Above all things, know thyself.

Radiant: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot-Three of Cups
The Rider-Waite- Smith-THREE OF CUPS illustrates the THREE Dancing GRACES, an image popularized during the Renaissance. Again, more of a traditional representation than the Thoth Deck or more modern renditions of Tarot; However, the Rider-Waite-Smit Tarot Cards are faithful to the meaning of the Four Threes of Tarot, as they mean the realization of an action in the suit they represent. The Action on the RWS Tarot- 3 of Cups is shown as dancing in a circle implying the spiraling energy of Spirit.
On this card, the three maidens are shown dancing with cups uplifted in a fertile cornucopia style of garden. They are pledged to one another. The Three of Cups, of Tarot, represent the conclusion of any matter in plenty, perfection, and merriment. Also, a secure fertile environment.


The Animal Totem Tarot - 3 of Cups
The Animal Totem Tarot- 3 of Cups shows 3 Puffins as Maid-Mother-Crone having fun perching on three decorative cups. The Puffin is often referred to as the friar bird, due to the fact they resemble the clothing colors of friars. In this manner they are connected to spiritual practices and/or the actions of prayer. Their action of standing on a cliff side with their talons gripping the stone and with heads bowed towards the sea also resembles prayer and/or meditation. But all is not meditation or prayer with the Puffin clan as they love to party!
Therefore, the Puffin's also engage in a spiritual practice called Fun!

The message of this card is that when the world around you plays beautiful harmony, dance and celebrate with all your loved ones! Take a break! Give yourself time to play and notice the beauty and harmony all around you.

The Puffin is a fascinating and symbolic bird whose attributes as a totem animal, power animal, and spiritual guide reflect its unique traits and behaviors. Below are insights into the Puffin's spiritual and symbolic meanings:
Puffin as a Totem Animal
A totem animal represents your inherent traits and core life lessons. If the Puffin is your totem, it signifies:
Adaptability and Versatility
Puffins are masters of land, sea, and air. As a totem, they symbolize your ability to adapt to various environments and thrive under different circumstances.Partnership and Loyalty
Puffins are monogamous and form long-lasting bonds with their mates. They represent commitment, fidelity, and the strength of partnerships in your life.Resourcefulness
Puffins are skilled hunters and problem-solvers. As a totem animal, they encourage you to use your ingenuity to overcome challenges.Balancing Work and Play
Puffins exude a playful energy while also working diligently to survive. They teach the importance of balancing fun and responsibility in life.
Puffin as a Power Animal
A power animal embodies the energy you can call upon in times of need. When the Puffin appears as your power animal, it offers:
Navigational Wisdom
Puffins are remarkable travelers, often navigating vast distances over open water. They can guide you through uncharted territories in your life, providing clarity and direction.Resilience and Perseverance
Puffins brave harsh environments and tumultuous seas. Their energy fortifies you to withstand life's storms and emerge stronger.Unity and Cooperation
Puffins live in colonies, working collectively for survival. Their energy fosters teamwork and harmonious relationships in your endeavors.Celebration of Individuality
With their colorful beaks and distinctive appearance, Puffins encourage you to embrace and celebrate your unique qualities.
Puffin as a Spiritual Guide
A spiritual guide offers higher wisdom and insights into your soul’s journey. When the Puffin comes to you as a spiritual guide, it may be to impart lessons such as:
Exploration of Inner Depths
Puffins dive deep into the ocean to find sustenance. As a spiritual guide, they inspire you to explore your inner depths and uncover hidden truths.Harmony in Dualities
Puffins effortlessly balance dualities—land and sea, work and play, individuality and community. They guide you to find equilibrium in contrasting aspects of your life.Courage to Embrace the Unknown
Puffins venture into unknown waters with confidence. Spiritually, they remind you to trust the journey and have faith in your ability to navigate uncertainty.Renewal and Transformation
Puffins shed their vibrant beaks after the breeding season, symbolizing cycles of renewal and transformation. They encourage you to let go of the old and embrace change.
Messages from the Puffin
When the Puffin appears in your life, its presence often conveys messages such as:
- "Be playful, but stay grounded."
- "Trust your instincts and navigate life's challenges with ease."
- "Foster meaningful connections and nurture your relationships."
- "Celebrate your uniqueness while contributing to the community."
The Puffin’s energy is a blend of joy, resilience, and wisdom, making it a powerful guide for those seeking balance, adaptability, and deeper self-discovery.

