The Tarot of Eli 2, LLC: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot- Ten of Swords & The Tarot of Sacred Kingdoms- 10 of Swords.

Western Hermetic Qabalah, Tantric, Alchemical, Astrological, and Numerical Traditional Tarot Card Comparisons.

· Sacred Kingdoms and RWS

Above all things, know thyself.

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Radiant: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot- Ten of Swords

The Rider-Waite-Smith Ten of Swords concentrates imagery on the mundane meaning of the TEN OF SWORDS that is ruin, death, failure, and disaster. There is obvious an identity death by back-stabbing shown with the ten swords sticking out of the individuals back. Since this card is in MALKUTH (Earth), the 10th Sephiroth on the Tree of Life, it is more of a death card than Key 13-DEATH, of the Major Arcana. DEATH, key 13, is more of a situational death, a transformation of personality, whereas the 10 of Swords, is a "personal disaster" waiting to happen.

When and if this card shows up in the "house and Home" or "Beneath you" position in a Celtic Cross reading, get a thorough physical checkup from your doctor and focus on your physical and mental health. You may just need a "personality tune-up" but take no chances for its time to pay attention to your life-motion and how you perceive the world as perception becomes your life direction. As spirit, you are an infinite Life Force who builds Lifetimes. Hence, Lifetimes are a measured motion and have a beginning and an end.

However, fear not as 10's are notoriously short lived, as they are the end of a cycle, and soon a new cycle begins. So, a 10 of Swords card, can also mean, the pain you are going through now is on the mend, especially if you are recovering from a physical or mental injury, where your movement has suffered a "ruin", but by focused perspective, you are aiding your recovery. A 10 is 1+ 0=1, which is the number of Kether, on the Tree of Life. Thus, a cycle of the Tree ends, and a new one "down the Tree" begins.

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The Tarot of Sacred Kingdoms- 10 of Swords.

The Tarot of Sacred Kingdoms- 10 of Swords depicts a person who has reached an end to her journey. She has reached rock bottom which is shown as being on the ocean floor. Sure, endings can be sad, painful, and transformative but they are also a relief. Although you may be feeling overwhelmed, this card suggests it is time to set new goals for yourself. It is time for a fresh beginning by focusing on the future and not the past.

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Traditionally the 10 of Swords card is assigned the sun in the house of Gemini.

In astrology, when the Sun is in the house of Gemini, it brings specific characteristics and influences on an individual's birth chart. The house placement of the Sun represents the area of life where a person is likely to express their core identity and experience significant vitality. Here are some characteristics associated with the Sun in the house of Gemini:

  1. Intellectual Curiosity: Gemini is ruled by Mercury, emphasizing mental agility and curiosity. When the Sun is in Gemini, there is a strong focus on intellectual pursuits, communication, and a thirst for knowledge.

  2. Versatility and Adaptability: Geminis are known for their versatility and ability to adapt to different situations. The Sun in Gemini suggests a person who is flexible, open-minded, and enjoys variety in life.

  3. Communication Skills: With Gemini being an air sign, communication is a key theme. Individuals with the Sun in Gemini may excel in written and spoken communication. They are likely to be articulate, witty, and enjoy engaging in conversations with others.

  4. Social Interaction: Geminis are social beings, and the Sun in this sign indicates a person who thrives in social settings. Networking, making connections, and building relationships are important aspects of their identity expression.

  5. Restlessness and Changeability: Geminis can be restless and easily bored. The Sun in Gemini may contribute to a person who seeks constant mental stimulation and variety. Changeability is a hallmark trait, and they may be drawn to diverse experiences.

  6. Youthful Energy: Gemini is associated with a youthful and playful energy. Individuals with the Sun in this sign often retain a sense of youthful curiosity and may approach life with a light-hearted and optimistic attitude.

It's important to note that the overall interpretation of the Sun's placement in a specific house is influenced by the entire birth chart. The aspects the Sun forms with other planets and the overall astrological context play a significant role in shaping an individual's personality and life path.

