Above all things, know thyself!

Radiant: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot- Ten of Swords
The Rider-Waite-Smith Ten of Swords concentrates imagery on the Divinatory meaning of the TEN OF SWORDS that is, ruin, death, failure, and disaster. There is obvious death shown, with the ten swords sticking out of the individuals back. Since this card is in MALKUTH (Earth), the 10th Sephiroth on the Tree of Life, it is more of a death card than Key 13-DEATH, of the Major Arcana. DEATH, key 13, is more of a situational death, a transformation of personality, whereas the 10 of Swords, is a "personal disaster" waiting to happen.
When and if this card shows up in the "house and Home" or "Beneath you" position in a Celtic Cross reading, get a thorough physical checkup from your doctor and focus on your physical and mental health. You may just need a "personality tune-up" but take no chances for its time to pay attention to how you perceive the world as perception becomes your life direction. What you once had, has changed and it is time to move on. As spirit, you are a Life Force who builds Lifetimes. Hence, Lifetimes are a measured motion and have a beginning and an end.

However, fear not as 10's are notoriously short lived, as they are the end of a cycle, and soon a new cycle or phase begins. So, a 10 of Swords card, can also mean, the pain you are going through now is on the mend, especially if you are recovering from a physical or mental injury, where your movement has suffered a "ruin", but by focused perspective, you are aiding your recovery. A 10 is 1+ 0=1, which is the number of Kether, on the Tree of Life. Thus, a cycle of the Tree of Life ends, and a new path of life begins.

The Animal Tarot- 10 of Swords
The Animal Totem Tarot- Ten of Swords depicts a dead pigeon, impaled on a sword. This card also displays a ghastly image of ending.
To the city dwellers, pigeons represent "rats of the sky" because they have found the city to be a great food source, and they seem to be everywhere. However, to the wise or shamanic person, they are considered a totem or power animal as they know when the food runs out and rather than fight over the territory, they just move on. Besides knowing when to move on, the Pigeon has many other lessons of wisdom and only the foolish would profane them.

The Pigeon as a totem animal, power animal, and spirit guide carries profound symbolism, often overlooked due to its common presence in urban landscapes. However, in spiritual and esoteric traditions, the pigeon represents messages, loyalty, peace, and the integration of higher wisdom into daily life. Let us proceed into an exploration of its characteristics in different mystical roles:
Pigeon as a Totem Animal
A totem animal is a spiritual archetype that embodies certain traits that individuals strongly resonate with throughout their lives. Those with Pigeon as a totem animal are naturally attuned to messages from the unseen realms.
- Messenger of the Divine – Pigeons, like doves, have been seen as celestial messengers in many cultures, bringing messages from the spirit world.
- Fidelity & Devotion – Pigeons mate for life and are highly committed to their partners, symbolizing deep spiritual loyalty and emotional commitment.
- Community & Family Bonds – As social birds, they thrive in flocks, teaching the importance of kinship, cooperation, and the strength of communal energy.
- Navigation Between Worlds – Pigeons are capable of returning home from great distances, making them symbols of spiritual homing instincts and guidance.
Pigeon as a Power Animal
A power animal is an ally that can be called upon for guidance and support in specific situations. Calling upon the Pigeon spirit helps with the following:
- Finding One’s Way – If you feel lost (physically or spiritually), the Pigeon power animal helps reconnect you with your true home or purpose.
- Receiving & Delivering Messages – If you need clarity in receiving divine messages or communicating truthfully, Pigeon energy enhances your ability to listen and transmit sacred knowledge.
- Patience & Resilience – Pigeons are adaptable survivors, thriving in challenging environments. Their power teaches how to remain steady despite external chaos.
- Emotional Healing – The Pigeon’s gentle cooing sound and nurturing nature offer emotional comfort, encouraging healing through forgiveness and compassion.
Pigeon as a Spirit Guide
A spirit guide is a being (or archetypal force) that appears in moments of need to provide direction and insight.
- Sacred Repetition & Ritual – Pigeons are associated with repeating patterns, daily cycles, and returning habits. Their guidance suggests finding power in routine spiritual practices.
- Integration of Mundane & Mystical – Unlike other birds that soar high, Pigeons remain close to human dwellings, teaching how to bring the spiritual into everyday life.
- The Importance of Returning Home – A Pigeon spirit guide reminds one that no matter how far one travels—physically, emotionally, or spiritually—there is always a place of return, be it a literal home, the heart, or divine truth.
Symbolism in Different Traditions
- Alchemy & Hermeticism – Pigeons, like doves, represent the ascent and descent of spirit, linking the Above and Below, making them powerful symbols in Hermetic traditions.
- Qabalistic Perspective – Pigeons can be linked to Yesod (Foundation) on the Tree of Life, representing the subconscious and the dream-like flow of spiritual messages into waking reality.
- Ancient Mythologies – Pigeons were sacred to Ishtar and Astarte in Mesopotamian traditions, representing love, fertility, and divine communication.
Final Insight
The Pigeon as a totem, power, or spirit guide teaches that wisdom often resides in the everyday world. It urges patience, persistence, and the ability to see messages in the seemingly mundane. If Pigeon has appeared in your life, it may be asking you to pay attention to subtle signs and find sacred meaning in daily experiences.