In gematria (Qabalistic numerology), the number 3 holds significant characteristics and symbolic meanings across various traditions, particularly in Jewish mysticism, numerology, and Western esoteric practices. Here are some of the key characteristics and symbolic attributes of the number 3:
Balance and Harmony:
- The number 3 often represents balance and harmony, as it is seen as the synthesis of dualities. In many mystical traditions, it represents the unification of opposites, forming a harmonious whole.
Divine Completeness:
- In Jewish mysticism, the number 3 is considered to signify completeness and perfection, often associated with the divine. It symbolizes the threefold nature of divinity, such as the three patriarchs (Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob) in the Hebrew Bible.
Creativity and Expression:
- The number 3 is frequently linked to creativity, self-expression, and communication. It embodies the principle of growth and expansion, encouraging artistic and communicative endeavors.
Spiritual Awareness:
- In Western esoteric traditions, the number 3 is associated with spiritual awareness and the unfolding of spiritual consciousness. It is often seen as a symbol of the spiritual journey, representing stages of development and enlightenment.
Triads and Trinities:
- The concept of triads or trinities is central to the symbolism of the number 3. This can be seen in various religious and philosophical contexts, such as the Christian Holy Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), the Hindu Trimurti (Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva), and the three gunas (sattva, rajas, tamas) in Hindu philosophy and the Maid-Mother-Crone Trinity goddess of Western magick.
Manifestation and Realization:
- The number 3 is associated with the process of manifestation and realization. In many mystical traditions, it represents the transition from potential to actual, embodying the principle of bringing ideas or spiritual concepts into tangible form.
Numerical and Alphabetic Representation:
- In Hebrew gematria, the number 3 is represented by the letter Gimel (ג). This letter is often associated with the concepts of kindness and nourishment, as well as the idea of movement and progression.
Symbolic Figures:
- The number 3 is often seen in symbolic figures and sacred geometry, such as the triangle. The triangle is a potent symbol representing stability, strength, and the connection between the physical and spiritual realms.
By understanding these characteristics, one can gain deeper insights into the symbolic and mystical significance of the number 3 in various esoteric traditions.

Tree of Life.
This card also represents the Material establishment of the Universe as determined by its basic form of 3 as based on the Trinity of the Qabalistic Supernal Triangle of Kether-Chokmah-Binah and the fact that 3 points make a plane and that the Creatrix is a Trinity goddess of Maid-Mother-and Crone.

Maid (Spring)-Mother (Summer) and Crone (Autumn and Winter).
The concept of the Maid-Mother-Crone, also known as the Triple Goddess or Trinity Goddess, is a prominent archetype in various pagan and neo-pagan traditions, particularly within Wicca and other forms of modern witchcraft. The Suit of Cups represents the feminine as an archetype that embodies three distinct aspects of the feminine divine, each representing different stages of a woman's life as well as different phases of the lunar cycle. Here’s a detailed explanation of each aspect:
Maiden (Maid):
- Youth and Beginnings: The Maiden symbolizes youth, purity, and new beginnings. She is often associated with the waxing moon, representing growth, expansion, and the start of new ventures.
- Innocence and Potential: This aspect of the Triple Goddess embodies innocence, potential, and the excitement of youth. She is a symbol of untapped possibilities and the promise of the future.
- Associated Deities: Goddesses that represent the Maiden aspect include Persephone, Artemis, and Brigid.
- Maturity and Fertility: The Mother represents maturity, fertility, nurturing, and the fullness of life. She is associated with the full moon, symbolizing peak power, creativity, and abundance.
- Nurturing and Protection: This aspect embodies the nurturing, protective, and life-giving qualities of motherhood. She is the creator, the sustainer of life, and the caretaker.
- Associated Deities: Goddesses that represent the Mother aspect include Demeter, Isis, and Gaia.
- Wisdom and Transformation: The Crone symbolizes wisdom, transformation, and the ending of cycles. She is associated with the waning moon, representing decline, introspection, and the passage into death and rebirth.
- Experience and Insight: This aspect embodies the qualities of experience, deep knowledge, and the guidance that comes from having lived a full life. She is often seen as a guide through the dark times and a source of profound spiritual insight.
- Associated Deities: Goddesses that represent the Crone aspect include Hecate, Cerridwen, and Baba Yaga.
Symbolism and Significance
- Lunar Phases: The Triple Goddess is closely linked to the phases of the moon. The waxing moon (Maiden), full moon (Mother), and waning moon (Crone) symbolize the cyclical nature of life and the eternal process of growth, fulfillment, and decline.
- Life Cycle: The Maid-Mother-Crone archetype mirrors the natural life cycle of a woman, encompassing her journey from youth to maturity and finally to old age. This reflects the broader cycles of birth, life, death, and rebirth in nature.
- Empowerment and Balance: By embracing all three aspects, the Triple Goddess provides a model for the wholeness and balance of the feminine psyche. Each aspect offers unique strengths and wisdom, encouraging women to honor all stages of their lives.
- Ritual and Worship: In many neo-pagan traditions, rituals and worship practices often focus on invoking the Triple Goddess to seek guidance, blessings, and support. Each aspect may be called upon for different purposes, such as invoking the Maiden for new beginnings, the Mother for nurturing and protection, and the Crone for wisdom and transformation.
The Triple Goddess serves as a powerful symbol of the divine feminine, celebrating the diversity and richness of women's experiences and the natural world’s cycles.