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Rider-Waite-Smith- 10 of Swords-Ruin

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The Tarot of Sacred Kingdoms-10 of Swords

Since, by focusing our thoughts, we have the capacity to improve or putrefy our life-motion, we should pay attention to our "psychosomatic" universe of Spirit-Mind- Body. Such as the use of Tarot to communicate with your high forces of mind, as this shows you where you are at on the map of life. Therefore, you can adjust your life-motion accordingly. Mapping out a direction before the trip is not only a sign of intelligence, but it also keeps one from losing direction. I like to think of the Major Arcana as the whole map, while the Minor Arcana are the terrain features of our journey. Therefore, by reading a tarot layout you can see the whole journey and avoid the terrain features that may cause you trouble.

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So, when the 10 of Swords is in a reading, there could also be a warning that our thoughts are ill, and they will soon impact the body as "illness" and/or a mental direction we don't want to go that is full of emotional and mental pitfalls.

The word "Psycho" means exhibiting unstable and aggressive behavior and the word "Soma" is a medical term for the body. Hence, psychosomatic behavior is an emotional/mental effect on the body that we often call a "life-motion". The inner world of Mind creates the outer world of body. Therefore, it is time to change your perspective on Self and thereby, change your fate. We are Whole-Self (wholly Self) as Spirit-Mind-Body which are three states of Will. Spirit is "I Will Be", Mind is "Will-to -Form" (imagination) and the body is " Will-to-Force"... conscious Life motion.

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However, this freedom to control our fate requires us to "Above all things, know thyself", and to be an Active Personality of Spirit, rather than a Reactive Personality of a false ego made by indoctrinated egregore or environmental and body fears. A reactionary presence that is controlled by peers, or cultural definitions, creates our destiny as that of Ruin, as our performance is always "after the facts" and much too late to change the effect that has caused our pain.

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Therefore, the 10 of Swords implies, the Horse is already out of the barn, and closing the door (repressing the thought/emotion) is a band-aid, not a solution. Something that our governments are slow to learn.

Therefore, it's best to focus on what you are thinking, pay attention! For your emoted thoughts create no other persons, nor their definition as Your emotion applied to thoughts creates a "will-to-force" which becomes the operating fulcrum of your Life-Motion. Hence, they create your fate!

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As scientists and engineers know, for a fulcrum to operate efficiently, a rigid base is a necessity. Thus, a "personality", which is a mechanism of the false ego, that is formed on fears, becomes a personal mental Fulcrum which is supported by dysfunctional energy in motion (emotion) and therefore, must devote most of its energy trying to hammer out a permanent way of movement (overcome negative thought) while trying to overcome the counter motion of a "wobbling base" that is produced by an uncertainty of Self, making the outcome for proper body-performance, bleak indeed. This is the message of the Rider-Waite-Smith 10 of Swords and the Tarot of Sacred Kingdoms 10 of Swords.

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Again, I cannot overstate the necessity for "Above all things, know thyself"! Each of us must understand that by thinking ill of ourselves or of another, we only supply our body with ill thoughts that confuse our performance and ruin our fated life!

When reading Tarot cards, one must also consider the Astrological assignations and the numerical assignations as they supply more dimensional depth to the "path map".

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Comparing the meanings of the number 10 in numerology and gematria reveals both similarities and distinctions that reflect the unique perspectives of each system. Here’s a side-by-side comparison of the key characteristics:

1. Symbolism of Completion and Perfection

  • Numerology: In numerology, the number 10 is often seen as a number of completion and wholeness, representing a full cycle or the end of a phase. It combines the independence and initiation of the number 1 with the unlimited potential and connection of the number 0, signifying a point of transition or transformation into a new beginning.
  • Gematria: In gematria, the number 10 similarly represents completion and perfection, especially divine order and structure. It symbolizes the totality of creation and manifestation, as seen in its connection with the Ten Sephiroth on the Tree of Life.