The Pigeon in Tarot and Qabalah
In the Tarot of Thoth and Western Hermetic Qabalah, the Pigeon aligns with themes of messenger energy, cyclical return, and the fusion of mundane and mystical realms. Below are key connections between the Pigeon as a spiritual force and its resonance in the Tarot and the Tree of Life.

Pigeon & Tarot Archetypes
Several Tarot cards embody the essence of the Pigeon, particularly in relation to its symbolism of communication, guidance, devotion, and spiritual homecoming.
1. The High Priestess (Gimel - The Moon - Yesod)
- Pigeons are often linked to the moon due to their homing ability, which reflects an intuitive, almost mystical navigation skill.
- The High Priestess, associated with Gimel (the Camel, traversing vast inner landscapes), mirrors the Pigeon’s ability to guide the soul through the liminal spaces between the seen and unseen worlds.
- In Yesod, the astral foundation, pigeons reflect the flow of dreams, symbols, and messages from higher realms into waking consciousness.
2. The Lovers (Zain - Gemini - Mercury)
- Pigeons symbolize pair bonding and devotion, much like the twin souls depicted in The Lovers card.
- Mercury, the planetary ruler of Gemini, is the divine messenger, emphasizing the Pigeon as a carrier of sacred messages and the integration of opposites.
3. The Chariot (Cheth - Cancer - Divine Protection)
- The Chariot represents disciplined movement and protection, which reflects the Pigeon’s ability to return home over vast distances.
- This card also embodies spiritual guidance—as the Charioteer moves forward, so too does the Pigeon act as a celestial navigator.
4. The Star (Heh - Aquarius - Hope & Guidance)
- Pigeons, much like doves, are symbols of hope and divine reassurance.
- The Star offers a guiding light, akin to the Pigeon’s internal compass leading it back to safety.

The Pigeon & The Tree of Life
In the Qabalistic Tree of Life, the Pigeon’s characteristics align with multiple Sephiroth:
1. Yesod (The Foundation - Moon - Subconscious Messaging)
- Yesod governs the realm of dreams, intuition, and spiritual messages—a perfect resonance with the Pigeon as a divine courier.
- Pigeons remind us to trust the unseen navigation system within, just as Yesod is the bridge between the divine and the manifest.
2. Tiphareth (Beauty - Sun - Spiritual Centering)
- Just as Pigeons return home, Tiphareth represents the point of return—the harmony and center of the soul’s journey.
- The Sun, like the Pigeon’s homing instinct, acts as a guide that draws us back to inner truth.
3. Malkuth (Kingdom - Manifestation)
- Unlike eagles or hawks, which are often seen as spiritual messengers from on high, pigeons remain close to the earth, integrating higher wisdom into daily life.
- Malkuth, the physical world, needs messengers like the Pigeon to bridge spiritual wisdom with practical existence.
Pigeon as a Guide in Ritual & Magick
If you seek the guidance of the Pigeon within Tarot, Qabalah, or ritual practice, consider the following:
- Tarot Meditation – Meditate with the High Priestess or the Lovers card to tap into the Pigeon’s message-bearing qualities.
- Moon Rituals – Since pigeons align with lunar energies, they are excellent allies in workings for dream recall, divination, or spiritual guidance.
- Sigil or Pathworking – If calling on the Pigeon as a spirit guide, visualize a glowing silver pigeon flying between Yesod and Tiphareth, bringing messages between subconscious intuition and conscious understanding.
- Altar Offerings – Light blue or white candles and use seeds or small grains as offerings when working with Pigeon energy for guidance.
- Automatic Writing or Scrying – Invoke the Pigeon as a divine messenger when attempting to receive spiritual messages.
Final Thought
The Pigeon in Tarot and Qabalah represents the sacred return—whether that is a return to the inner self, a spiritual truth, or divine wisdom. It reminds us that even amidst the chaos of the material world, the divine speaks in whispers, signs, and synchronicities. If the Pigeon appears to you, consider what messages are being delivered and how you are meant to integrate them into your spiritual path.