For those interested in finding their Totem, Spirit guide, and/or power animal:
.There are various rituals and practices used to identify one's totem animal, power animal, or animal spirit guide. These rituals often draw from indigenous traditions, shamanism, and personal spirituality. Below is a detailed guide to such practices:
1. Meditation Ritual
Meditation is one of the most effective ways to connect with your spiritual animal.
- Preparation: Choose a quiet, comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed. Light candles, burn incense, or play soft drumming music to create a sacred atmosphere.
- Set an Intention: Close your eyes and state your intention. For example, “I seek to meet my spirit animal who guides and protects me.”
- Visualize: Imagine yourself in a natural setting, such as a forest, ocean, or mountain. Envision this place in detail, focusing on the sights, sounds, and smells.
- Call Out: Mentally or aloud, invite your spirit animal to reveal itself to you. Be patient and remain open to any images, sensations, or feelings that arise.
- Observe: Pay attention to any animal that appears. It might be in physical form, a symbol, or even through a thought or emotion.
- Thank and Close: Thank the animal for its presence, even if it does not appear immediately. Close your meditation and journal your experience.
2. Dream Journey
Dreams are a powerful gateway to connect with spirit animals.
- Preparation: Before going to sleep, state your intention to meet your spirit animal. Write it down in a journal beside your bed.
- Symbolic Items: Place a representation of an animal, like a feather, bone, or image, under your pillow or on your nightstand to anchor the energy.
- Keep a Dream Journal: When you wake up, write down any animals you remember from your dream. Recurring animals or strong emotional connections in the dream may indicate your spirit animal.
3. Shamanic Journey
Shamanic drumming and journeying are traditional methods to find spirit animals.
- Drumming or Music: Use rhythmic drumming (4-7 beats per second) to enter a trance-like state. Many shamanic tracks are available online if you don't have a drum.
- Visualization: Imagine yourself traveling through the lower world (a common shamanic realm). Envision a path leading to a sacred space.
- Seek Guidance: Call out to your spirit animal as you journey. Be open to what appears, even if it is unexpected.
- Integration: When the journey ends, thank your guide and journal the experience. Reflect on the symbolism of the animal that appeared.
4. Nature Walk
Connecting with animals in their natural habitat can reveal your spirit animal.
- Set an Intention: Before your walk, ask the universe or your higher self to reveal your spirit animal.
- Be Observant: Notice the animals or animal signs (tracks, feathers, etc.) you encounter. Pay attention to any strong emotional responses or repeated encounters.
- Synchronicity: An unusual or persistent appearance of an animal may indicate its connection to you.
5. Divination
Use divination tools like Tarot, oracle cards, or pendulums to identify your spirit animal.
- Select a Deck: Choose a spirit animal oracle deck or a tarot deck.
- Ask a Question: Shuffle the cards while focusing on a question like, “What is my spirit animal?”
- Interpret the Card: Draw a card and reflect on its imagery and message. If using a pendulum, ask yes/no questions about specific animals.
6. Ceremonial Ritual
Create a sacred ceremony to honor and invite your spirit animal.
- Create an Altar: Set up a small altar with natural elements like stones, feathers, or water. Include symbols of animals.
- Invoke Guidance: Call upon your ancestors, spirit guides, or the universe to reveal your animal.
- Offerings: Make an offering, such as burning herbs (sage, cedar, or palo santo) or leaving food (nuts, seeds, or fruit) as a gesture of respect.
- Listen and Observe: Be attentive during and after the ceremony for signs, visions, or dreams.
7. Intuitive Writing
Writing can be a meditative practice to discover your spirit animal.
- Set the Scene: Light a candle and sit quietly with a pen and paper.
- Stream of Consciousness: Begin writing freely, asking, “Who is my spirit animal?” Allow whatever comes to flow onto the page without judgment.
- Interpret the Message: Reflect on what you’ve written and see if any animal themes or symbols emerge.
8. Seeking Guidance from a Practitioner
A trained shaman, energy worker, or metaphysical guide can help you identify your spirit animal.
- Research: Find a reputable practitioner skilled in spirit animal identification.
- Participate: Attend a spirit animal journey or workshop led by the practitioner.
- Reflection: Work with them to interpret any visions or insights during the session.
Signs and Confirmation
Once you’ve identified a potential spirit animal, look for confirmation in daily life:
- Repeated sightings of the animal or its imagery.
- A strong emotional or intuitive connection when you see it.
- Synchronistic appearances, such as hearing about the animal unexpectedly.
By using these rituals, you can forge a deeper connection with your spirit animal, totem animal, or power animal and integrate its wisdom into your life.
When the 3 of Cups is thrown during a reading, the querent will be experiencing:
- A 3 week, or 3-month period of plenty, hospitality, drinking, eating, pleasure, dancing, and merriment.
- New clothes are also a possibility, as in a new wardrobe.
- A surface of Love, Joy, gladness, kindness, and bounty.
- Passive success is seen as good luck and fortune.
- This is the Bacchanalian life of the cornucopia.... Have fun, but don't try and hold on to it, just let the twinkle of Joy in your "I" guide you into a new day of sensual experiences... Let the Spring be spring, the Summer be summer etc.
- An impending wedding.
- Pregnant or giving birth.
If Reversed:
- Expedition.
- Dispatch.
- Achievement.
- End.
- Circumstances have changed.
- What once was pleasure, has become pain.
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