • Rivalry.
  • Suggestion.

The "suggestion" is obvious here.

He also assigned Planet Jupiter to the house of Leo, which represents the need to develop in a joyful, creative and pleasant manner. One might say she is doing just that...well at least being creative and the waiter must supply the joyful manner; Pleasure being the hopeful outcome.

The Manara erotic Tarot 6 of Wands is all about having faith in the fact that you can win. However, she seems unconcerned with the feelings or opinion of the Waiter. Therefore, this card also warns against over-confidence and pride, as she could anger the waiter rather than excite him.

Fire is one of the four classical elements, along with Earth, Water, and Air. Fire is associated with the suit of Wands, and it represents energy, passion, creativity, and ambition. It is a dynamic and powerful force in the Tarot, but it can also be challenging to work with, making it arduous in some respects. Here are a few reasons why Fire can be seen as arduous:

  1. Intensity: Fire is a symbol of intense energy and enthusiasm. While this can be a positive attribute, it can also be challenging to harness and control. It's important to find a balance between passion and impulsivity when working with Fire energy.

  2. Transformation: Fire is often associated with transformation and change. This can be a difficult process, as it may involve letting go of old habits or beliefs to make way for new growth. It can be a challenging journey of self-discovery and personal growth.

  3. Potential for Burnout: Just as a fire can burn brightly and then burn out, individuals working with Fire energy may experience periods of intense activity followed by exhaustion. It's essential to manage one's energy levels and avoid burnout when working with Fire.

  4. Conflict: Fire can also represent conflict and confrontation. It can be arduous to navigate situations where passions run high, and emotions are intense. Finding constructive ways to address conflicts without letting them consume you is a key challenge.

  5. Ego and Pride: Fire can be associated with the ego and pride. It can be challenging to keep these aspects in check and not let them interfere with your spiritual or metaphysical journey.

In Tarot readings, Fire cards often signify action, motivation, and the need to overcome obstacles. To work with Fire energy effectively, it's important to cultivate self-awareness, resilience, and a sense of purpose. By doing so, you can harness the arduous yet transformative power of Fire in your Tarot practice and metaphysical pursuits.

The 6 of Wands also depicts this leader as extremely loyal and caring for subordinates, who are dealt with thoughtful concern for their opinions and who return these feelings with affection and trust. However, there is also self-absorbed leadership, creating a leader who is a less than ideal administrator who lies to subordinates. S/he may be unconcerned with the feelings or opinions of others, insensitive and only concerned with the job at hand. Then there is the worst-case scenario, where the Administrator is violently aggressive.

The 6th Sephiroth, represents the 6th Sephiroth- the Soul and/or Buddha psyche that our personalities are supposed to be the reflection of. However, indoctrination and dogma, plus environmental influences, and a "mind virus", have constructed a "false ego" that makes us slaves to the words of those who control definition. Therefore, this card usually expresses the Victory of our Soul over the false identity of a man-made persona, false ego, and/or victory over the mask of words that covers our identity. Here then is a victorious Self-Knowing.

Also associated with the element of Fire, is The Ruby Ray, also known as the Ruby Flame or the Seventh Ray, is a concept in certain spiritual and metaphysical traditions, particularly those influenced by Theosophy and the teachings of Alice A. Bailey. The Ruby Ray is associated with the seventh color of the rainbow spectrum and is considered to be a powerful spiritual energy that has a purifying and transformative effect on individuals.

In the context of the Seven Rays system, each ray is associated with a specific aspect of divine energy and has a corresponding Ascended Master or spiritual being who oversees its influence. The Lord or Ascended Master associated with the Ruby Ray is said to be Saint Germain.

Saint Germain, also known as the "Ascended Master of the Seventh Ray" or the "Chohan of the Seventh Ray," is believed to be a spiritual teacher and guide who assists individuals in their spiritual development and transformation. He is often associated with qualities such as freedom, alchemy, spiritual healing, and the violet flame, which is a related concept to the Ruby Ray.

The use of the Ruby Ray or the violet flame in spiritual practices is often aimed at transmuting negative energies, karma, and impurities into higher, more refined spiritual energies. It is considered a tool for spiritual purification, healing, and personal transformation.

It's important to note that beliefs and practices related to the Ruby Ray and Saint Germain can vary among different spiritual and metaphysical traditions. Some people may incorporate these concepts into their spiritual work, while others may not be familiar with or subscribe to them.

So, when the SIX/6 OF WANDS card is thrown during a reading, and depending on its position, it can mean.

  • Gain and success in 5 weeks or 5 months, depending on the position of the Card.
  • We have here, victory after strife caused by industriousness, energy expression, love and pleasure gained by labor.   
  • There is also a suggestion of Victory gained by avoiding strife through actions of sociability and carefulness.

The Six/6 of Wands, if reversed it will then suggest the errors of:

  • Insolence, pride in riches, and vain glory. 
  • Also, ill dignity depends on the conflict depicted in the surrounding cards.
  • Presumption. 
  • Excess of emotion.
  • Personality cult.

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