In the Western Hermetic Qabalah, the 10 of Swords card is assigned the Sun in the house of Gemini.
In astrology, when the Sun is in the house of Gemini, it brings specific characteristics and influences on an individual's birth chart. The house placement of the Sun represents the area of life where a person is likely to express their core identity and experience significant vitality. Here are some characteristics associated with the Sun in the house of Gemini:
Intellectual Curiosity: Gemini is ruled by Mercury, emphasizing mental agility and curiosity. When the Sun is in Gemini, there is a strong focus on intellectual pursuits, communication, and a thirst for knowledge.
Versatility and Adaptability: Geminis are known for their versatility and ability to adapt to different situations. The Sun in Gemini suggests a person who is flexible, open-minded, and enjoys variety in life.
Communication Skills: With Gemini being an air sign, communication is a key theme. Individuals with the Sun in Gemini may excel in written and spoken communication. They are likely to be articulate, witty, and enjoy engaging in conversations with others.
Social Interaction: Geminis are social beings, and the Sun in this sign indicates a person who thrives in social settings. Networking, making connections, and building relationships are important aspects of their identity expression.
Restlessness and Changeability: Geminis can be restless and easily bored. The Sun in Gemini may contribute to a person who seeks constant mental stimulation and variety. Changeability is a hallmark trait, and they may be drawn to diverse experiences.
Youthful Energy: Gemini is associated with a youthful and playful energy. Individuals with the Sun in this sign often retain a sense of youthful curiosity and may approach life with a light-hearted and optimistic attitude.
It's important to note that the overall interpretation of the Sun's placement in a specific house is influenced by the entire birth chart. The aspects the Sun forms with other planets and the overall astrological context play a significant role in shaping an individual's personality and life path.

Rider-Waite-Smith- 10 of Swords-Ruin

Fairy Tarot-Ten of Winter
Since, by focusing our thoughts, we have the capacity to improve or putrefy our life-motion, we should pay attention to our "psychosomatic" universe of Spirit-Mind- Body. Such as the use of Tarot to communicate with your high forces of mind, for ethically this is no less moral than resigning a position when one sees what a work is- related disaster on the horizon. What moral is broken, when one is told by the cards," that if you walk in the street, you will be struck by a motor vehicle", and that person now chooses to walk on the sidewalk instead?

Tarot is the Soul's alphabet (Aleph-Beth) and learning its language construction helps us make focused choices. We should use the capacities we are given, as we are not Slaves of any fate outside of our own making. You are not a product of any society; you are the image produced by the Solar Self to represent it on Earth.

So, when the 10 of Swords is in a reading, there could also be a warning that our thoughts are ill, and they will soon impact the body as "illness". The word "Psycho" means exhibiting unstable and aggressive behavior and the word "Soma" is a medical term for the body. Hence, psychosomatic behavior is an emotional/mental effect on the body. The inner world of Mind creates the outer world of body. Therefore, it is time to change your perspective on Self and thereby, change your fate.
However, this freedom to control our fate requires us to "Above all things, know thyself", and to be an Active Personality of Spirit, rather than a Reactive Personality of a false ego made by indoctrinated or environmental and body fears. A reactionary presence that is controlled by peers, or cultural definitions, creates our destiny as that of Ruin, as our performance is always "after the facts" and much too late to change the effect that has caused our pain.

Therefore, the 10 of Swords implies that the Horse is already out of the barn, and closing the door (repressing the thought/emotion) is a band-aid, not a solution. Something that our governments are slow to learn.
It's best to focus on what you are thinking, pay attention! For your thoughts create no other persons, nor their definition, as Your thoughts are the operating fulcrum of your Life-Motion as they create your fate ("live by the sword, die by the sword")!

