The Tarot of Eli 2, LLC: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot- Ten of Wands & The Tarot of Sacred Kingdoms- 10 of Wands.

Western Hermetic Qabalah, Tantric, Alchemical, Astrological, and Numerical Traditional Tarot Card Comparisons.

· Rider-waite-smith and Sacred Kingdoms

Above all things, Know thyself!

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Radiant: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot- Ten of Wands

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The Tarot of Sacred Kingdoms- 10 of Wands

The Rider-Waite- Smith Tarot- Ten of Wands depicts a person oppressed by the weight of the ten wands/staves that they attempt to carry. The image seems simple enough. However, this is a card of many significant opposing meanings making some of the readings hard to harmonize. Simply put, it is oppression, but also fortune, gain, and can be any kind of success achieved of these concepts as we must oppress our creativity to focus on one goal.

The fertile Staves or Wands represent the energy that produces these things, which is shown in the Tarot of Sacred Kingdoms 10 of Wands. However, it is also a card of illusion, disguise, and perfidy. There is often a great burden imposed on one by possessions; where one thinks they own them, but they are really owned by them.

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The Tarot of Sacred Kingdoms- 10 of Wands

The Tarot of Sacred Kingdoms- 10 of Wands depicts a black smith hard at work. This card concentrates on the burden of hard work and responsibility. Here you have either taken on too much or have been carrying a very heavy burden of responsibility for a long time. Time to delegate tasks or seek assistance from others.

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It's okay to ask for assistance.

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Again, a very mundane version of the most complex Western Hermetic Qabalistic Tree of Life Sephiroth-Malkuth (the simplest being Kether). On the Tree of Life, the number 10 refers to Malkuth-the Earth, and it is the most crystallized/coagulated form of the alchemical element Fire. This is Fire (male) in its lowest form (called "crystalized light"), so it is without a guiding intelligence; thus, it is in its most destructive form of materialism. It is up to us to give this powerful force guidance, as it is the groundwork of all Passions, lust, and desires, which have been known to "run-a-muck" in the survival mind of the subconscious.

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The 10's show fixed and completed force. This is similar to the 9's of Tarot, in which a matter is thoroughly and determined, instead the Tens ultimate it and carry it out, ending a cycle. Hence, the cycle of oppression is coming to an end.

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In gematria, the number 10 carries significant symbolic meanings, both in traditional Jewish mysticism and in broader esoteric traditions. Here's an overview of its characteristics:

Jewish Gematria

  1. Divine Order and Completion:

    • The number 10 is associated with completeness and perfection, representing the full range of human experience and divine order. This is evident in the Ten Commandments, which encapsulate the moral and spiritual laws.
  2. Sefirot/Sephiroth:

    • In the Kabbalistic/Qabalistic Tree of Life, there are ten Sefirot/Sephiroth (emanations), each representing different aspects of the divine and the creation. These Sefirot/Sephiroth form a structure that maps out the path from the divine to the material world.

Western Esotericism

  1. Tarot:

    • The tenth card in the Major Arcana is the Wheel of Fortune, symbolizing the cyclical nature of life, fate, and destiny. It reflects the concept of change and the wheel of karma.
  2. Numerology:

    • In numerology, 10 is reduced to 1 (1 + 0), which is often associated with new beginnings, leadership, and potential. However, as 10, it retains the essence of completion and the return to the beginning.


  1. Unity and Duality:

    • The number 10 embodies both unity and duality. It starts with 1, representing unity and the divine, and ends with 0, representing potential and the infinite. Together, they symbolize the unity of creation and the return to the source.
  2. Pythagorean Perspective:

    • Pythagoreans regarded 10 (the Tetractys) as the perfect number, representing the sum of the first four numbers (1+2+3+4=10). This sum signifies harmony and the foundational structure of the universe.

Cultural and Historical References

  1. Ten Plagues:

    • In the biblical narrative, the ten plagues of Egypt symbolize divine intervention and judgment, leading to the liberation of the Israelites.
  2. Ten Days of Repentance:

    • In Judaism, the ten days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are a time for repentance and reflection, emphasizing the importance of spiritual purification.


The number 10 in gematria is rich with meanings, symbolizing completeness, divine order, and the unity of creation. Its characteristics span various esoteric traditions, reflecting both the end of a cycle and the beginning of a new one.


During a reading, if the 10 OF WANDS is thrown for the querent, it is implied that:

  • They must stop their present self-repression and create a new motion; or if it shows in the reading that someone or something is responsible for the querent's oppression, the querent must leave, and change.
  •  There is an overbearing strength being placed on the personality that will make it fight for its survival, precipitating revenge, and injustice in the process.
  •  Will applied to control over others for selfish and material ends.
  • Generosity, self-sacrifice and often disinterest. But caution must be applied once again, as often self-sacrifice becomes Altruism, which is another form of Superiority, Control, and Martyrdom, which become oppression in their own rite. 
  • Being weighed down by too many responsibilities. 
  • If the 10 of Wands is reversed, it suggests:
  •  Ill will, lying, malice, slander, envy, obstinacy, swiftness in evil.
  •  Violence as a form of sexuality.
  • Defensiveness and irritability resulting when a plan is badly organized or diffused. 
  • Health problems caused by too much pressure.

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