2. Potential and New Beginnings

  • Numerology: The 10 carries the energy of both the number 1 (new beginnings, leadership) and the 0 (the infinite, the void, spiritual potential). It indicates the ability to bring ideas into reality, using the force of will and divine connection to manifest outcomes. There’s a sense of rebirth, moving from the old to the new.
  • Gematria: In gematria, the number 10, through the letter Yod (י), symbolizes the point of origin from which creation begins. It is the divine spark, representing potential and the seed of all things. Yod is seen as the smallest, simplest form, yet holds the potential for vast growth and creation.

3. Connection to Divinity

  • Numerology: The number 10 can be seen as a number that connects the earthly and the divine, blending the material world (1) with spiritual infinity (0). This speaks to the idea of harmonizing spiritual and physical realms to achieve enlightenment or fulfillment.
  • Gematria: In gematria, the number 10 is closely tied to divine concepts, particularly through the Tetragrammaton (YHVH), where Yod (10) represents the first letter of God's sacred name. It also reflects divine order through the Ten Commandments and the Ten Sefirot, placing the number in direct relation to God’s interaction with creation.

4. Structure and Foundation

  • Numerology: In numerology, 10 suggests laying strong foundations for future growth. It can signify a point of self-mastery or achieving personal goals, with the number 0 amplifying the energies of the 1. This reflects both independence and connection to a higher purpose.
  • Gematria: In gematria, the number 10 is foundational in its relationship to the Tree of Life, where the Ten Sefirot form the framework of creation and reality. Each Sefirah represents an aspect of existence or divine will, and together, they form a complete structure.

5. Dual Nature of Power

  • Numerology: The number 10 in numerology can reflect both personal power (1) and universal potential (0). It holds the duality of independence and divine guidance, suggesting mastery over both material and spiritual realms.
  • Gematria: In gematria, Yod (10) is both the smallest and most fundamental letter, showing that even the smallest amount of divine energy or intervention can have a profound impact. It reflects the idea that great power often emerges from humble beginnings.

6. Cycles and Rebirth

  • Numerology: The number 10 marks the completion of one cycle and the beginning of another, symbolizing continuous growth and evolution. It often indicates reaching a peak and preparing for a new start.
  • Gematria: While gematria doesn’t emphasize cycles in the same way, the concept of creation and manifestation is central. The number 10 represents both the spark of creation and its complete manifestation, which can be seen as a cyclical process in the unfolding of the universe.

Summary of Comparison:

AspectNumerology (10)Gematria (10)
Completion & PerfectionEnd of a cycle, transition to a new phaseDivine order, creation, and manifestation
Potential & New BeginningsRebirth, power to manifest goalsYod (point of creation), divine potential
Connection to DivinityHarmony of physical and spiritual realmsDivine name (YHVH), Ten Sephiroth, Ten Commandments
Structure & FoundationPersonal mastery, strong foundationsTree of Life, framework of existence
Duality of PowerIndependence (1) + Infinite Potential (0)Yod: smallest but holds immense divine power
Cycles & RebirthEnding one phase, beginning anotherUnfolding of divine creation, potential manifesting

Both numerology and gematria see the number 10 as a powerful symbol of completion, potential, and divine connection, but numerology emphasizes personal transformation and the interaction between the material and spiritual, while gematria focuses on divine order, creation, and the role of the divine in shaping reality.

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The Qabalistic Tree of Life-10 Sephiroth

When the 10 of Swords is thrown during a Divination, it implies that:

  • A new birth of hope born out of desolation, pain and /or disaster.
  • Mental ending. 
  • There is no choice but to let go and move on mentally.
  • Feeling pinned down or stabbed in the back.
  • The struggle has ended, and the ego has no choice but to let go.
  • Ending of problems as a definite end of a condition will occur in a short while. 

If ill defined by surrounding cards or reversed, it implies:

  • Arbitrary end.
  • Catastrophe.
  • Violence.
  • Back-stabbing.

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