As scientists and engineers know, for a fulcrum to operate efficiently, a rigid base is a necessity. Thus, a "personality", which is a mechanism of the ego, that is formed on fears, becomes a personal mental Fulcrum which is supported by dysfunctional energy in motion (emotion) and therefore, must devote most of its energy trying to hammer out a permanent way of movement (overcome negative thought) while trying to overcome the counter motion of a "wobbling base" that is produced by an uncertainty of Self, making the outcome for proper body-performance, bleak indeed. This is the message of Wisdom from the Rider-Waite-Smith 10 of Swords and the Animal Totem -Tarot 10 of Swords.
Again, I cannot overstate the necessity for "Above all things, know thyself"! Each of us must understand that by thinking ill of ourselves or of another, we only supply our body with ill thoughts that confuse our performance and ruin our fated life!

"The Pigeon's Flight" 5 Card Tarot Spread
A 5-card spread inspired by the Pigeon’s symbolism of messages, devotion, homecoming, and guidance in Tarot and Qabalah.
Purpose of the Spread
- To receive a spiritual message from the unseen realms.
- To find direction in a current situation.
- To reconnect with your inner home (spiritual center).
- To uncover guidance from your higher self or spirit guides.
Spread Layout
(5) The Homeward Path
(3) The Wind (Obstacle) (4) The Message (Guidance)
(2) The Flight (Current Path)
(1) The Nest (Where You Are)
Card Positions & Meanings
The Nest (Where You Are Now) –
Your current situation. This is your starting point, much like the place a pigeon takes off from. It reflects your foundation or emotional state.The Flight (Your Current Path) –
The energy you are moving through. This card represents the direction of your soul’s journey at this moment. Are you aligned with your highest purpose? Or are you flying in circles?The Wind (Obstacle or Challenge) –
The unseen force influencing you. Just as a pigeon must navigate the winds, this card reveals the resistance or challenge affecting your spiritual progress.The Message (Spiritual Guidance) –
The divine message being sent to you. This is the insight you need to receive, much like a pigeon carrying a scroll from the spiritual realms.The Homeward Path (Your Destination/Next Step) –
The action or mindset that will bring you back to your spiritual center. This card represents where your soul is trying to lead you.
How to Use This Spread
- Shuffle the cards while focusing on a question or situation where you need guidance.
- Lay them out in the shape of the spread.
- Reflect on how the message from card 4 informs the rest of the spread.
- Consider whether you are following the right flight path (card 2) or if obstacles (card 3) are causing delays.
Example Interpretation
Suppose you pull these cards:
- The Nest (Where You Are) – Four of Cups → Feeling emotionally stagnant, ignoring spiritual signs.
- The Flight (Your Current Path) – The Moon → Moving through uncertainty, but intuition is leading you.
- The Wind (Obstacle/Challenge) – Five of Swords → Mental conflict or self-sabotage is clouding your path.
- The Message (Spiritual Guidance) – The High Priestess → Trust your intuition; the answer is already within you.
- The Homeward Path (Next Step) – The Star → Have hope! Align with your higher self and trust divine timing.
Message Interpretation: You are currently in a state of doubt (Four of Cups) but are being guided through the unseen forces of The Moon. The challenge is self-doubt (Five of Swords), but The High Priestess urges you to trust your inner wisdom. The Star reassures you that clarity and healing are on the horizon.
Closing Thoughts
This spread can be used as a regular check-in with your higher self—like a pigeon returning to the nest with sacred insight. If you feel called, you could pair this with automatic writing or a dream journal to deepen the messages received.
When the Rider-Waite-Smith and the Animal Totem Tarot-Ten of Swords is thrown during a Divination, it may imply that:
- A new birth of hope born out of desolation, pain and /or disaster.
- Mental ending.
- There is no choice but to let go and move on mentally.
- Feeling pinned down or stabbed in the back.
- The struggle has ended, and the ego has no choice but to let go.
- Ending of problems as a definite end of a condition will occur in a short while.
If ill defined by surrounding cards or reversed, it implies:
- Arbitrary end.
- Catastrophe.
- Violence.
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